The new 2017 G☆Girls image and stage costumes:
2016 image and stage costumes:

The stage clothes for 2016 looked much better than the new ones for 2017.
Well they are also much more coherent in style. The new ones look like someone
just hastily threw together some left over fabric, skirts and shorts.
Did they run out of fabric for the 2017 costumes when they would do Rina's top?
As she is the only one with that revealing top. Poor Rina.
Anyway FLASH's "brilliant" idea for the 2017 concept and for the major label debut was that
they go back to the concept they had when G☆Girls started.
Perhaps they should have questioned if it didn't work in the past, perhaps it
won't work today. Instead of taking G☆Girls into the future they took them
to the past.
Question, where is the major label in this? Where did the money go?
Perhaps it was just like a comment said:
Did FLASH staff spend all the major money on expensive steaks, alcohol and women.
Then in the morning after realized they still need to get the girls new stage clothes."