Slimedog's dead Lesbian posts

Thanks for the links and thanks for using Rapidshare, the one and only working Hoster - all other Hosters like Hotfiles and Megauploads just suck.

Again, thank you.
Slimedog, you are a legend. Thanks again for all the movies you have put up here.

I apologise if this is not the right place for it, but I wondered if you might have any of these fantastic-looking lesbian kissing movies. I posted this in the Requests thread, but was extremely surprised that there were no replies. Therefore, I thought I would ask you. Here they are below. Many thanks for any information.
Slimedog, what do you mean by the comment how not to censor in regards to GODR-007? Is the pixelization over the top or what? Damn, now I don't know whether to download it or not...
1. I reseeded and replaced links for HODV-60041 (now fixed)

2. Yeah, I meant the film makers of GODR-007 over did it in the pixelization department. A shame.

3. As for the Kissing videos, personally, The Art of Kissing I & II (not III) [Viv Thomas], and the KMG series (Kiss Me Girl) are much more real and better. I've felt JAV kissing videos over-stated, over-worked and labored. Unrealistic.

But, hey, that's just me. Ones I do come across I do post. I do remember coming across a torrent for Nanpa videos here, but because they were kissing videos, I moved on. There is a Catalogue someone was offering on this site and that was where I found them (in a torrent). I will see if I come across it again and will post the torrent. (Can't guarentee it works though - if I do find it again...)

4. I only post in RS because its what I've used since doing this kind of thing. I do not have the time or $ to join other services. Sorry.

Hope this addresses everyone's questions.

:puzzled: :dunno:
Thanks for sharing! Its really appreciated!

Have you seen any of FA-Pros Lesbian movies? They are highly recomended!
Im desperatly trying to find older lesbian FA movies, from the 80s and the 90s.
If you have any FA or other vintage lesbian Jav would be aweome!

Thanks again!
do yo u have this old title 新妻ぐしょ濡れ生下着

big Bro,

Do you have this? i have been looking everywhere... really hope you have it...
Very good update. Thanks!


And put in a request for incest is best!!

A Brief Guide to De-Censoring
By the way, if you want to get the most out of these censored images, without hassling with codecs, use VLC Media Player. Set it to display advanced controls. Under video, you'll see DEINTERLACE and POST PROCESSING. By setting these at their maximum values, you can improve the picture. Then, under "extended settings" on Video Effects, their are many tools to use. First, SHARPEN the picture all the way up. Then, to the left of this setting, click Image Adjust. Set Contrast all the way up, brightness to about the middle. Then -- under Logo, click Logo Erase. If Logo Erase is already on, the other settings will not change the image. But if you change the image first, then set Logo Erase, you'll get the best possible picture. Every video is different, so experiment! がんばって (Ganbatte) -- Good Luck!
You know what the world doesn't have enough of? Ballerina yuri. I've only seen one movie that had some lesbian ballerina's but it was mixed in with hetero.

Great work Slimedog! You make us realize that the Japanese lesbian videos put the American ones to shame.
Another virtuous :virtuous: and hypnotizing :hypno: post by slimedog!

Much appreciated and thanks be.
You make us realize that the Japanese lesbian videos put the American ones to shame.

RiderFan is spot-on about this.

While there is some good American lesbian porn, the lesbian JAV of the sort provided by slimedog, uberlordz, samkook, trashwish, kentvid and the other great posters on Akiba is, by and large, light-years beyond what's produced in the U.S.

It's interesting that the only lesbian JAV that seems as generally bad as its American counterparts is the uncensored stuff. It's as though having to work with the obvious restrictions of mosaic-censoring has forced the directors to be creative and attentive to the sexiness and erotic content of a scene and not just the strictly gynecological, camera-up-the-ass focus. It's a weird way to characterize it, but the American porn seems, well, lazy by comparison.