Ryushare Promotion (suspended)

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Best/Worse case scenario the arrest is a hoax and some hackers are behind it all. But as others have said, and I remember when Hotfile went down there was some verbiage on the site at least spelling it out. Here we just have a disconnected or failed database. Until we see it on CNN, I guess...

Hope to celestial that thats whats happening.
maybe someone with better vietnamese than mine can confirm this news story?


like to know if this is the guy behind ryushare

and check out these links:



its good hacking if they are even coming up with a backrground story and fake news - not that couldn't happen

"spreading depraved culture" does sound like a leftover from the vietnam war years. and the current gov't of vietnam is really concerned about generating foreign investment and goodwill.
I guess one reason for having ryushare links needed was that this forum got some money for using ryushare (means if people bought premium accounts for doing so). Money doesn't fall from the sky and chompy somehow needs to pay for the server and the bandwith. So maybe the new filehoster should offer a similar program.
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This is all my fault. I bought a six month premium sub to Ryushare about two days before it went down.
So sad when the best filehosts disappear...
I really hope it is just some database problem again (they had database problem before showing the same message) but feels like they really are gone now.

Anyone know filehosts that fill these criterias:
Unlimited storage time (ok if it requires premium account like ryushare)
Possible to buy premium from earned money
Good website interface
No problem with FTP upload
Does not ban junior idol content (I have been banned on quite many websites for uploading JI content)

I tried a little with rapidgator and terafile, I don't really like either of them.
rapidgator: Files deleted after 30-60 days of no download. Possible to buy premium from earned money but at 100% price (no discounts for uploaders). Searching uploaded files doesn't work (pain to fetch links).
terafile: premium = no file deletion. haven't seen if it is possible to buy premium from earnings. problem with FTP, only works sometimes. Noone wants to buy terafile premium (not wierd, most wanted ryushare and then rapidgator, they have most content etc.)
This is all my fault. I bought a six month premium sub to Ryushare about two days before it went down.


Dont worry bro, i feel like theres something in the air that isnt cleared up. Although people were still uploading stuff to ryushare around april 5 but some blogs went totally unavailable like few days before that.
some blogs went totally unavailable like few days before that.

it would have been a blessing if it was just "some" blogs...i would say a good 60% of those stopped existing way more before 5 April, while few others continued to run but a the cost of deleting anything ryushare related. Those people who run ryushare sharing sites know better than anyone when it's game ever and when it's not, when it's time to delete and when it's time to start over.

Entire archives/blogs have been destroyed for this...those admins literally deleted years of work with uploading/reuploading stuff, that's not a decision you take that lightly, they must have been moved by some reason. Even if Ryushare comes miraculously back online, it will be like starting over from scratch.

Dont worry bro, i feel like theres something in the air that isnt cleared up. Although people were still uploading stuff to ryushare around april 5 but some blogs went totally unavailable like few days before that.

yeah, javload (for one) went dark right about that time, and almost all its links were to ryushare. I don't think they are coming back.

The past year or so has been a disaster --- on usenet, they shut down a guy who literally changed my life with all the math and science textbooks he had uploaded for the last ten years or so. Then again, I remember thinking when I first discovered the scene that it couldn't possibly last for more than a few months.
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I noticed ryushare started banning certain IP ranges (VPN providers) a week or so back, and now they are gone. I guess we will find out sooner or later if they got arrested, maintenance or perhaps they banned the ip range of their database as well. xD
I think they got arrested because in the article on the vietnam news website it specifies a name and state/providence and it matches the ones on the domain name registry for the server.
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What does this mean for Akiba? Have the admins got any flack or issues because of ryushare??
What does this mean for Akiba? Have the admins got any flack or issues because of ryushare??

The admins here were paid off by all the ad revenue and I imagine referrals from their own accounts. Now this site is basically useless for DDLs because you guys put all your eggs in one basket and doing so was even compulsory. Maybe you shouldn't have let greedy people dictate policy?

Of course, lots of sites besides Akiba been hobbled now. It's like Megaupload all over again. Some people never learn.
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