★sonic123★★[18+ | Cat III | Rated | Uncensored Movie Collections Here]★★

Ninja Kasumi 7: Damned Village 2009

Lady Ninja Kasumi 7:Penance the Damned Village 2009

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2009
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 691M
Plot: This is 7th title of an erotic NINJA action series, “Kasumi”. It's the village damned by lust and blood.
Kasumi has continued her battles as a Sanada ninja to defeat the Tokugawas. Feeling her fatigue, her master, Muhu, allows her time for rest. On the way to her hometown to see her brother, Kotaro, Kasumi meets Toyo, who heads to Okusawa Village to see her fiancé, Yohei. Invited by her, Kasumi decides to stop by Okusawa, as she feels a great comfort she's never felt before with Toyo's innocence and honesty. Yosuke, the village chief of Okusawa welcomes the two; however, Yohei looks grim as he sees Toyo. In fact, the village has been controlled by Yosuke by using drugs. Toyo is r***ing by villagers, and soon Kasumi becomes a victim, too. Kasumi now stands up to save Toyo and exterminate the terrible fortunes of the village.

Comments: Repost this title with hardcoded Chinese subtitles.

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Strokes of Fire 2002 醉画仙

Country: South Korea
Released Date: 2002
Language: Korean
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 1.4G
Plot: During the 1850s, KIM Byung-moon saves young Seung-up from being beaten by a group of drifters. Seung-up draws him a picture to explain the reason of being beaten. KIM looks carefully at Seung-up's rough yet extraordinary talent... and years later, KIM encourages Seung-up to pursue the life of a true artist and gives him a pen name, Oh-won. Seung-up meets Mae-hyang, a daughter of a declined Yangban(nobility) who attracts him deeply. But, they part when she runs away from persecution of the catholic....


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Gendai porno-den: senten-sei inpu 1972

Gendai porno-den: senten-sei inpu 1972 先天性淫婦

Country: Japan
Released Date: 1972
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 847M
Plot: NA

就读于东京圣南女子学院的尾野崎由纪(池玲子 饰)原本是一个青春懵懂的女孩,但是她的人生在某年的夏天彻底改变。暑假期间,由纪回到家乡京都,结果被母亲绢枝(三原葉子 饰)的情人强暴。伤心的由纪自此荒废学业,选择了堕落的人生。她结识了黑帮头目大场清(小池朝雄饰)、工厂实业家,这些男人虽然或多或少能给她肉体上的慰籍,却无法打开由纪紧锁的心灵。直到年轻的建筑师本间洋一郎(宮内洋 饰)出现,由纪的爱情之花才渐渐绽放。不久,洋一郎在法国留学时的初恋情人桑德拉(サンドラ·ジュリアン 饰)找来,令由纪心中骤起波澜。几经波折,洋一郎决定和由纪结婚,但是磨难从未停止……

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Kasiping 2002

Country: Philippines
Released Date: 2002
Language: Tagalog
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 790M
Plot: Love thy neighbours, not thy neighbours wife.This story is about two girls finding love ,romance and also satisfy their sexual needs with each others husbands.As the story goes, they find the real love with their own husband and realising their lust towards other guys.

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A Little Goddess & Amazing Women 2010

Country: Thailand
Released Date: 2010
Language: Thai
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 709M
Plot: 2 in 1 Movie.

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Beauty Leg Jill (1920 X 1080P)

Country: China
Released Date: NA
Language: NA
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult Variety
Video Format | Size: MKV | 580M
Plot: Take a peek at the legs of the model.

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Show Time Dancer (1920 X 1080P)

Country: China
Released Date: NA
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult Variety
Video Format | Size: MKV | 396M
Plot: Take a peek at how this China doll performs a sexy dance just for your eyes only.

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Secret Chronicle 1973 极乐红弁天

Secret Chronicle: Crimson Goddess in Paradise 1973 极乐红弁天

Country: Japan
Released Date: 1973
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: DVD-VOB | 3.67G
Plot: This softcore Edo-period sex comedy from acclaimed Nikkatsu studio director Chusei Sone looks at two female friends who fall in love with a pair of samurai warriors and become accomplices to a smuggling operation. Amusing and occasionally even erotic, the pinku eiga film stars Yuko Katagiri (from Sone's regrettable Furyo Shoujo: Noraneko No Seishun) as the naïve Okon, and Meika Seri as the trampy Oshina, who quickly introduces her virginal friend to a new outlook. Ryo Yamamoto and Kibaji Tankoba co-star.


Comments: Use VLC or Media Player Classic - Home Cinema ver to play the VOB files and select the Chinese subtitles accordingly.

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Old Boy 2003 老男孩

Country: South Korea
Released Date: 2003
Language: Korean and English (Dual Audio)
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 877M
Plot: An average man is kidnapped and imprisoned in a shabby cell for 15 years without explanation. He then is released, equipped with money, a cellphone and expensive clothes. As he strives to explain his imprisonment and get his revenge, Oh Dae-Su soon finds out that his kidnapper has a greater plan for him and is set onto a path of pain and suffering in an attempt to uncover the motive of his mysterious tormentor.


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Legend of Siren XXX 2010 魔性的悅樂

Legend of Siren XXX 2010 妖女傳說之魔性的悅樂

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2010
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 1.3G
Plot: The erotic horror series Yojo Densetsu Seiren has been released again in theaters with a porno video idol star. Kamei Toru, who has displayed a wide range of work including Double Suicide Elegy (Shinju Elegy), participated as supervisor. Ishikawa Kenji (Nishimoto Ryuki) runs a barbershop. Kenji's young wife (Marika) seduces male customers for wild encounters, but then in the instant the men reach climax, they die in anguish. Takuya (Okabe Nao) hears that rumor and goes to the barbershop to find out the truth.

在鄉下港邊經營理髮店的石川健次,最近跟年輕女子結婚,石川健次的妻子沈默寡言,擁有美艷氣質以及神秘的雙瞳,他們一起經營理髮店。石川健次的妻子十分怪異,理髮完後,都會發生離奇現象,並且色誘男人,主動脫衣和男客激情作愛,事後男客都是暴斃身亡。她吸取男人 的精氣,以保持自己成為青春艷麗女人,男人在悅樂的另一邊溫柔的死。可悲的好色男人們,接連在其理髮店內,風流淫樂後死亡。丈夫石川健次,知道和他妻子性交後的男人必死,有一天,他忍不住決定和妻子作愛,同樣「樂」遭惡運,作鬼也快活………

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Handjob Clinic : Miyuki Yokoyama 2011

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2011
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: MKV | 462M
Plot: NA

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Housecall Massage Ladies 2011

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2011
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | AV
Video Format | Size: RMVB | 445M
Plot: NA

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Lady Ninja Kasumi IV 2007

Lady Ninja Kasumi Vol. 4: Amongst Revenge and Sympathy 2007

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2007
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 567M
Plot: The 4th installment of ‘Kasumi’, direct-to-video erotic ninja action series based on the manga by Youji Kanbayashi & Jin Hirano. – Kasumi is a female ninja working for Sanada clan. While searching for the scroll which describes some secret about Osaka Castle, she is saved by Sakichi, another ninja from Sanada. He is actually an ex-ninja. He has quiited when he lost his sweetheart in the battle. Shortly afterwards, Kasumi is captured by Hattori clan. Sakichi is the only one who cn save her from Hattori. When Sakichi learns Kasumi also lost her family in the battle, he is determined to return as a ninja. (Later, Sakichi is to become a great ninja under the name Sarutobi Sasuke.

Comments: Repost a better version that comes with hardcoded Chinese subtitles.

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Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: NA
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama | Cat 4
Video Format | Size: MKV | 498M
Plot: NA

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Lady Ninja Kasumi Vol. 5:Hanzo Strikes Back 2008

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2008
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 587M
Plot: The 5th installment of ‘Kasumi’, the erotic ninja action series based on the manga by Youji Kanbayashi & Jin Hirano. – In this film, Kasumi is assigned to search a man who had recieved a new weapon from the foreigners and she must escort him to Ueda Castle. Although, it won’t be that easy because Hanzo already assigned his ninja army to steal the weapon and eliminate the sanada ninjas. Also, Hanzo’s apprentices are back and ready to fight and fuck Kasumi again.

Comments: Repost a new version that comes with hardcoded Chinese subtitles.

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Sex and the Emperor 1994 满清禁宫奇案

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 1994
Language: Cantonese and Mandarin (Dual Audio)
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: BD-MKV | 4.38G
Plot: A young heir to the Imperial throne falls for a pretty chambermaid, only for her to be sold into prostitution. Setting out to find her he leaves no brothel unturned in this steamy Hong Kong drama. Trouble is brewing in the Imperial Court, with the young heir to the throne caught in the middle of a power struggle between his dominant mother and the ambitious chief eunuch. Numerous concubines fulfill his every sexual wish, however, he finds pleasure in only one woman, a servant girl called Guilian. Despite the attempts by his friend, Little Li, to protect the girl, she is expelled from the palace and sold into prostitution. The love-struck Prince cannot forget his true love and searches the brothels throughout the land to find her, with outrageous and often mind blowing consequences.


Comments: Respost a BD version that comes with Cantonese Audio.

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Etsuko No Ero Ii Hanashi 2011 悅子的色情故事

Country: Japan
Released Date: 2011
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 679M
Plot: Etsuko school girl is very cute and loves making out with the guys, starring Fumio Moriya, Meguri.

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Kapop 2003 性的厲鬼

Country: Thailand
Released Date: 2003
Language: Thai
Subtitles: English
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 688M
Plot: Story involves the 'ghost' of a girl who was saved from a r*** by a witch/ghost who then inhabits her body and wreaks vengeance on a series of unsuspecting guys by murdering them during sex (chomping off their privates!). A group of students makes a field-trip to the village where this mysterious carnage is occurring and gets sucked into the 'horror' and sex! The village men constantly think of ways to attract the devil out and kills it...


Comments: Repost this better version which comes with English subtitles.

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