What a genius. Brother I salute you.

Sorry I haven't been in touch as I have been overseas and banging real stuff. Hard to find real gems but I did come across a couple in Asia that were deep throaters. At least they were cooperative and tried all the way.
I remember a weird couple I encountered on a trip years ago. Mother and daughter. The mother was immature, and most likely a terrible mother. She was cock blocking her daughter for reasons unbecoming of a good mother.
You gotta bang the mother first, to even have a chance with her daughter. The daughter verbally confirms she's down.
The mother's milf appearance almost doesn't make any sense. You basically have to assume she gave birth to her daughter at the age of 14 or something.
Now that I think about it, perhaps I have no right to judge whether she's a good mother or not. A mother having that kind of relationship with her daughter doesn't necessarily imply she's a bad mother. It's just sex.
I didn't do it, LOL. Probably one of the biggest regrets of my life. I was an idiot when I was younger. I still am, but a little less.
Perhaps I was too hung up on inaccurate expectations of a three some, which made me afraid that if their bodies touch, then that makes me a complicit participant in an incest event.
Or perhaps my subconscious pre judgment of her being a bad mother, made me a bigger idiot than usual.
Their relationship is sweet. The daughter acting as bait, to get her mom a little action. If that's not love, I don't know what is.