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Sales Contract 2011

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2011
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 579M
Casts: Rin Kawai, Nanako Hoshizaki, Noriko Shibuya
Plot: Lady eager to close the deal will do anything just to make sure the guy will sign the contract. In the end, does the guy really sign the contract after having a free f**k?

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Password: guest123.tk

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: NA
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 630M
Plot: A lady went to an office for an interview and she was r***ing by the boss instead. However I don't think she is complaining....

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Tokyo Train Girls Private Lesson 2009

Tokyo Train Girls Private Lesson 2009 援交女教師

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2009
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 772M
Plot: Miss Megu Kawasaki is a new teacher. Even though she's very enthusiastic over her job, she harbors a dark secret that could destroy it. While in college, Megu had borrowed a large amount of money for her education. Unable to repay the note on a paltry teacher's salary, she has recently become a prostitute promoting herself on the Internet. Even though she tried to conceal her face and keep her identity a secret, one of her students has now discovered her real occupation.


Comments: Repost this title that comes with English and Chinese subtitles.

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Sympathy For Mr Vengeance 2002 我要复仇

Country: South Korea
Released Date: 2002
Language: Korean
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: 720P-MKV | 2.4G
Plot: In Seoul, Ryu, a deaf worker has a sister who needs a kidney transplant. He tries to donate his own kidney to his sister, but his blood type is not compatible with hers. When Ryu is fired from Ilshin Electronics, he meets illegal dealers of organs, and the criminals propose that he give them his kidney plus ten millions Won to obtain a kidney suitable for his sister. Ryu accepts the trade, but he does not have money to pay for the surgery. His anarchist revolutionary girlfriend Cha Young-mi convinces him to kidnap Yossun, the daughter of his former employer Park, who owns Ilshin Electronics. However, a tragedy happens, generating revenge and a series of acts of violence.


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Aui Ai Nang Ngarm Too Kra Jok 2011

Country: Thailand
Released Date: 2011
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 867M
Plot: NA

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Street Angels 1996 红灯区

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 1996
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 894M
Plot: Street Angels is standard triad stuff from the BOB factory, who also brought us the infamous Young and Dangerous movies. Chingmy Yau stars as Yen, a triad girl who gets sent to jail for her boyfriend Walkie Pi (Simon Yam). Once she gets out, she proceeds to find a job as a Mamasan at Number One, the top nightclub in the city. Number One is owned a righteous fellow named Playboy Man (Michael Tao), who finds himself enchanted by the self-possessed Yen. When Playboy Man's top Mamasan Karen (Valerie Chow) defects to a competitor, Playboy Man installs Yen as his top girl. However, their success ignites a war between the two clubs, which sparks lots of violence and your usual acts of indignant defiance. It also brings the return of Walkie Pi, but whose side is he on?

PLAYBOY文经营全港豪华的第一卡拉OK夜总会,因他打理欢场生意另有一套,且在妈妈生童恩的帮助下,有如此行业的领导者,后来有黑社会背景TOP GIRL CLUB成立,与PLAYBOY文为敌,其黑社会大哥毕华琪更是童恩的初恋情人,童恩面对旧情人,情义两难。

Comments: Repost a better version in shorter links with additional file hosts.

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Slave Ship 2010 奴隶船

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2010
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 692M
Plot: The screenplay for Slave Ship was written by Akira Fukuhara and Kaneda, based on the novella Dorei-bune by Oniroku Dan. The movie stars Kyôko Aizome, Tarô Suwa, Mio Saegusa, Maki Tomoda, Mami Ogawa, Nao Masaki, Takashi Naha, Mutsuo Yoshioka, Yôta Kawase, Seiji Nakamitsu, Tadashi Naitô (a.k.a. Chûji Naitô), and Akira Naka. It is to be Aizome's last pink film.

S&M novelist Kan Onimata hosts the 'Onimen-nokai', a get-together of S&M freaks. In these gatherings, the group boards a Japanese party ship they call the Slave Ship, where they auction each other's sex slaves. Onimata sometimes goes out to the Umezu Hot Spring Inn in Itoh. Kikue, the madam of the inn had been auctioned several times on the Slave Ship before. Onimata one day visits the Umezu Inn alone, only to find that Kikue is not there. According to Kikue's husband, she has been driven insane by a young man, Kitagawa, who had been stalking her. Kikue is much older than him, but Kitagawa was so attracted that he couldn't fight the urge to stalk her. Although taken aback by all of this, Onimata cannot resist his curiosity to know more about Kitagawa, and goes to Kitagawa's café to find out the truth. Onimata is dumbfounded at what he hears - an obsessive world of abnormal sexual desires.

SM异色大作,爱染恭子引退纪念作品,根据日本SM小说界巨匠团鬼六同名原作改编,2010年金田敬导演,爱染恭子、诹访太朗、三枝美央等主演。鬼又老师 是着名的SM小说家,也是SM高手,他和女助手美雪虽然还没有发生关係,但他们很暧昧。一天,鬼又带着助手美雪和石鬱来到温泉馆泡汤,温泉馆老闆娘菊江从 前是鬼又的相好。美雪感觉到菊江与鬼又的不寻常关係,她非常渴望得到鬼又老师的宠幸,但是鬼又按兵不动。于是她找到石鬱嚐试SM的感觉,不料这一幕被鬼又 撞见……

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The High Rollers 2006 老千

The High Rollers | The War of Flower 2006 老千

Country: South Korea
Released Date: 2006
Language: Korean
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 1G
Plot: A guy with a talent for cards makes his way into the dangerous world of underground gambling in this crime thriller from South Korea. Go-ni (Jo Seung-woo) is a small-town guy with a big appetite for gambling. Convinced he?s on a hot streak one evening during a card game, Go-ni bets his life savings on a hand of hwatu, only to lose to a crooked cardsharp. Determined to get revenge, Go-ni sets out to find the guy who cheated him and win back his money.

一夜暴富已经不是什么传奇故事了,除了纳斯达克,只要你愿意在赌桌前一掷千金,愿意接受“胜者为王,败者为奴”的游戏规则,那就没有什么是不可能的。在欲望的无底深渊面前,人的本性迷失了,赌徒们都忘了,有赢家就一定会有输家,然而只要有赢家的希望存在,哪怕多么渺茫,多么微小,哪怕是一瞬间的停留,他们也愿意倾家荡产奋力一博。家具厂做事的高尼(曹承佑 饰)辛辛苦苦赚的钱只够勉强糊口,原本只是对牌九游戏感兴趣的他做梦也没有想到自己的人生会因此改变,当他踏入赌博的大门那一天开始,自己的意志已经让他坚定的走下去,他发现内心潜伏的好胜和欲望是那么强烈,为了涝回输出去的钞票而一赌再赌,赌桌终于成了他在天堂和地狱间徘徊的通道,现在,他要靠自己的双手挑战命运的天平……

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Tale Of The Affectionate Girl 2010 愛妹物語

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2010
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 645M
Plot: Yuka and Makoto study in the same school, they adore one another. One day, their parents announce their remarriage. They become brother and sister suddenly. Now they cannot get along as they wanted. Meanwhile, Makoto's tutor appears and affect their relationships. Since then the situation is only getting uncontrollable...Junichi is deeply in love with Eriko, but they are blood-related brother and sister. One day, an accident causes Eriko loses all her memories. Eriko even can't recognize Junichi. Junichi decides to hide their true relationship and begin dating with Eriko...


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The Loop 2011

Country: Thailand
Released Date: 2011
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 767M
Plot: Jane finds out that her husband is having an affair with a co-worker. She's angry and starts to go out clubbing where she meets Aek whom she starts to have an affair with. Jane's husband finds out about this and he tracks down Aek and gives him an offer he can't refuse. He tells Aek to murder his wife for a fee in order to collect her life insurance.

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Abused By Father-In-Law: Yuna Mitsuki 2011

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2011
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: | 447M
Plot: NA

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Part Time Housekeepers 2011

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2011
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 454M
Casts : Asuka Hoshikawa
Plot: NA.

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Korean Girls

Country: South Korea
Released Date: NA
Language: Korean
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 447M
Plot: NA

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Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: NA
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 449M
Plot: NA

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Love Asia 2006 亚洲名模写真集

Country: Hong Kong | Singapore
Released Date: 2006
Language: English | Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Documentary
Video Format | Size: HD-MKV | 1.7G
Plot: Maggie Q (Naked Weapon), Lin Chi Ling (Taiwan Beauty) and 8 of the most gorgeous girls in Asia. From the stunning backgrounds of Langkawi Island to the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur, these sexy, sultry and sensuous models bare their souls to you. Watch them as they work and play and listen in as they share their deepest, sexist secrets and their darkest inner desires. Discover the blazing fires that burn beneath their cool, steely exteriors. Watch them as they let their hair down and sizzle on the dance floors. They're hot. They're daring. They're exquisitely divine. And they are all yours on LOVE ASIA. Are you cool enough to handle it?

集合了亚洲各地10位当红名模,由MaggieQ监制,包括台湾甜姐儿林志玲都入镜的“Love Asia”DVD,于24日起全亚洲同步发行,“Love Asia”由新加坡时尚摄影师Leslie Kee掌镜,在度假胜地马来西亚兰卡威、吉隆坡等地拍摄,充满夏日风情。林志玲在当中展现琴艺、小秀舞蹈,以及与众名模们至PUB狂欢的幕后镜头...

1. Hong Kong - USA (Maggie Q)
2. Japan (Mayuko Kawamata)
3. Japan - Korea (Lee Ka Hye)
4. China (Queenie Zhou Qiao)
5. Hong Kong - India (Aysha Bashir)
6. Thailand (Yossavadee Hassadeevichit)
7. Taiwan (Lin Chi Ling)
8. Hong Kong (Almen Wong Pui-Ha)
9. Singapore (Jacqueline Alblas)
10.Philippines (Grace Tagle)

Comments: Produced by Hong Kong Maggie Q and directed by Singapore Leslie Kee. You can select between English or Mandarin audio commentary from your player audio setting.

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Wife's Sexual Fantasy 1980 妻子的性幻想

Wife's Sexual Fantasy: Before Husband's Eyes 1980 妻子的性幻想:在丈夫面前

Country: Japan
Released Date: 1980
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 684M
Plot: A wealthy businessman is blackmailed by some local thugs because he's having an affair with a local hooker. To keep the businessman's wife and the media from finding out about his roving penis, the thugs frame him for the murder of his mistress and make him agree to pay a large sum of money, and also make him agree to allow them to r*** his wife - which they of course do. In a twist in plot, we find that the thugs weren't acting of their own volition, and the motives and repercussions are not as simple as initially thought...

在海滨小镇悠然度假的坂本夫妇过着饮食无忧的富裕生活,妻子纱织(風祭ゆき 饰)风姿绰约,美丽迷人,且品行端庄。当她漫步在海滩附近的甬道时,俨然一道令人痴迷的风景线,引得青年学生们竞相观看和遐想。这令纱织的丈夫修三郎(宇南山宏 饰)忧心不已,他甚至暗中雇用侦探调查妻子的行踪。与此同时,修三郎和新宿的脱衣舞娘佑香(高原リカ 饰)长期有染。某晚,欢愉过后的修三郎发现佑香躺在血泊之中,随即两个蒙面男子将其绑架,并要挟他同意与蒙面人分享纱织的身体。被逼无奈,修三郎答应这个屈辱性的条件。而这也为纱织打开通往未知世界的大门……

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The Alchemy of Ecstasy 1999 冥府春色

The Alchemy of Ecstasy 1999 风月宝鉴之冥府春色

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 1999
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 1.1G
Plot: NA

马家镇闹妖,淫妖淫势镇中闰女无数,捉鬼天师钟馗得未央生神物加上加阳神功之助,收复淫妖,两人结 为兄弟,钟馗看出未央生心中隐然有牵挂,未央生道出自己一心想寻回自己的子孙根,但走遍天下,依然 不获,钟馗算出换去未央生子孙根的人已下阴曹地府,便助他下冥府寻根,但要他在七七四十九个时辰回阳,否则永不超生。谁知地府竟是一些美丰胸的荡妇,未央生经历十八层淫乱地狱的考验,但最后也是功亏一篑,换去未央生子孙的人已投胎去也‥‥

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