Licensing costs don't really factor in to choosing specific movies. For example, whatever we license from WAAP, ORGA, etc. is all for the same price (per studio). It's not like one title is 'better' so we offer more. It would get too complicated. The last time I made a WAAP order a few months ago, I picked about a dozen titles that I feel would be popular. I based this off what I see posted here, reviews at DMM, etc.
You'll see updates start being a bit more mainstream (with some odd balls thrown in) from here on out. I'd recommend you just keep checking the future updates page ( which shows the next 30 days of updates.
TORG-032 is a great title. ORGA gives us the actual scripts so it makes subtitling their work a breeze. Next month we're showing a certain debt payback auction title of theirs.![]()
Good to hear that studios are willing to help you out like that.
The Nanako Mori ED scene looks great, though Nanako looks good in anything. The movie with Maki Hojo and Yuu Kawakami also looks like one to check out. If we see more like this, with top notch actresses, then I will be sure to sign up.
Problem is finding the time to actually watch JAV at the moment but I may become an irregular customer, as even though the per month rate is higher, I could not justify having a yearly account.
A quick question for you. Have you guys ever translated SDDM-143?

I saw it recently and i'm sure I saw it subbed before. Maybe it's just my imagination as it was a long time ago (going back more than a decade), but i'm sure there was a zenra release for this movie or something similar.
I was thinking of having at least the first scene translated, and may do the timings, so just want to make sure its not already been done.