

New Member
Apr 8, 2008
have u ever been worried about ur penis size? ever tried any penis enlargement program or product? :dizzy:

Your personal say, is size it the most important factor for u? or not? why? :cry:
That´s a kinda interresting question. I never tried one, and will never try one :D why? Because i don´t really need it. Yeah and it´s a matter of size because of two things: 1. When a woman often have sex whit a guy whit a long penis and after that she have one whit a smaller one (about 2cm or more) then she and him will feel less, why? Because the whole part have the ability to strech. 2. When she is mastrubating very often her pussy is streched too. When you are talking about what size would be ok it have to be around 10-12, depending on country, just check the size of a usual dildo, subtract 2 and you´ll know.

The size is not important believe it!! What really matters to a girl is what tricks you can pull with it! I'm a girl so I know what I'm talking about, some times men with good packages are horribles fuck buddies, they think that cause they are huge they're gods or something!!!

Another thing, guys with smaller penis are luckier than big boys. It's easier for a girl to entertain a smaller boy, p.e., anal or oral sex is easier and girls will do them with you more often... :nosebleed:
Most of times, ripping a pussy apart with an huge penis is not the answer, the tricks are the most important boys, remember that!!! And you'll be rewarded! :bingo:

BTW Euchale, a pussy may stretch but after a while it'll go back to normal. The only thing that can make a pussy stretch on a permanent basis are babies coming through there or fisting!!! Ever tried anal, the same that happens with a pussy, happens with the ass. :cool:

Yeah, but there´s a difference between the muscules. One of them you train your whole life just well just by living your live and the otherone have to be forced to train. More muscles ---> faster recovery too normal. But you are right about - how do you call them? tricks? - I´ll say techniques. And one thing you should never forget that it should never end as a mastrubation help for one of the sex partners, this can be very frustrating for both after a while. Btw most of the knowledge I gathered is from girls or from maka maka (a manga). Feel free to ask, if you need some further information.

Euchale, you're a boy right?
I'm a girl, and an experienced one :snicker: if you know what I mean. HEHE The only things I never tried were the baby and the fisting part hehe And from my experiences, it all goes back to place.

I don't know if you know, but a pussy is surrounded by powerfull muscles called the PC muscles and those muscles are pretty strong. If a woman wants she can squeeze the penis pretty hard :snicker: THey are the muscles men feel squeezing when a girl has an orgasm...
Well, some women use the so called Ben-wa balls - if u don't know them, google it!! - they're pretty good and nice to wear, to exercise those muscles!

So you see, a pussy has muscles too!!
I don't need more info, cause I have the real deal :XD: and I can allways see it for myself!!! If you want some tips, just ask I'll gladly tell you some inside info on women and they're dark minds!! :evillaugh:

BTW PC muscles are, like the ones from the ass, exercised throughout a girl's life, everytime she pees or everytime she holds it, those muscles go into action!

You showed me biology > chemistry and that i have to chat more! Now i have to hail to you :dizzy:
have u ever been worried about ur penis size? ever tried any penis enlargement program or product? :dizzy:

I quit worrying when I learned the average length of an erect penis is 5½ inches. I further quit worrying when I kept hearing women say that they cared #1 about technique and #2 about girth before they cared #3 about penis length.

I guess I would have to say, though, that I have often wondered how those guys with 4-inch or 3-inch penises (ones considered below average but still not micropenii by medical definition) manage to not get frustrated when having sex, considering that the moment they begin to pull out they'd probably have major slippage issues and have to manually re-insert. But having never been witness to it, I guess I just don't know.

To be honest, ever since I learned the average was 5½ inches, I not only quit worrying about being too short but I began to (mildly, mildly) worry about being too long. I would ask myself, "Gee, what if I fall in love with a girl who has a shorter-than-average vagina?" That's something you have to consider! Every time I see those guys with 12+ inch "monster penises" in Western porn videos, I always wonder how painful that must be for the woman when the guy basically blasts through her cervix. >_< Which he surely must do, considering he slams himself all the way into her.

That's the funny thing -- everyone's so damn worried about being too short, but they don't realize that there's such a thing as being too long, too. And that in the end, for most of us, we're probably only going to be +1 inch or -1 inch off from our partners and are going to have to learn how to adapt to her needs.

Indeed, technique strikes me as being the most important thing of all. Foreplay on the one hand, and then technique during coitus on the other hand.
Take it from someone that is 9 inches long.... 9 inches is too long :) lots of girls go "no way" and the ones that do, either squirm and complain about it being too long (90%) or enjoy it (10%). Ive only ever ever found 1 girl thats ever taken anal and enjoyed it balls deep.
Take it from someone that is 9 inches long.... 9 inches is too long :) lots of girls go "no way" and the ones that do, either squirm and complain about it being too long (90%) or enjoy it (10%). Ive only ever ever found 1 girl thats ever taken anal and enjoyed it balls deep.


Boys oh Boys!! Boys will ever be boys and there's no helping in that...
Too big or too short, all that girls like are good ol'working penises with good techniques! :snicker2:

Have you actually spoke about this with girls that know what they're talking about?! About the big HUGE penises in western movies that pound all the way in, let me tell you something, sometimes girls love to have rough sex and feel the cock pounding them!! That's something you guys will never experience the same way girls do... try to do it the right way and ask your girl about it!

About the anal issue, when the anus is well trained and lubbed, most women love "balls deep" anal, some even love it more than vaginal. The anus is very sensitive and gives a lot of pleasure when fucked the right way, personally after my anal training I prefer deep anal, to shallow stimulation. It's heaven, rather it's a small cock or a big one!:snicker2:

not too concerned about length but i do care about hardness. how to remain harder for longer periods of time =) any tips? (other than the obvious blue pill, which i have serious misgivings about using as a recreational drug. you should too!)
i think im oddly picky...i like a wee bit of pain so id say bigger is definately better for me....if you dont feel it whats the point?but even if one is up to my standards one still needs to know how to use what he was given...otherwise its another case of pointless
average is enought for me

special thanks to the prophet320's advise^^
did i just learn something important.w.
Quote from female-written the True Porn Clerk Stories:

Here's what the straight boxes have taught me, though: guys are the ones who care about giant cocks.

Not women, guys.

Especially the straight ones.

I understand porn's fascination with giant members because it's a visual medium and, let's face it, a dumb one. Giant cock is the quickest shorthand for virility. Big muscles = big strength, so why shouldn't big penis = tremendous power to satisfy?

Men are the ones who think a dick needs to be big to be satisfying. Sure, there are a few size queens out there, but as a rule women are way less picky about size as long as the owner of said penis learns to use it correctly. That's actually the heart of the problem - men assume that more penis automatically means more satsfaction, when in fact it has very little to do with it. I've known more than one woman who's been initially delighted to discover that she's with a larger man, only to realize to her disappointment that he thinks that all he has to do is be large. Conversely, one hears that overcompensation can be a lovely thing.

While I'm on the topic, I'll mention another quick gender-based misconception: when men refer to big, satisfying cocks, they talk in terms of length. Case in point, Mr. Eighteen Inches. Women, to the extent that they care at all, care about girth. When was the last time you heard a woman say "Wow, I bet that guy could really bruise my cervix!"?

But again, when it comes to the porn section we're not talking about anything in the normal human realm here. It doesn't even look like fun.

The porn box women, of course, love these huge genitals. There's even a series called Chasing the Big Ones. I think it's another form of metaphor - women who want giant cocks must really, really like sex, right? Insatiable means insatiable. Or something.

I think the reason straight guys like enormous schlongs, apart from the whole bigger = more powerful and more potent thing, is that it's an easy answer to Freud's unanswerable question: what do women want? The real answer is too hard. Women want you to be independent but emotionally available. They want you to be attached but not smothering. They want time and attention, and also some time alone. They want you to grow and change with them. They want you to be all kinds of things, and it's going to be a different list for every woman, and that list is always subject to change without notice. For some men, and many of my regular porn addicts, I think, fall into this category, the answer is that women want you to change that glaring personality flaw and learn to talk to them like a human being. Maybe they want you to take a frigging shower.

The other way is so much easier. What do women want? Enormous, glistening cocks. If you've got one, great, your job is done. No need to worry about anything else. If you don't, well, then if women don't like you it's not your fault.

But then, none of that applies to the gay section and I'm not a guy so who am I to speculate?

I guess guys just like big cocks because they're so frequently told that that's what manhood is all about. Sure, he donated a kidney to his daughter and all, but I hear he's hung like a gnat.

I feel bad for guys. There's definitely a lot of male pressure involved, but women certainly are guilty of their fair share of tiny penis jokes. It's awful to feel like your body is inadequate - I wish we as a gender wouldn't participate in perpetuating that particular bit of hurt.

There's a "clinic" that drops fliers in our store every few days. They say "BIG ENOUGH?" and of course, they're for penile enhancement surgery. What I've heard about breast enlargement surgery is that it's painful and dangerous, that the implants can leak or harden and cause all kinds of physical problems. I can't imagine that penile surgery is any safer or less painful, and all for what sounds like less than an inch of "improvement".

The fliers, when I see a new batch, become my good deed for the day. I throw them out.
I have always felt like I had a small dick.... My dick is 7 inches... Now if we go by this thread, I'm set, but why do I feel so small? My girlfriend only fucked 2 dudes before me, both with huge木ちんちん, and then you have me with my little 花ちんちん... She is always like, your dick is fine it feels good, and I always think, your lying ass, lol. But after reading this, I have to start believing her. Well I'm not sure of my girth, but I guess it gets the job done.