[HUNTB-480] “There’s A Reason Why I’m Satisfying My Sister’s Libido.” Finally I Can’t Tell My Parents “I Can Just Insert A Little Bit”

I use Video Processor Converter by Digitary. It also does conversion of an MP4 file to a MP3 audio file (for Whisper) and it can also encode the sub (srt or ass file) into the video if wanted. It will also do a pretty good job of upconverting older video files.hie guys/girls, need some help here with ffmpeg, I am wondering if there is a code/ shortcut to batch convert a folder with maybe 20+ .TS file to change its container to MP4 without re-encoding?
You ask chatGPT and he does it for you in seconds:hie guys/girls, need some help here with ffmpeg, I am wondering if there is a code/ shortcut to batch convert a folder with maybe 20+ .TS file to change its container to MP4 without re-encoding?
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "ffmpeg_path=C:\path\to\ffmpeg.exe"
set "input_folder=C:\path\to\input\folder"
set "output_folder=C:\path\to\output\folder"
for %%F in ("%input_folder%\*.ts") do (
set "input_file=%%F"
set "output_file=!output_folder!\%%~nF.mp4"
"%ffmpeg_path%" -i "!input_file!" -c copy "!output_file!"
echo All .ts files converted to .mp4.
Probably so high it's irrelevant.hullo everyone, what is the file size limit of whisper?
Isn't there a limit of 25MB?Probably so high it's irrelevant.
Isn't there a limit of 25MB?
I loved the beginning where the narrative text says something like "this family has a unique feature" as the camera focuses on two eggs with big yolks frying in the pan. Only in JAV!RCT-804 Deca Chichiwa-ka Busty Wheel Harlem Incest
I found this sub awhile ago (machine translation I believe) for RCT-804. I attempted to clean it up a bit and re-interpreted some of the meaningless/ "lewd-less" dialog. Again, I don't understand Japanese or Chinese so my re-interpretations might not be totally accurate but I try to match what is happening in the scene. Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think.
Yep....she should have been taking buns out of the oven! lolI loved the beginning where the narrative text says something like "this family has a unique feature" as the camera focuses on two eggs with big yolks frying in the pan. Only in JAV!
Bro, have you done your version of roe-123I downloaded this a long time ago.
Today a new member asked me to upload it and share it with him.
So I did.
I zipped it to a .RAR file.
No password.
Yeah, I've started and stopped on that one over and over. I tend to obsess over things that I'm going to post and spend too much time on them. I'll try to tidy it up and get it posted within the next few days.Bro, have you done your version of roe-123