The Wayward Cloud 2005 天边一朵云

Country: France | Taiwan
Released Date: 2005
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 827M
Plot: As the people of Taipei face a lack of water, some turn to watermelons for their succulent fruit juices. Meanwhile, a young woman falls for a man without realizing he is a porn star. Surreal and fantastical, The Wayward Cloud tells its story slowly and with style, often breaking out into charming musical sequences.
湘琪提著一個打不開的行李箱從巴黎回到台灣, 卻偏偏遇上大旱, 她只得到處尋找空樽子盛水~ 小康今天也不再賣手錶, 他就在湘琪那棟大廈其中一個單位裡做AV男優, 與女優們打得火熱~ 兩人巧合地遇上, 並雙雙墮入愛河, 在全城缺水的台灣燃起熾熱的渴望~ 但天氣酷熱, 在纏綿之餘千萬記緊要多喝西瓜汁噢~
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Country: France | Taiwan
Released Date: 2005
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 827M
Plot: As the people of Taipei face a lack of water, some turn to watermelons for their succulent fruit juices. Meanwhile, a young woman falls for a man without realizing he is a porn star. Surreal and fantastical, The Wayward Cloud tells its story slowly and with style, often breaking out into charming musical sequences.
湘琪提著一個打不開的行李箱從巴黎回到台灣, 卻偏偏遇上大旱, 她只得到處尋找空樽子盛水~ 小康今天也不再賣手錶, 他就在湘琪那棟大廈其中一個單位裡做AV男優, 與女優們打得火熱~ 兩人巧合地遇上, 並雙雙墮入愛河, 在全城缺水的台灣燃起熾熱的渴望~ 但天氣酷熱, 在纏綿之餘千萬記緊要多喝西瓜汁噢~
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