Ryushare Promotion (suspended)

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Damn I just reported someone for not having ryushare links in their post.

My bad, didnt think this had just happened. :...:
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I definitely miss ryushare. Has anyone tried UPloaded.net?? I've tried them in the past, good speeds, good retention and no issues with copyright. I am sorry but we have to face the reality that the good ole days of downloading are gonna get harder and harder. I remember this happened with mega, filesonic, hotfile and I just downloaded as much as i could! VPNS and possibly going back to the old days of ftp/irc might be the only way to keep our hobby alive.
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We just need uploaders to have several mirrors. This whole endorsing one host is half the issue. Makes a host a target as they become too popular. See it happen all too often before. Whole boards killed because they endorsed and only uploaded on one host.

No thats stupid, we need at least "one" filehost that EVERYONE has to include on uploads. So everyone can get all content with only "ONE" premium account. Without this we have the same situation as before, all file son different filehosts, and people need 6 premium accounts. If a filehost (like now) gets busted we will decide on a new filehost, so everything should be fine. Just needs some time for old stuff to get re-uploaded if needed.
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So many files lost.

Didnt finish catching up on all the new MUM videos.

I always kept procrastinating. Should have learned my lesson from the last purge.
I definitely miss ryushare. Has anyone tried UPloaded.net?? I've tried them in the past, good speeds, good retention and no issues with copyright. I am sorry but we have to face the reality that the good ole days of downloading are gonna get harder and harder. I remember this happened with mega, filesonic, hotfile and I just downloaded as much as i could! VPNS and possibly going back to the old days of ftp/irc might be the only way to keep our hobby alive.

yep Uploaded are good to going but they did not to have contact with Akiba to be getting an promotions like ryu share

p/s: uploaded.net had living a long times
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ryushare owner arrested and site closed.


:cry5::cry5::cry5: MY 500 DOLLARS!

That blog has only been up about a week, you might want to wait for a more reputable source. Usually when a large filehosting site closes it is big news. Torrentfreak has nothing on it but if someone wants to email them about it I am sure they will come up with a definitive answer in a short time (they know who to ask and they aren't shy about asking them).
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Interim filehoster

I would really appreciate it if CoolKevin could at least suggest one or two interim filehosters for the short term. Knowing that it would only last for say one month and then it might change. Even if it wasn't the best choice, just having a recommended hoster that we could group towards would be helpful until a final choice is made.:beg2:
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I would spread it around .overloading one file host will kill it and bring it into the spotlight. I was amazed ryushare had lasted so long. Is there a secure, encrypted or safe filehost out there geared for adults?
I would really appreciate it if CoolKevin could at least suggest one or two interim filehosters for the short term. Knowing that it would only last for say one month and then it might change. Even if it wasn't the best choice, just having a recommended hoster that we could group towards would be helpful until a final choice is made.:beg2:

the biggest problem here is that many are good and many are not, it depends on region,

just on this page I noticed a few, but you will have to look at your favourite poster, see what he/she uploads to, before ryu share I had uploaded,

but for free users mediafire and MU and depositfiles was good to me yesterday, not forgetting rapidshare

but at the moment we can only speculate about ryu share, so if we assume they are no longer, it will be down to the poster, I do not really want to commit to any of them right now

but I do know what I am thinking about, another way to look at it, look to see where the filehoster is based

I know it is not much help, it is like predicting the future, no one really knows, (which is a pity as I would be rich on sporting results)

but best wishes to all
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Today I download a couple links of Uploadable and its work fine for me!....I think Uploadable it could be a good option..:huh:
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There are some other non-JAV sites that had posters with Ryushare and others. I used Ryushare there and here. To continue getting stuff with them I opted for FileParadox. As you can see, it is just as fast for me as Ryushare was. Really, in the end, no matter what we, the wanters want, the uploaders will choose whichever hosts can earn them the most money. Never forget that's what they're after. They're not sharing with you. Just saying, we can all agree on something that would work for us, but they're not interested in what works for us.

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Uploaded.net is good.
My favorite is the host where the PPD + PPS is mixed
When it is delete the file by DMCA, account will not be BAN.

I don't like Ryushare because only PPS.
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Uploaded.net is good.
My favorite is the host where the PPD + PPS is mixed
When it is delete the file by DMCA, account will not be BAN.

I don't like Ryushare because only PPS.

one of my favourite posters
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This is weird, no news relating to this at all yet.

All we have to go on is that 1 week old blog. :huh:

This is weird, no news relating to this at all yet.

All we have to go on is that 1 week old blog. :huh:


Best/Worse case scenario the arrest is a hoax and some hackers are behind it all. But as others have said, and I remember when Hotfile went down there was some verbiage on the site at least spelling it out. Here we just have a disconnected or failed database. Until we see it on CNN, I guess...
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