And here's the second one:
Still on the plane. I'm sleepy as hell, but if I sleep now, my jet lag will be a nightmare. I was keeping myself awake playing "Animal Crossing" (the Japanese version) on my Nintendo DS Lite, but the battery died. So I'll take advantage of the electrical socket on my fancy new airplane seat and tell you about MILF Number Three. (Anyone interested in MILFs One and Two is welcome to go back through this thread and read about them.)
This is actually a pretty interesting story, I think. MILF No. 3--I'll call her S-san--was the mother of a close friend of my own child. My former wife and I clicked pretty nicely with S-san and her husband, so we used to spend a lot of time together. We would have each other over for dinner, and even go on vacations together. S-san is a professional woman, a successful entrepreneur. Her husband is also a professional, and often quite busy. My wife was pretty busy, too (I guess we all were), and since I was the primary caregiver of our child, it would often be S-san and I alone with the kids. S-san is very friendly and talkative, and though she is no great beauty, she is certainly a handsome woman, and she's also quite stylish. (See the attached photo.) Most importantly, I suppose, she exudes pheromones. Not in any obvious way (see the case of MILF No. 2 :exhausted

, but subtly. She would sometimes, in the heat of conversation, gently put her hand on my arm, or, if I was over at their house and sitting down, she would put her hand on my shoulder and ask if I want something to drink. Whenever she would touch me like that, it was as if a brief, faint burst of endorphins would rush through me. Not an unpleasant feeling at all. :goodboy: Still--and you may find this hard to believe if you've been reading this thread--I swear I never gave more than a fleeting thought to actually trying anything with S-san. Apart from the fact that it was rare for us to be alone together (without the kids), I really liked her husband. He was one of the few men I considered a good friend.
Well, it seems fate was determined to throw me together with S-san. Our two families planned a skiing trip together. The date was drawing closer, and my wife dropped out. I can't recall the reason, but it's possible she had made up an excuse to meet her own secret lover of several years. (I had found out about him after MILF No. 2, but that's another story.) All right, so it's going to be me, S-san, her husband, and the kids. But then, the day before the trip, a work emergency comes up, and S-san's husband has to cancel, too. As soon as I heard that, the devil on my shoulder peaked out and started giving me the wink-wink-nudge-nudge. :evil: Apparently, S-san's devil was doing the same thing to her.
So we meet up and take their car, because it's bigger, and I take the first turn driving. I can't remember why, but we must have been joking as we were buckling in, because she leaned over, laughing, and gave my knee a squeeze. I think we both knew at that moment what was going to happen.
So off we go. It's a long drive, maybe three or four hours. We arrive in time to get a little skiing in. I don't remember how we got into this situation, but for some reason, for just a few minutes, we were together outside, sitting down somewhere. It was already dark, and of course the ground was covered with snow. The kids must have been inside playing some game in the lodge. What happened? I can't remember, but suddenly we were being very...
intimate. We weren't kissing or holding hands or anything, but we were sitting right up against each other, talking quietly, and the sparks were flying. Before anything else happened, we composed ourselves and went in. After all, the kids were waiting. But I'm telling you, everything was working against us (or for us, depending on your point of view). The whole setting was just too romantic.
We had two rooms, but naturally the kids wanted to sleep together, so the plan was that I would sleep alone in one room and the kids would sleep with her in the other. That was the plan. But you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and married people.
We get the kids in their pajamas. S-san and I are wearing
yukata, thin cotton kimono provided by hotels to serve as sleepwear. So I'm about to leave for my own room (like a good boy), when my child says, "Can you stay here till I fall asleep?"
Okay. Um, I can do that. Sure. :frozen:
We get them ready for bed (futons, if I recall correctly), and turn out the lights. One of the kids runs over to the curtained window, looks out, and says, "Look at the sky!" The kids look. Then S-san goes over to look. I go over to look, too, and I'm standing right behind, but not touching her. The kids go back to their futons and are jabbering away. The lodge is far from any large town, and the outdoor lights are all off by now, so the clear sky is full of stars, and the moon is out, too. The snow on the ground shines a ghostly white. The kids are behind us, in the dark, and couldn't see us even if they looked, because S-san is hidden by me, and I'm mostly hidden by the curtain.
I can't remember who made the first move. Did I put my hand on her shoulder or hips? I honestly don't remember. What I remember vividly is S-san leaning back against me, me putting my hands on her shoulders, and her putting her hands on mine.
All right. Apart from the presence of the children--I admit, that's real bad :exhausted:--what two people with even a moderate mutual attraction could resist this situation? The moon? The stars? The snow? I mean, come on! It was like a conspiracy. The only thing missing were soft violins. :dunno:
S-san and I sit down on the bed (there was a bed in the room, too) at a respectable distance from each other, and talk quietly until we can tell from their breathing that the children are fast asleep.
We kiss....
Okay! So that's that story out of the way. :bingo: What to talk about next? :goodboy:
Hm? What, you want to hear what happened after we kissed?

uzzled: Oh, come on guys. I don't want to turn this into some kind of steamy Harlequin bodice-ripper. Or yukata-ripper, for that matter.
What? You want to know if we "did it" in the same room as the kids? Oh, you shock me. You utterly shock me. :notice: We would
never do such a thing.
Quietly, and with dignity...we went into the
bathroom, and did it
Very, very quietly. :lols:
I will leave out the R-rated (and X-rated) details, but I will tell you this. S-san is a very, very good kisser. :whisper: She has perfect lips, and can use them with dizzying skill...on any part of the body. And though she has rough, almost masculine hands, every other part of her body looks--and feels--like that of a woman 15 years younger than she. I still remember as if it was yesterday how she looked in the dim light, nude, with her back to me. :nosebleed: Oops. I was going to leave out the R-rated details.
And though you wouldn't know it to look at her, she is quite passionate. We once made love in the loft of my house while her child slept on the sofa downstairs. She once came over in the middle of the night--when both of our spouses were away, obviously--and we made love on the sofa-bed in the basement. We once took the kids to see some movie, and I slipped my hand under the coat folded on her lap and--while the kids were engrossed in the film--brought her to a
very, very quiet orgasm. :shy:
Yeah, we got reckless sometimes. :distressed: But I'm sure neither of our spouses (and certainly not the kids) ever suspected for a second that there was anything going on. Unlike MILF No. 2, who was really, really bad at hiding her feelings, S-san could turn it on and off like a switch. She was a cool one. (BTW, when I told S-san about MILF No. 2, who was a mutual friend, she said, "I thought there was something going on between you two. She would give you the most intense looks, and she would look daggers at any woman who talked to you." Ouch. :...
But finally my conscience got the best of me. I think I felt more guilty towards her husband than I did towards my own wife (who I knew was having an affair of her own). And I think I still held onto some glimmer of hope for my own marriage. So, after this had been going on for maybe three months or so, I broke it off. I think maybe S-san also felt a little relieved when it was over.
We remained--and remain--good friends. And I think we both have fond memories of those three months. For what it's worth, I believe S-san was and is happy in her marriage. I think she just wanted some excitement and romance in her life. :casual:
I was about to say that S-san was my last MILF, but come to think of it, my psycho girlfriend was also a mother (though long divorced), and our relationship began when I was still married.
But that's another story.
And I'm too tired to write another one today. It's 1:47 p.m. Japan time, but my body is telling me it's about 9 p.m., and is complaining that I've kept it awake for far too long.
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