★sonic123★★[18+ | Cat III | Rated | Uncensored Movie Collections Here]★★

Legend of the Doll 2007

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2007
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 513M
Plot: A trip to the Akihabara neighborhood yields more than just a coveted collectible in this Japanese comedy. Ryouta is excited to find a rare doll at a store, but he's even happier when he takes her home and she comes to life. Every otaku's dream comes true for Ryouta when the beautiful living doll falls in love with him. This is the first film in the Akihabara trilogy.

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Password: guest123.tk

Country: Taiwan
Released Date: NA
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 446M
Plot: NA

Comments: This movie ended at 59 minutes only. Posted this because you don't easily get to see pretty and sexy Taiwanese ladies. Grab it if you are keen and take it as a long cip.

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Password: guest123.tk
Gracia 2005

Country: Philippines
Released Date: 2005
Language: Tagalog
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 674M
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk
Korean Lady 61 (Hidden Camera)

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 388M
Plot: Another Korean star. Lovely chick and as always great body. She is really enjoying herself while masturbating the guy dick. The sneaky guy takes every opportunity to make sure she is being captured by the hidden camera in every positions including kicking her leg away so as not to block the view of the camera. Finally, this Korean lady star allows the guy to ejaculate on her boobs.

Comments: By now, some of u probably have seen a few familiar faces here in the regular Korean movies or in the news.

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Password: guest123.tk
China Lady 12

Country: China
Released Date: NA
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 345M
Plot: Homemade video.

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Password: guest123.tk
SOD Cinderella Huge Orgy: Soari Hara

Country: Japan
Released Date: NA
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 1.1G
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk
Thai Ero 03

Country: Thailand
Released Date: NA
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 302M
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk
Chinese Painting On Human Body 2004

Country: Hong Kong | China | Taiwan
Released Date: 2004
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult Documentary
Video Format | Size: DVD-MKV | Total 10 Episodes
Plot: Take a peek at Chinese Painting on the nude body of models. Ten episodes with different body pattern on each episodes.

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Famous Prostitute Sadly Fall 历代名妓 - 柳如是

Country: Taiwan
Released Date: NA
Language: Mandarin (Cinema Audio)
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 703M
Plot: NA

Comments: Have seen several version of this movie and this is considered the best although the audio is cinema recorded. Video quality is manageable and too bad it is cam audio. Have been hunting for the original version since last year but no luck.

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Password: guest123.tk
L'amant (The Lover) 2004 情人

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2004
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 682M
Plot: Three middle-aged men established a sex-contract for one year with Chikako, a 17 years schoolgirl.

日本著名导演广木隆一《振荡器》最新情欲感官佳作著名性感玉女安腾希(《阴阳师》《富江4》)主演. 本故事主要讲述一个17岁少女在生日时和3个年长于自己的男人签订了一年的“ 情人契约”。他们叫这个少女为“华子”,少女称他们为A、B、C。

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Password: guest123.tk
Green Paradise 2007

Country: Philippines
Released Date: 2007
Language: Tagalog
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 723M
Plot: A boy from Manila travels to a resort with a couple of his friends. There, he falls in love with a pretty pineapple vendor whose father dreams of a better life. Through the father's manipulations, they all end up in a web of seduction and deceit.Comments: May have posted this before based on the storyline but couldn't find it on my blog.

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Password: guest123.tk

Country: Taiwan
Released Date: NA
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 688M
Plot: NA
Comments: This is NOT the version acted by Shu Qi. Ending has some scratches but can be viewed and movie complete. Taiwan popular Cat 3 actor and actress involved here.

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Password: guest123.tk
KhonRerngMuang 2010

Country: Thailand
Released Date: 2010
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 708M
Plot: Kanya is a poor countryside girl who has come to Bangkok to work as a night club singer and there are many men who would like to have her. Tonkla is a man who loves her very much, but she decides to be with another more wealthier man. But the relationship does not last long and in the end she decides to quit her job in order to be together with Tonkla, the man who loves her most.

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Password: guest123.tk
Rules of Dating 2005 恋爱之目的

Country: South Korea
Released Date: 2005
Language: Korean
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 907M
Plot: The film centers on a dedicated student teacher named Choi Hong (Kang Hye Jeong, from Old Boy) who finds herself being propositioned by English teacher Lee Yu Rim (Park Hae Il, from My Mother, the Mermaid), a man who just so happens to be the person in charge of her class! But this is no innocent flirtation. Not one to mince words, Yu Rim simply asks the unsuspecting Choi Hong to have sex! To make matters even stranger, Yu Rim already has a long-time girlfriend. His wandering eye relates to his beliefs about true love: for him, there is no such thing. In his view, dating is meant solely for sexual gratification.

有林(朴海日 饰)是一名26岁的教师,他在有恋人的情况吓遇上了比他大一岁的美术老师红(姜惠贞 饰),他马上对红的美丽而倾倒。有林慢慢的接近了红,并向红提出发生关系的要求,红当然一口拒绝,因为她本身就有一个医生男朋友。碍于工作的关系,有林还是有机可乘约会了红,并哄她到旅馆内,最终两人还是发生了关系。虽然红即将结婚,但面对有林的死缠烂打,她还是偶尔跟有林约会。不久,他们的关系跟一些关于红的情史被学生放到了互联网上,整所学校都知道了。有林这时候挺身而出为红辩护,为了红他甚至与自己的女朋友争吵起。可红不领情之余,还要控告有林强奸,有林将失去教师的资格。

Comments: Repost this title with better version since review for this movie is good.

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Password: guest123.tk

Country: Thailand
Released Date: NA
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 359M
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk
Vampire Girls 2011

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2011
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 670M
Plot: Gorgeous vampires are thirsty for blood. Yumi and Seiji are a happy engaged couple and the envy of everyone, but Yumi suddenly disappears one day. A year later, a woman named Nami, looking exactly like Yumi, comes along in front of Seiji who’s frantically looked for her. But adding to the mystery even more is the presence of a strange woman named Luna, who’s always by Nami’s side.

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Password: guest123.tk
KhonHenPhee 2011

Country: Thailand
Released Date: 2011
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 594M
Plot: NA

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Password: guest123.tk