★sonic123★★[18+ | Cat III | Rated | Uncensored Movie Collections Here]★★

Xiu Xiu The Sent Down Girl 1998 天浴

Country: Hong Kong | Taiwan
Released Date: 1998
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: English
Genre: Drama
Video Format | Size: HD-MKV | 406M
Plot: Young teen girl Xiu Xiu is sent away to a remote corner of the Sichuan steppes for manual labor in 1975 (sending young people to the country side was a part of Cultural Revolution in China). A year later she's sent even further to the more remote spot with a Tibetan saddle tramp Lao Jin to learn horse herding. There Xiu Xiu falls in love with a man who promises to talk to an official and get her back home. He brings an apple which Xiu Xiu treasures and he takes her virginity. While waiting for him to return another man comes claiming to be his friend and brings another apple. After him another man comes and by that point she is reduced to a hooker. She becomes pregnant Lao Jin takes her to the civilization to get an abortion. Right after the surgery some guards have their way with her. Lao Jin tries to protect her but in vain.

Although it was claimed the film was BANNED in China for sexual and political content, the script was actually approved by the Chinese government. The film was only banned after the filmmakers decided not to wait for permits before shooting in Tibet (such permits are required for a film to receive official approval)

Awards and nominations

Golden Horse Awards 1998: won for Best Director (Joan Chen)
1998: won for Best Screenplay Adapted from Another Medium (Joan Chen)
1998: won for Best Actress (Lu Lu)
1998: won for Best Actor (LupSang)
Berlin International Film Festival 1998: nominated for the Golden Bear
Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival 1998: won the Jury Award
Paris Film Festival 1999: won the Special Jury Prize
1999: nominated for the Grand Prize
1999: won Best Actress (Lu Lu)
Mons International Festival of Love Films 1999: won the Grand Prize
National Board of Review 1999: won the International Freedom Award
Independent Spirit Awards 2000: nominated for Best First Feature Over $500,000 (John Chen, shared with co-producer Alice Chan Wai-Chung)

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First Series CN|HK|TW Cat 3 Clips

Country: China | Hong Kong | Taiwan
Released Date: NA
Language: Cantonese | Mandarin
Subtitles: NA | English | Chinese
Genre: Clips
Video Format | Size: MKV | Total 1.73G (104 Clips)
Plot: First Series of Category 3 Clips from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Comments: You can find most of the movies from the short links thread under this forum or at guest123.info.

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Password: guest123.tk
Hong Kong Tourist in Bangkok 1994 香港客遊曼谷

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 1994
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 588M
Plot: NA


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Password: guest123.tk
Blind Love 2005

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2005
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Genre: Adult Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 490M
Plot: A blind girl falls in love with a ventriloquist by just listening to his voice. However, when she meets him, she mistakes his friend for the ventriloquist. She starts dating his friend without realizing it's the wrong man...and not the man she fell for.

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Second Series CN|HK|TW Cat 3 Clips

Country: China | Hong Kong | Taiwan
Released Date: NA
Language: Cantonese | Mandarin
Subtitles: NA | English | Chinese
Genre: Clips
Video Format | Size: MKV | Total 1.69G (92 Clips)
Plot: Second Series of Category 3 Clips from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.


Because of the number of clips involved here and I can't post each and everyone, you could find most of the movies under the short links at this forum or at guest123.info.

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Fashion Hell | Horny House of Horror 2010 (720P-Eng|Chs Subs)

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2010
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Erotic Drama
Video Format | Size: 720P-MKV | 1.68G
Plot: Fashion Hell feature the acting talents of Asami, Mint Suzuki and Soari Hara as three of the working girls at a new sex parlor. When three strapping young lads wander in for an evening of debauchery, they soon learn that these lovely ladies aren’t exactly what they appear to be, customers never come back to the parlor for a return visit for some strange reason.


Comments: Repost with better version and comes with both subtitles.

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Password: guest123.tk
Plays Sexual : Soari Hara

Country: Japan
Released Date: NA
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 986M
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk
A Day On The River

Country: Thailand
Released Date: NA
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 144M
Plot: NA

Comments: Looks familiar and may have posted this before. Anyway, single and short link for your viewing pleasure.

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Korean Couple 18

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 142M
Plot: NA

Comments: I think this is a Korean couple. Anyway, looks like the couple needs to have the porn movie from the computer screen to stimulate them.

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China Dolls Beauty Legs

Country: China
Released Date: NA
Language: NA
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Images of models (no nudity)
Format | Size: JPG | Total 15 Volumes (82 Sets)

Comment: You could grab each volumes separately and view the images inside. Each volume has about 6 sets with different models (some models may appear in other sets with different dress but not in the same volume). Enjoy the view of the models with their seductive looks and their pair of slim legs in jpeg format.

Youtube Preview On The China Models

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Password: guest123.tk
Third Series CN|HK|TW Cat 3 Clips

Country: China | Hong Kong | Taiwan
Released Date: NA
Language: Cantonese | Mandarin
Subtitles: NA | English | Chinese
Genre: Clips
Video Format | Size: MKV | Total 1.6G (88 Clips)
Plot: Third Series of Category 3 Clips from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Comments: You can find most of the movies under the short links at this forum or at guest123.info. Due to the huge number of clips involved and if you are keen for preview playback of these clips, you can goto my blog for details. Third and subsequent series shall be updated soon. ;)

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Password: guest123.tk
Hinog Sa Pilit 2002

Country: Philippines
Released Date: 2002
Language: Tagalog
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 787M
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk
Kiss Me Much 2001 最后一吻

Country: South Korea
Released Date: 2001
Language: Korean
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 680M
Plot: Kiss Me Much starts out as a simple family film. A loving couple lives in a small apartment and they are down on luck in life in financial terms. The husband has no income, but the wife has to make a living. They have been living for 10 years. And for the husband his wife is his first love as ever. For the wife, her husband is a symbol of her intimate adoration, despite the fact that he is so imperfect. They both love each other so much. With the harsh reality of life crashing down on him, the husband is in anguish, because he wonders that he has offered his wife so little, yet she loves him so much. But, for the wife, despite her occasional temper tantrums, she dearly loves him. She regrets her temper tantrums right after she looses her anger. The man is now determined to stand up no matter what to do something right for his wife. But, he feels weak and tears frequently wet his eyes. Someone makes him an offer which is hard to refuse, on which he has to stake everything he owns including his family. Should he take the leap or not?

今天是星期三。哲洙和英姬结婚十年,这一天是两个人蜜爱的日子。无论是上个星期三,还是下个星期三。他们的生活没有什么值得炫耀的地方,只是夫妻两人相濡以沫,在爱的信赖中感到无比幸福。可是有一天,哲洙忽然被炒鱿鱼,想拥有自己房子的英姬的朴素愿望化为了泡影。而且雪上加霜,替朋友做保人的哲洙,现在必须替朋友偿还债务。英姬还是四个孩子的母亲,她一直梦想着拥有一幢能看见日头的房子。现在英姬被逼入了生活的死角,她准备拚死捍卫她的家庭。哲洙亦投入了维护爱情的殊死战斗。 日子在流逝,英姬有一天忽然邂逅学生时期一直爱慕她的成功企业家韩志勋,几天后从他那里得到了不敢想像的提议。同时哲洙也找到了在一个财阀的手底下做资金管理员的职业,巨大的诱惑亦向他悄悄袭来。在为守护爱情必须抛弃爱情的矛盾中,又一个星期三来临了。两个人和以往一样睡在一起。可是两个人在为不能透露的苦闷与烦恼辗转反侧。第二天,英姬和哲洙相互不知道对方的决心走出了家门……

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Password: guest123.tk

Country: Taiwan
Released Date: NA
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 465M
Plot: NA

Comments: Classic ancient Taiwan AV film. May have posted this before since the Emperor is a familiar face to me. Could be that he was involved in many TW ancient AV films.

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Password: guest123.tk
Sexy Road 2010

Country: Thailand
Released Date: 2010
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 595M
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk
Fourth Series CN|HK|TW Cat 3 Clips

Country: China | Hong Kong | Taiwan
Released Date: NA
Language: Cantonese | Mandarin
Subtitles: NA | English | Chinese
Genre: Clips
Video Format | Size: MKV | 1.43G (86 Clips)
Plot: Fourth Series of Category 3 Clips from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Comments: You can find most of the clip movies under the short link threads at this forum or at guest123.info. Preview clips of this series will be posted soon once I update the Fifth Series. As for the Third Series preview clips playback, you may check out my blog for details.

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Password: guest123.tk
The Floating Body 1995 西环浮尸

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 1995
Language: Cantonese and Mandarin (Dual Audio)
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 681M
Plot: A domestic dispute ends with a man killing his female companion. After a nice soothing cigarette, he decides the best course of action is to cut her up in his bathtup using a chainsaw.


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Password: guest123.tk
Excitement Class: Love Techniques 1972

Country: Japan
Released Date: 1972
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 541M
Plot: Tormented by his first sexual stirrings, the teenager Isao dreams every night of his gym teacher Ikuko. He finally opens her heart but she rejects his advances. Frustrated, Isao invents all sorts of stratagies to disgust Ikuko´s fiance, a professor of chemistry in the same school. As his plan fails, he plans a radical solution, and the results turns out to be...

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Password: guest123.tk