Random musings on real-life Japanese girls and women

Today's post, part II:

Hope K-san feels better soon. Awww. Just remember your mantra and when she starts talking about 'lots of different things' you won't be tempted follow through... Suuuuurreee! (Joking, of course. ^^)

I will remember my mantra. :goodboy:

F-chan is cute. I don't know how she compares to K-san, but if I were a man (or lesbian) I'm sure I wouldn't mind F-chan at all. :goodboy:

Pretty cute, isn't she? She's smart and strong-willed (like most of the woman I fall for), and we enjoy each other's company. The question is whether we're compatible for a really long-term relationship. We have our problems, but hopefully we can work them out. One thing I've learned, though (yes, I do learn occasionally), is that you should never continue a relationship on the assumption that you can change the other person (or yourself, for that matter). So I'm being a bit cautious this time around (probably because my last relationship, which I thought would last "till death do us part") turned out to be a disaster of Godzilla-like proportions. :...:

I think it's time to put the spotlight back on you, when you have time, tell us another story, perhaps there are more MILFs in your past?

Yeah, I keep meaning to talk about MILF No. 3, but today I got sidetracked on the topic of stalking. :distressed: And now I have to make dinner. (Beef stew, at the request of F-chan. :goodboy:) So that story will have to wait.

Glassjaw said:
This thread delivers!
Please carry on with the stories etc...

Glad you're enjoying it. So am I. :evillaugh:

Before I sign off, here's a link to a New York Times article that is somewhat relevant to our discussion:

You Remind Me of Me

You may have to register to read it, but I think it's free. (I have a paid subscription myself.) If you can't read it for free, let me know and I'll copy and paste it here.
Okay, so K-san is over her cold, but she's busy for the rest of the week. On Saturday I go to the States for two weeks, which means our lunch will have to wait till I come back. However, my girlfriend will be at her mom's house, hundreds of kilometers away, for the first ten days after I get back to Japan. Are the gods intentionally trying to set up me for a fall here by putting temptation in my path like this? :defeat: Just think how easy it would be for me to say to K-san, "How about going to my place for a drink?" :why2:
Speaking of stories, I wonder how Tekering is faring on his side of things...

My loving wife is upset that I've decided to move out, but I've assured her it's the only way we can re-invigorate the romance in our marriage... :whisper:
...while the adorable young girl I've been seeing for the past three months is suddenly pregnant with my child. :omg:
Is there a God, and is he punishing me for my infidelity? :puzzled:
She really wants the baby, and I really don't... Asking her to get an abortion has been the hardest thing I've ever done.:...:
Life in Japan has become WAY too dramatic for me. :giveup:
Holy shit, Tekering. And I thought my love life was too exciting. I don't know the details, of course, but it looks to me like you can no longer have your cake and eat it, too. The pregnancy pretty much forces you to make a choice, doesn't it?
BTW, my last girlfriend, the psycho, two weeks after leaving me abruptly without a word of explanation, tried to get back together with me by telling me she had actually become pregnant and had had a miscarriage. I almost fell for it. Turns out she was lying. She made up an elaborate story, which fell apart very quickly once I started asking questions. She had even tried to get 400,000 yen out of me for medical expenses...but didn't have a receipt to show me (unthinkable, here in Japan) and wouldn't even tell me the name of the hospital where she was supposedly treated. Now she was a real piece of work.

You're sure your girlfriend is really pregnant...?
I lived in Japan and boy those were some of the best times of my life. Teaching English sucked but it was a great way to meet women. I remember this one particular OL, she was beautiful. I courted her for a good 3 months before she'd go out with me. We had a few good months together before she was transfered to another city.
i like your dairy very much
since you are living in japan can you help me
i'm thinking of living in japan
i'm in high school now last year :)
i'm very tall (189 cm)
do japanese girls guys who are tall?
and my dream is to live in japan
i want to become a english teacher there
can any one become a english teacher there?
please answer
I'll try to answer your questions.
first on the height issue. i'm 1.83m or 6' and i would say i'm average height in tokyo. there's a misconception that the japanese are short.

As for teaching english. You'll need to be a native speaker with an university degree. though i've noticed some places hire candidates from countries usually not considered english countries. an university degree will be needed to get the proper visa. ie humanities.
I'll try to answer your questions.
first on the height issue. i'm 1.83m or 6' and i would say i'm average height in tokyo. there's a misconception that the japanese are short.

Actually, I think your perception may have been influenced by your expectations, because the average height of adult Japanese males today is 172 cm, or a bit less than 5'8". I'm not sure if this refers to the average of all living males, or of males who have just come of age, because the average height of 17 year-old boys (as measured in school) was 170.9 cm in 2006. (It was 158.0cm for 17 year-old girls the same year.)

As for teaching english. You'll need to be a native speaker with an university degree. though i've noticed some places hire candidates from countries usually not considered english countries. an university degree will be needed to get the proper visa. ie humanities.

Only taught English in Japan once, on a private basis, to two very cute young Japanese women. :goodboy: I once visited one of the big chain schools (forget which one), but was really turned off and decided against taking the job. I've heard of people having good (and bad) experiences teaching in the JET program, but I've never heard anyone say they were happy teaching at one of the big chains.
Oops. Forgot to answer your question. Yes, Japanese women like tall men. Some Japanese women don't mind short men, but I have never met one who said she doesn't like tall men. :bingo:
I'm ba-a-a-ck! :evil:

And here's some stuff I wrote on the trip back. G'night all. :cozy:
So here I am, killing time in the Honolulu airport, waiting for my flight back to Japan. What a trip. I had a cold for the entire second week. I was a good boy: didn't cheat on my girlfriend. (Partly because I never had an opportunity. :evillaugh:)

But I did sort of symbolically cheat. I do this sometimes when I'm traveling alone and have too much time on my hands. It's like an itch that you scratch, even though you know you shouldn't. I joined an online dating service. :defeat: Two, to be exact. :exhausted: You'd think I would know better, since my previous girlfriend, the psycho, was someone I met on one of these dating services.

The original idea was that I might find someone in the city I was visiting to, um, have dinner with. :exhausted: (Seriously, apart from the psycho, the only woman I ever actually met in person through one of these sites was someone I just had dinner with when I was passing through New York. She was a Japanese national who had grown up in the U.S., and was extremely attractive, both physically and as a person. I would have been happy to have more than dinner with her, but it was not to be.)

But after looking through the profiles of women in the area, I quickly realized that none of them were people I would actually want to meet. So, for no good reason, I ended up registering on a Japanese site. Obviously the chances that anyone I would meet there was in the city I was visiting were close to nil, and I have a sweet, beautiful girlfriend waiting for me back in Japan, so why would I do this? Answer: I'm an idiot. (Of course, anyone who's been following this thread already knew this.) So I wrote a self-introduction in Japanese and posted a photo, and in the four or five days since I registered, I've gotten 125 visits to my profile, winks from 4 women, and e-mail from 4 women. One of them, who's about my age, is actually seriously attractive, and someone I might actually become romantically interested in (or at least become friends with), under the right circumstances. Fortunately (?), she lives in a city I almost never visit. For what it's worth, here's picture of her:

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Pretty cute, huh? :love:

Anyway, there are limits to my stupidity. In my responses to these women, I tell them honestly (if not sincerely), that I am just looking for friends, not a lover. So far, most of them seem content to be pen-pals with this gaijin who reads and writes Japanese. Of course, you know that as I do this, I'm always thinking in the back of mind, "You never know." (Of course, you knew I was thinking that, otherwise I would have deleted the account and vowed never to communicate with any of these women again. :evillaugh:)

So, apart from this digital almost-infidelity (well, if my girlfriend knew about it, "almost" wouldn't make any difference :exhausted:), I've been a good boy. But you know what they say: just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu. So I spent two weeks enjoying the incredible variety of American beauty. But you know, I was moving around so much (or worse yet, laid up in bed with a cold), so I feel like I never got a chance to really look. For whatever reason--coincidence or the immediate visual difference from Japanese women--it seems like most of the women who really caught my eye were African American. Just this morning, there was a beautiful teenaged girl in line behind me at the security check. Her appearance was that of a fairly light-skinned African American (Come to think of it, about the same shade as our own lovely Astb), but judging from the looks of her mother, I think she was your typical mixed-race Hawaiian. (I don't like the sun or the touristy stuff, but one thing I do like about Hawaii is the near irrelevance of "race." It's so liberating.)

Umm... Where was I? Oh, yes. Interestingly enough (or not), the woman who sticks in my mind most was the first really beautiful woman I saw after getting off the airplane in Detroit. She was the young woman who was seating people at the airport restaurant where I had lunch while waiting for my connecting flight. She was African-American, rather dark-skinned, maybe 19 years old. She made such an impression that I chose I seat where I could stalk watch her throughout my meal, and I actually took out a pen and paper and wrote down notes about her. :shy:) She had long hair, pulled back in a ponytail, silver hoop earrings, and a smile to die for. Hell, it was probably that smile that made me decide to eat at that restaurant. (I bet they get more customers when she's on duty.) And her smile was made all the more adorable by the fact that she wore braces. She was wearing a light-blue, denim-style, button-down shirt, like everyone else working in the place, but it looked particularly good on her. :beautiful:

So here I am, waiting for the plane to take off, and I've felt like I'm already back in Japan ever since I arrived at the airport and saw the hordes of Japanese arriving and preparing to leave (including, of course, of fair share of very attractive women and girls).

BONUS! The beautiful Japanese flight attendant who was on my flight from Japan to Detroit is on this flight, too! She saw me, gave me a big smile of recognition, and said, Mata goissho desu ne." ("So, we're together again.") :moe: To top it off, I'm on a brand new plane with adjustable headrests that keep your head from flopping around, and I'm in a exit seat, where I can stretch my legs and am strategically positioned to converse with the beautiful flight attendant, Satoh-san. :prance: The gods must be compensating me for the misery of having to travel and work for a week with a wretched cold.

Side note: Honolulu is no fun when you're only there for 16 hours (half of it nighttime, in a crappy hotel), but it was beautiful from the plane. Flying in at night, Oahu looked like a complex and delicate work of gold filigree and pearls, glowing on a sheet of black velvet. And flying out at noon, the sea was stunningly beautiful. As the plane rose, I saw shapes moving in the water. At first I thought they were small waves, then I thought they might be huge fish (tuna?), but finally I recognized them: dolphins, leaping. Wow.

I'm a pretty happy camper now, but I'll be happy to see my own bed. Too bad my girlfriend, who will be at her mother's for a few more days, won't be there to share it with me.

Of course, there is that tentative date with K-san... :virtuous: (Yes, I am an incurable idiot.)


DOUBLE BONUS! Not only did I get to have a pleasant chat with flight attendant Satoh-san: as the plane was preparing for landing, she took the trouble to come over to where I was sitting, ask my full name, tell me her full name, and say, "I hope we can meet again." Oh, so do I, Dear, so do I! :prance: :prance: :prance:
I was sorely tempted to give her my e-mail address, but the (usually wimpy) angel on my shoulder subdued the devil on my other shoulder, tied him up, and gagged him, so I was able to resist the urge. (Damn that angel. :defeat:)

At the moment I'm on the express train home from the airport, enjoying a can of Ebisu Beer. Obviously I won't post this (and the next message, about MILF No. 3) until I get home, but I'll probably be fast asleep within 20 minutes of posting. I've just got to stay awake long enough to hook up my hard drives and resume seeding my torrents.
And here's the second one:
Still on the plane. I'm sleepy as hell, but if I sleep now, my jet lag will be a nightmare. I was keeping myself awake playing "Animal Crossing" (the Japanese version) on my Nintendo DS Lite, but the battery died. So I'll take advantage of the electrical socket on my fancy new airplane seat and tell you about MILF Number Three. (Anyone interested in MILFs One and Two is welcome to go back through this thread and read about them.)

This is actually a pretty interesting story, I think. MILF No. 3--I'll call her S-san--was the mother of a close friend of my own child. My former wife and I clicked pretty nicely with S-san and her husband, so we used to spend a lot of time together. We would have each other over for dinner, and even go on vacations together. S-san is a professional woman, a successful entrepreneur. Her husband is also a professional, and often quite busy. My wife was pretty busy, too (I guess we all were), and since I was the primary caregiver of our child, it would often be S-san and I alone with the kids. S-san is very friendly and talkative, and though she is no great beauty, she is certainly a handsome woman, and she's also quite stylish. (See the attached photo.) Most importantly, I suppose, she exudes pheromones. Not in any obvious way (see the case of MILF No. 2 :exhausted:), but subtly. She would sometimes, in the heat of conversation, gently put her hand on my arm, or, if I was over at their house and sitting down, she would put her hand on my shoulder and ask if I want something to drink. Whenever she would touch me like that, it was as if a brief, faint burst of endorphins would rush through me. Not an unpleasant feeling at all. :goodboy: Still--and you may find this hard to believe if you've been reading this thread--I swear I never gave more than a fleeting thought to actually trying anything with S-san. Apart from the fact that it was rare for us to be alone together (without the kids), I really liked her husband. He was one of the few men I considered a good friend.

Well, it seems fate was determined to throw me together with S-san. Our two families planned a skiing trip together. The date was drawing closer, and my wife dropped out. I can't recall the reason, but it's possible she had made up an excuse to meet her own secret lover of several years. (I had found out about him after MILF No. 2, but that's another story.) All right, so it's going to be me, S-san, her husband, and the kids. But then, the day before the trip, a work emergency comes up, and S-san's husband has to cancel, too. As soon as I heard that, the devil on my shoulder peaked out and started giving me the wink-wink-nudge-nudge. :evil: Apparently, S-san's devil was doing the same thing to her.

So we meet up and take their car, because it's bigger, and I take the first turn driving. I can't remember why, but we must have been joking as we were buckling in, because she leaned over, laughing, and gave my knee a squeeze. I think we both knew at that moment what was going to happen.

So off we go. It's a long drive, maybe three or four hours. We arrive in time to get a little skiing in. I don't remember how we got into this situation, but for some reason, for just a few minutes, we were together outside, sitting down somewhere. It was already dark, and of course the ground was covered with snow. The kids must have been inside playing some game in the lodge. What happened? I can't remember, but suddenly we were being very...intimate. We weren't kissing or holding hands or anything, but we were sitting right up against each other, talking quietly, and the sparks were flying. Before anything else happened, we composed ourselves and went in. After all, the kids were waiting. But I'm telling you, everything was working against us (or for us, depending on your point of view). The whole setting was just too romantic.

We had two rooms, but naturally the kids wanted to sleep together, so the plan was that I would sleep alone in one room and the kids would sleep with her in the other. That was the plan. But you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and married people.

We get the kids in their pajamas. S-san and I are wearing yukata, thin cotton kimono provided by hotels to serve as sleepwear. So I'm about to leave for my own room (like a good boy), when my child says, "Can you stay here till I fall asleep?"


Okay. Um, I can do that. Sure. :frozen:

We get them ready for bed (futons, if I recall correctly), and turn out the lights. One of the kids runs over to the curtained window, looks out, and says, "Look at the sky!" The kids look. Then S-san goes over to look. I go over to look, too, and I'm standing right behind, but not touching her. The kids go back to their futons and are jabbering away. The lodge is far from any large town, and the outdoor lights are all off by now, so the clear sky is full of stars, and the moon is out, too. The snow on the ground shines a ghostly white. The kids are behind us, in the dark, and couldn't see us even if they looked, because S-san is hidden by me, and I'm mostly hidden by the curtain.

I can't remember who made the first move. Did I put my hand on her shoulder or hips? I honestly don't remember. What I remember vividly is S-san leaning back against me, me putting my hands on her shoulders, and her putting her hands on mine.

All right. Apart from the presence of the children--I admit, that's real bad :exhausted:--what two people with even a moderate mutual attraction could resist this situation? The moon? The stars? The snow? I mean, come on! It was like a conspiracy. The only thing missing were soft violins. :dunno:

S-san and I sit down on the bed (there was a bed in the room, too) at a respectable distance from each other, and talk quietly until we can tell from their breathing that the children are fast asleep.

We kiss....

Okay! So that's that story out of the way. :bingo: What to talk about next? :goodboy:

Hm? What, you want to hear what happened after we kissed? :puzzled: Oh, come on guys. I don't want to turn this into some kind of steamy Harlequin bodice-ripper. Or yukata-ripper, for that matter.

What? You want to know if we "did it" in the same room as the kids? Oh, you shock me. You utterly shock me. :notice: We would never do such a thing.


Quietly, and with dignity...we went into the bathroom, and did it there. Very, very quietly. :lols:

I will leave out the R-rated (and X-rated) details, but I will tell you this. S-san is a very, very good kisser. :whisper: She has perfect lips, and can use them with dizzying skill...on any part of the body. And though she has rough, almost masculine hands, every other part of her body looks--and feels--like that of a woman 15 years younger than she. I still remember as if it was yesterday how she looked in the dim light, nude, with her back to me. :nosebleed: Oops. I was going to leave out the R-rated details.

And though you wouldn't know it to look at her, she is quite passionate. We once made love in the loft of my house while her child slept on the sofa downstairs. She once came over in the middle of the night--when both of our spouses were away, obviously--and we made love on the sofa-bed in the basement. We once took the kids to see some movie, and I slipped my hand under the coat folded on her lap and--while the kids were engrossed in the film--brought her to a very, very quiet orgasm. :shy:

Yeah, we got reckless sometimes. :distressed: But I'm sure neither of our spouses (and certainly not the kids) ever suspected for a second that there was anything going on. Unlike MILF No. 2, who was really, really bad at hiding her feelings, S-san could turn it on and off like a switch. She was a cool one. (BTW, when I told S-san about MILF No. 2, who was a mutual friend, she said, "I thought there was something going on between you two. She would give you the most intense looks, and she would look daggers at any woman who talked to you." Ouch. :...:)

But finally my conscience got the best of me. I think I felt more guilty towards her husband than I did towards my own wife (who I knew was having an affair of her own). And I think I still held onto some glimmer of hope for my own marriage. So, after this had been going on for maybe three months or so, I broke it off. I think maybe S-san also felt a little relieved when it was over.

We remained--and remain--good friends. And I think we both have fond memories of those three months. For what it's worth, I believe S-san was and is happy in her marriage. I think she just wanted some excitement and romance in her life. :casual:

I was about to say that S-san was my last MILF, but come to think of it, my psycho girlfriend was also a mother (though long divorced), and our relationship began when I was still married.

But that's another story.

And I'm too tired to write another one today. It's 1:47 p.m. Japan time, but my body is telling me it's about 9 p.m., and is complaining that I've kept it awake for far too long.

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Update. I went ahead and made a date with K-san for tomorrow. A dinner date. :defeat:
Interesting stories...they are exciting and you offer a perspective of relationships that i myself have never thought of, or encountered for that matter.

I think a lot of people may to some extent envy your love-life because it seems to exciting and full of passion...yet they may also be thankful that they never acted upon their impulses too...particularly when reading about the 'dramatic' endings to some of the relationships mentioned in this post...especially the pregnancy story...

Your stories are captivating due to the way you describe and detail them...you tell your stories very well.

Look forward to reading more of them, if, and I'm sure you do, have more to share !
Thanks for the kind words, moonypie. Glad to see someone enjoys my ramblings.

I'm off on another trip (business--my first visit to France) tomorrow, but just a couple of updates.

I canceled my "date" with K-san, for reasons I'll talk about later. Suffice it to say, I have avoided getting myself into trouble again. :exhausted:

I also deleted my accounts on the dating sites I mentioned. Even though I was honest with all the women who contacted me, I started feeling depressed about the whole thing, and found myself checking to see who had visited my page several times a day. These women are all looking for life partners. Even if some of them are happy to be pen pals with me, I don't belong here! I've got a loving girlfriend (taking a nap in the next next room at this very moment) who looks like Sonim! What the @#$% am I doing!?

Maybe I'm finally starting to get my infidelity problems under control. Luckily for the people who've been enjoying my unsavory tales, I still have plenty of stories to tell of previous affairs. :evillaugh:

Au revoir, and omelette du fromage, as they say in gay Paris. :bye:

P.S.: But I still have the problem of T-san and M-san (or whatever I called them in previous posts). These very attractive young women keep sending me e-mail. I don't think I'm doing anything to encourage them, but maybe I'm doing so unconsciously... :...: These two could hardly be more different, in terms of personality, but both of them are walking fountains of pheromones, though T-san (who has mild Asperger's) is oblivious to the fact, and M-san doesn't seem to know what to do with her pheromones. :exhausted: I already posted a picture of T-san somewhere, but here she is again, on the left. On the right is M-san when she was still a senior in high school, intentionally blurred to make it difficult to identify her. Thank god neither of them lives close by anymore. :frozen2:

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I enjoyed reading your posts, particularly the perfect insertion of those *whatchamacallit* animated white little things in a box :). I'm currently in Tokyo for a 30-day business trip

Thanks to you, I would now be keeping a watchful eye out for those MILFs! :D (that is if the miniskirts let go of my eyes ... )
I enjoyed reading your posts, particularly the perfect insertion of those *whatchamacallit* animated white little things in a box :). I'm currently in Tokyo for a 30-day business trip

Thanks to you, I would now be keeping a watchful eye out for those MILFs! :D (that is if the miniskirts let go of my eyes ... )
Paris! What a city! Even the people who shouldn't be good-looking are good-looking. They're all so stylish. So many beautiful women of so many different races.

But I was there to work and I was with my girlfriend, so naturally I was a good boy. :goodboy: But seriously, I was glad to be with my girlfriend. Although we only had two days to sightsee, we had a great time, and it was quite romantic. She really is a beautiful girl and a joy to be with.

Here's a portrait of her we had drawn at Montmarte. The price was 50 Euros, but I was so pleased with it I gave the elderly gentleman who drew it 60 Euros. (For some reason, she looks fat in the photo of the portrait, but not in the original portrait. Trust me, she's not fat, though like 80% of women in the industrialized world, she thinks she is.)
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Now we're back in reality here in Japan. :dunno:
But our trip to Paris reminded me that the grass is green enough on my side of the fence, so I think I'll be able to resist temptation.

For a while anyway. :evillaugh:

In the meanwhile, I'm enjoying looking at all the lovely Japanese girls and women again. (Parisian women are great, but there's no place like home, right?) And since my girlfriend starts drooling and flailing every time she sees Horatio (CSI: Miami), Mac (CSI: NY), and--most of all--Sawyer (Lost) appear on the television, I figure I'm allowed to do some ogling of my own, right? Provided it doesn't go beyond ogling. (I don't think there's much of a chance of my F-chan running off and having a fling with David Caruso, Gary Sinise, or Josh Holloway, but K-san, M-san, T-san and all those other "Alphabet-sans" are dangerously within reach. :exhausted:)