That seems to be the "avatar" of a user named Bokobokoshiteyannno.What do these green folders with a white cat represent on 2ch Share discussion boards?
That seems to be the "avatar" of a user named Bokobokoshiteyannno.
This is just another board at 2ch. The download board is the main place for p2p, but this one seems to be mainly on general topics.hmm... but there are multiple posts like this and they look different from the others. Also the ID string in the header is unique for a few of them. The link goes to Do you know what that is?
In WinMX, if you log on as a Primary, it keeps all your connections even when your IP address changes. My IP address doesn't change though, so I have no idea what happens in Share. What have you experienced?1. I've read somewhere that when my IP changes or if I change the cluster keywords, I'll need to either restart the Share program or reset all my nodes to make Share continue to work correctly. Is any of this true?
2. How does the queuing process work in Share? Let's say I'm in a queue to download from someone and then my IP changes. Will I be dropped from that queue or does Share keep track of the queue by ID or by some other method?
The help file is in English, so your guess is as good as mine here. It seems the bottom timer controls the web site from which the nodes are downloaded, and the top one the nodes themselves. I run noderefresh, but don't really pay too much attention.3. In Noderefresh there are two sliders related to time, circled green and red in the picture below. Can anyone please explain what these circled sliders do in detail? I find that even if the green circled timer is set at 20 minutes, it doesn't update every 20 minutes, but updates in a much shorter interval instead.
The help file says the bottom one reverts to the default URL.4. Again, in Noderefresh there's a "[Reset] Node system" button, circled yellow. Does this do the same function as the "Clear nodes" button in the Nodes tab in Share? If not, how do they differ?
N.S.E. is a measure of Node System Efficiency reached by dividing the number of connection errors by connection tries. RetupmocMCvGEPqYHa thinks when this value reaches 55% it's time to download a fresh node list. Higher numbers lead to the node list getting erased too often. Lower numbers don't improve search/transfers.5. I'm a bit confused as to what the Activate: N.S.E. percentage means and why that's important in determining whether NodeRefresh grabs nodes from the urls or not.
The top tick box turns it on. The number is time (in seconds?) between tries. The next box is "complete a circuit/tour." The bottom one pauses searches when the mouse is hovering over the list.6. Can anyone please translate this RendaKun setting window?
In WinMX, if you log on as a Primary, it keeps all your connections even when your IP address changes. My IP address doesn't change though, so I have no idea what happens in Share. What have you experienced?
Share tries to connect to all the nodes on its node list and all their nodes up to a maximum of 10000. Some of the nodes are of course offline, so it can't connect, and Share will only add nodes with which you share cluster words to your sleep nodes. A few users use plugins designed to cut off users on slower connections, but in general, you probably connect to most nodes that are online and you share cluster words with.It's hard though when I don't understand the inner workings of Share and how it's able to connect to a specific predetermined node. Is it all related to chance?
The older the hash, the higher the possibility that the whole file is no longer stored on the network. Anything older than a month is probably hopeless unless some kind soul re-uploads it. I just convert incomplete videos, delete them from my downloads, and go looking for newer hashes. If you want really obscure videos, you probably have to try OpenNap.A few of my downloads are very old and probably only one or two people have 100% completed chunks (actually, I don't know if any completed versions exist - is there a way of knowing?) I'm interested in knowing what my best chances are to find and connect to these sharers and if the size of my existing cache increases those chances.
If you move the files you have downloaded to your Uploads folder, Share will scan them on start up, and list them as local in a Query.A question: why doesn't Share remember the files I've already downloaded? How do you prevent yourself from downloading the same files? How have you got around this, or am I missing some vital configuration bit?
In Share, click on Add trigger. Paste or type in the user's ID. At the bottom, there is an option to "Delete matching query triggers". Uncheck that option, then add the trigger as normal.
Normally when you add a trigger, as soon as Share finds a matching file, it will delete the trigger and therefore stop searching for it. By unchecking that option (and moreover keeping your search terms broad, eg: "anything that matches this ID"), the trigger won't be deleted and Share will continue to search for files that match the criteria.
Also, when Share finds matches, it will automatically add them to its internal database so as not to download the same file over and over again, so unless you're clearing out your database there should be no need to monitor for duplicates.
If you want to disable triggers temporarily (eg: if you want to switch cluster words to find other files), you can simply uncheck the trigger in the list of triggers; then re-check it once you want to re-enable the trigger again.