Slimedog's dead Lesbian posts

Hi Slimedog. Thanks so much for your posts I love em. But I've got a problem with a few of them, specifically the Re-zu-bian downloads. When I download all of the 001, 002, etc. files and join them together with HJsplit, I can't play the movie, something about it being corrupted or something.
Always check the size of the downloads to make sure they match (like all files are 97.6MB except for the last file) to ensure your downloading was sucessful: HJSplit will join files regardless if they are whole or not.

Anyone else experiencing any issues?
awesome thread, considering i am also into lesbian actions,

Install and Download ffdshow! It's a codec for video and audio! or Download real alternative!

100% working for Re-zu-bian vids! :)
Dude, I LOVE YOU!!!
Always check the size of the downloads to make sure they match (like all files are 97.6MB except for the last file) to ensure your downloading was sucessful: HJSplit will join files regardless if they are whole or not.

Anyone else experiencing any issues?

I did check the sizes, all of them are correct and I still have the same result. :murder: It's almost as if there's a part you forgot to upload or something.
I've been busy contributing to the LADYxLADY thread and the ANND thread. I'm keepin' this thread in my hip pocket for 'other' uploads I make when I'm done with those. :oy:

What are you doing SLimedog?:surprised::furious: you might as well lock this thread.

You, who have made a total of two posts in a year, neither of which have contributed anything to this board, criticize a respected member who has uploaded over sixty videos in the space of two months?

Your remarks and the angry little icons are out-of-order.

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You, who have made a total of two posts in a year, neither of which have contributed anything to this board, criticize a respected member who has uploaded over sixty videos in the space of two months?

Your remarks and the angry little icons are out-of-order.


Yeah, what he said above.
You, who have made a total of two posts in a year, neither of which have contributed anything to this board, criticize a respected member who has uploaded over sixty videos in the space of two months?

Your remarks and the angry little icons are out-of-order.


Completely agree and just want to add this: Slimedog, I hope you know that most of us on this board are appreciative of what you've contributed and grateful for how much of your own time you've put into sharing videos with people you don't even know. Apologies for people who are rude and demanding of someone who owes them nothing and who has already done so much.
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You, who have made a total of two posts in a year, neither of which have contributed anything to this board, criticize a respected member who has uploaded over sixty videos in the space of two months?

Your remarks and the angry little icons are out-of-order.

Unfortunately, we do not enforce a certain level of mental capacity here.
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