★sonic123★★[18+ | Cat III | Rated | Uncensored Movie Collections Here]★★


Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: NA
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 710M
Plot: Story about Charlie Cho who happen to come across four women who are devils and later take them as wives.


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Password: guest123.tk
ENang 2011

Country: Thailand
Released Date: 2011
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 682M
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk
Thank pgdefender, reporter84 for reply and compliments.

@reporter84 ...thks for the remarks. Will bear in mind that u like ninja with clothes off, I assume...lol.

Empire Wu 新武則天外傳

Country: Hong Kong | China
Released Date: NA
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Erotic Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | Total 10 Episodes
Plot: An erotic tale about the ancient China lady empress Wu Ze Tian. The casts involve regular and popular Cat III artists from HK such as Pauline Chan, Elvis Chui, Charlie Cho, Cindy Lee, Jimmy Wong, , etc.


Comments: Repost this HK | CN Erotic Drama that comes with new hosts. Kindly note that links from some of the hosts may be dead in the event that there are no more download. Hence. please try to grab your favourite links if you are keen before they expire.

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Korean Lady 43B (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: English | Korean | Japanese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 568M
Plot: This lady looks like the earlier one that was posted. If she indeed is the one, then her service must be good that she is being engaged again. Anyway, the scenes are different now and she is sitting so close to the hidden camera and yet she never notice it.

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 44 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: English | Korean | Japanese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 470M
Plot: This is another lady victim and it looks like the hotel room is a different one. As usual, the sneaky guy make sure that she is captured on screen and exposed in front of the hidden camera.

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 45 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 512M
Plot: This lady victim just sit there and this sneaky guy is a clown. He should have play with her nipple and we could enjoy the view rather than using his palm and block it from us. $*@#@!. Anyway, now they are back in the same room as the first encounter. The camera must be a high tech type that can be hidden discretely and able to take good pictures.

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Password: guest123.tk
Thank pgdefender, reporter84 for reply and compliments.

@reporter84 ...thks for the remarks. Will bear in mind that u like ninja with clothes off, I assume...lol.


hi sonic, like ninja but not the clothes off. i like those who are being killed and there are lots of blood! haha~

Thanks for your continuously upload movie. However, is it by chance sometime you do reup old movie? I have been following you for a while and download every single movie. If there is a reup of movie, Can you please stated reup? Or else I will download the same movie again :p

I remember empire wu is somehow being upload before?
@reporter..noted with thanks....hmmm strange and abnormal...haha...juz joking.

@pocs...okay, I had actually removed the remarks during posting...was at my blog...I will remember it next time..;) wow, ur HD space enuff?
@reporter..noted with thanks....hmmm strange and abnormal...haha...juz joking.

@pocs...okay, I had actually removed the remarks during posting...was at my blog...I will remember it next time..;) wow, ur HD space enuff?

hi sonic...to each his best and own preference, right? haha! also like those sword-fighting (ancient china dramas)....haha (so long is BLOOD!)
@pocs...okay, I had actually removed the remarks during posting...was at my blog...I will remember it next time..;) wow, ur HD space enuff?

That will save me a lot of time to check what has been downloaded before :)
Yes, I have more than enough storage and now having headache on how to link up my hard drive.
Total number of hard drive with 2TB reach, 16 pieces
Thank reporter84, pocs for reply and compliments.

@pocs..I stand up and salute you. I have only a miserable 500 GB drive which was bought not long back and this is for normal operation.

I don't keep backup copy and once I seen a better version, I may repost.. Sometimes I can't remember clearly whether I have posted before since the numbers are now in thousands....:(

Anyway, I will try to indicate some remarks if I know it is a repost.

Good luck in ur storage and searchng indexes...

Stage Play By Female China Models

Country: China
Released Date: NA
Language: No dialogue except struggling noise.
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Stage Play
Video Format | Size: MKV | Total 10 Clips
Plot: Interesting stage play with China lady artists being gagged and strangled with ropes, plastic bag, etc. One of the scenes happen while the lady is fully naked in the bathtub. The artists either are very good actresses or they have experience being choked previously.

Comments: SM001 seems to be scratched at some part but still playable while the rest should be okay.

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Korean Lady 46 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 576M
Plot: Again, this looks like the same lady victim posted earlier. However, there are some scenes which looks different to me and I think was not shown eariler. It might be that the clips were posted at several sites and by the time it comes to me, it becomes a jigsaw puzzle. You could tell that the lady dress was different in just one film. Maybe a short break every half and hour, have supper, makeup, change and then continue again?

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 47 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 378M
Plot: This is the different Korean Lady which I am 100% sure that it never appears on the earlier video. By the way, a blog user feedback that this scenario happens in the Korea entertainment industry where sexual favours are being offerred by the Korean ladies in return for gigs. Could be very true or else the Korean ladies shouldn't be at this age if they are hookers? However, I think there was some cash being offerred to the ladies in some scenes?

Maybe Korean or Japanese forum friends and blog users care to comment?

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 49 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 519M
Plot: This is the same Korean Lady which was posted earlier but with different scenes and of course different request by the sneaky guy. You could see he is enjoying caressing her ass right in front of the hidden camera. Hmmm, I am tempted to raise my hands touching her pretty ass as well since I am watching it on 3D version...j/k

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 50 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 557M
Plot: This is another lady victim and the sneaky guy instructed her to put on this dress. I guess he prefers ladies in simple dress instead of those sexy lingerie. Meanwhile, I have no clue what he is saying and the lady just glance at his dick for some time. It looks like this lady is just a naive person, otherwise, if she is a pro, the sneaky guy will not be standing there in a vertical position.

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 51 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 438M
Plot: Another fresh face. One of my favourite position and you don't have to worry about dirtying the bedsheet. Apparently, this lady is quite horny and willing because you could see that she is holding hands and chatting happily with the sneaky guy during the event. There was no complaint from her along the way except some pleasing and sweet sound coming from her shows she is enjoying it.

I think she is definitely not a hooker because if she is a pro, she will not sit and chat. Time is money to them.

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Password: guest123.tk