★sonic123★★[18+ | Cat III | Rated | Uncensored Movie Collections Here]★★

Thank capercaillie, iceman2002benz for reply and compliments.

@iceman2002benz...thanks for reply and appreciate it. Long time never hear from you here although I noted u hve reappear in other forums. ;)
Good to have u back here.

江戶性愛技巧~36種篇 2011

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2011
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Documentary
Video Format | Size: MKV | 491M
Plot: We have Lover Guide 3D, Indonesia Kamsutra, Chinese Kamsutra and now this is the latest version of Japanese Kamsutra with 36 positions and comes with Chinese subtitles.


Comments: There is also another version of Japanese Kamasutra with 48 positions under this thread or at my blog but without any subtitles.

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Password: guest123.tk
Xi Shi 2000 西施

Country: Taiwan
Released Date: 2000
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | Total 5 Volumes
Plot: Adult (Cat 3) Taiwan version of the ancient China beauty Xi Shi starring Taiwan actress who is well known as Mihono Nomoto in Japan entertainment industry. She is given the nick as the Leg Beauty by the Japanese. Her co-star in this film is Hong Kong Oscar Lam (Sex and Chopstick) actor.

西施,是春秋时代著名的宫廷舞人。越王勾践为向吴国复仇使美人计,把西施送给错庸好色的吴王夫差。夫差得西施后,终日沉溺在歌舞和酒色之中,不理朝政。据记载,为西施表演《响屐舞》,夫差在御花园的一条长廊中,命人把廊挖空,放进大缸,上面铺木板,取名“ 响屐廊”。西施脚穿木屐,裙系小铃,在婀娜优美舞姿中时,木屐踏在木板上,发出沉重的“铮铮嗒嗒”回声和裙上小铃清脆欢快的“叮叮当当”声相互交织,别有一番迷人的风味。吴王为西施所迷,荒废了政务,民不聊生,怨声载道。越王勾践趁机发兵打败了吴国,夫差被迫自杀。

Comments: Reup with a better quality version.

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Korean Lady 52 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 324M
Plot: This new face Korean Lady was shy initially and trying to switch off the night so that the room will be dark. The sneaky guy was trying very hard to prevent her from switching off the light. As time goes by, she starts to get horny and forget about the light and instead focus more on his dick ...

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 53 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: English | Korean | Japanese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 174M
Plot: Another new face and the event was held at the second room and looks like these ladies are afterall not hookers but ordinary female lookng for gigs in return for sexual favours. However, all are defintely not aware of the hidden camera.



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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 54 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Mute
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 196M
Plot: Sound for this clip is mute and interesting part in this event is that the lady allows the sneaky guy to take photo of her face (see poster). She does ensure her face is not blocked and her hair is tidy before the picture being taken. However, she doesn't smile during the photo taking. You checkout whether she is enjoying the love making.

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 55 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 316M
Plot: This Korean lady face doesn't change from start till the end. I don't see any smile although there are plenty of noises coming out from her while the sneaky guy pumps her from the bed to the corner of the room. The guy really knows how to enjoy himself and take advantage of his position and as usual, he makes sure her face and body is captured in full view by the hidden camera.

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 48 (Hidden Camera But Discovered!!!)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: English | Japanese | Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 304M
Plot: This is the final post of the Hidden Camera series for this collection. Some of you will probably wonder why there a missing Korean Lady no 48 during the post. Well, the cat is now out of the bag and look at this stunning High School face and her nice boobs.

As mentioned earlier, in one of the clip, the hidden camera was DISCOVERED! This Korean High School lady was frustrated when the sneaky guy makes several unnnecessary requests during the event. She started to get suspicious and was looking around the room but couldn't find anything initially.

Coming to the end while she is rocking him, she noticed something unusual at the table. She started to walk towards the table and the guy stopped her and asked her "What? What?". She refused to answer and continue walking towards the table but the guy pushed her away.

She immediately picked up the mobile and mumble some Korean language (really needs Korean friends to explain what she is saying on the mobile). Is she calling the pimp or talking to her
boyfriend or...????

Thereafter there was a commotion and the man quickly get dressed and ready to run....then the camera image was cut off but not the sound. What are they saying??? SOS, anyone can help to explain?

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Password: guest123.tk
Golden Flower (Nang Kakee) 2010

Country: Thailand
Released Date: 2010
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 775M
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk
Burning With Desire 1999 七日危情

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 1999
Language: Cantonese and Mandarin (Dual Audio)
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 642M
Plot: Cat 3 movie starring Charlie Cho and Suk-Ki Kam.


Comments: This is not Fatal Love 1992 三级七日情 which happen that Charlie Cho is also acting in this film.

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Password: guest123.tk
Ext 3DSZ Director Cut | Uncensored Version 2011

Ext 3D Sex and Zen Director Cut | Uncensored | No Mosaic Version 2011 肉蒲团之极乐宝鉴(加长|无删减|无碼版)

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 2011
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: English | HK Chinese
Genre: Erotic
Video Format | Size: DVD-MKV | 1.47G

Comments: This is the uncensored (confirm No Mosaic at 01:07:42) and it's the 2D Director's Cut (film length 02:08:07). The previous post excluding the advertisement and from the theatre is film length 01:52:55 and with mosaic (censored at 00:57:14). All English and Hong Kong Chinese subs in one single file. Grab it before it is deleted.

可以确认无码 01:07:42 加长版 02:08:07

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Password: guest123.tk
Thanks i was looking for this for some time...

Ext 3DSZ Director Cut | Uncensored Version 2011

Ext 3D Sex and Zen Director Cut | Uncensored | No Mosaic Version 2011 肉蒲团之极乐宝鉴(加长|无删减|无碼版)

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 2011
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: English | HK Chinese
Genre: Erotic
Video Format | Size: DVD-MKV | 1.47G

Comments: This is the uncensored (confirm No Mosaic at 01:07:42) and it's the 2D Director's Cut (film length 02:08:07). The previous post excluding the advertisement and from the theatre is film length 01:52:55 and with mosaic (censored at 00:57:14). All English and Hong Kong Chinese subs in one single file. Grab it before it is deleted.

可以确认无码 01:07:42 加长版 02:08:07

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Password: guest123.tk
hi sonic123
there seem to be some error aft i extracted the file..keep having to restart the window explorer so i was unable to play the file...can u solve the prob. Thanks.
hi sonic123
there seem to be some error aft i extracted the file..keep having to restart the window explorer so i was unable to play the file...can u solve the prob. Thanks.

Did u have problem extracting the file (a single file)?

What player are u using to play this file? Have u tried MPC?


Note: For those already dl and play the files, checkout location 35:30 and I guess this is not revealed under the first version.
Did u have problem extracting the file (a single file)?

What player are u using to play this file? Have u tried MPC?


Note: For those already dl and play the files, checkout location 35:30 and I guess this is not revealed under the first version.

oh...is not the player prob..when the file is extracted out then the file explorer error appear force to come out frm the explorer. Btw i try convert the file into another format then dun hav the prob le nw can play le.
So can u roughly show the timings tat is diff frm this 2hr+ ver than the 1hr+ ver..etc wad the first ver dun hav.

oh...is not the player prob..when the file is extracted out then the file explorer error appear force to come out frm the explorer. Btw i try convert the file into another format then dun hav the prob le nw can play le.
So can u roughly show the timings tat is diff frm this 2hr+ ver than the 1hr+ ver..etc wad the first ver dun hav.


ok...at least now u can play and it seems that the others don't have issue. Maybe u should go grab the latest codecs plus player and see if it helps.

Anyway, as for the differences, besides no mosaic for this one and there is some part such as at location 35:30, where the guy dick is shown which I don't think it is revealed under the first version. The rest I am waiting to see if there is further feedback from users.

Injo Shuuyoujo 3 - Prison Battle 2010

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2010
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 690M
Plot: Third series of the Prison Harem collections whereby the female prisoners are tortured and r***ing by the prison wardens.

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Password: guest123.tk
Gamitan 2002

Country: Philippines
Released Date: 2002
Language: Tagalog
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 838M
Plot: Cathy, a young and innocent freshman, had a crush on senior hunk, Nick, the campus' basketball star. One day, he came to her and asked her to have dinner and drive her home. One thing led to another until she ended up giving her virginity not knowing that he made a bet with his friends. He dumped her right after he got what he wanted without any explanation. Filled with hatred she seduced Louie, her classmate who had a crush on her, to get back at him - and as a favor she would go to bed with him. Things got out of hand and led to a tragic ending.

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Password: guest123.tk

Country: Taiwan
Released Date: NA
Language: Mandarin (some episodes with canto dual audio)
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | Total 20 Episodes
Plot: This the the adult (Cat 3) version of Butterfly Lovers from Taiwan with Hong Kong (Oscar Lam / Jimmy Wong) and one of my favourite Taiwan (Mihono Nomoto) artists. You have seen her earlier film Xi Shi. She also acted in Sex Medusa, Lady In Heat, etc.

The original Butterfly Lovers is a Chinese legend of a tragic love story of a pair of lovers, Liang Shanbo (梁山伯) and Zhu Yingtai (祝英台). The title is often abbreviated to Liang Zhu (梁祝) and often regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Romeo and Juliet. However, this is an adult version and the storyline focus more on erotic encounter instead.


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