The Hard Facts About Porn


snow queen
Sep 25, 2008
A pair of statistical compilations purport to give penetrating insights in the world of pornography, both online and off.

Source Gigazine can’t help but observe that Japan ranks 3rd in global porn consumption according to these statistics – perhaps unsurprising, but just how South Korea manages 2nd place to China with its population of only 50 million is an interesting question.

source: sankakucomplex




New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Yeah, uploading images to a seedy porn site which auto-redirects to a porn ad is cool. [/sarcasm] I've attached the hi-res images below for all to see free of hassle.

LOL @ the fact that this very complaint is part of the second image, "34% of internet users have experienced unwanted exposure to porn either through pop-up ads, misdirected links, or e-mails."


snow queen
Sep 25, 2008
yes =) you know, like, when you try to open some fency photo from BBC worlwide and you end up looking at some korean idols... XD


Nov 4, 2009
China 28% S.Korea 27% is this for real? I hardly find chinese porn, most of them just US & Japan:study:


Jul 23, 2008
China 28% S.Korea 27% is this for real? I hardly find chinese porn, most of them just US & Japan:study:

Well if you were searching for porn using the Chinese or Korean language my bet is you might have different results. Just a thought.


Señor Member
Oct 28, 2008
I say we need to do something about the sexist wage disparity in porn.

And you wonder why they only have fat old guys in porn films. :pandalaugh:


Nov 11, 2007
The Chinese don't produce porn commercially, but they consume tons and tons of it, mostly Japanese, secondly probably american porn.

It's technically illegal here to produce porn, thus the lack of production. But if you wanna sleep with a hooker, feel free! At my old college in jiangsu my dormitory was a five minute walk from about 11 brothels and five dildo shops.


New Member
Dec 3, 2008
All "stats" on global porn are bullshit. Heck, even the US stats turn out to be grade A manure when you start looking at how they compile the numbers (lots and lots of assumptions, few hard facts). I truly doubt China stands for 28% of world consumption when even downloading porn was illegal over there until something like last week. They simply don't know, nobody is tracking stats in China. You can come up with whatever official sounding bullshit number you like and most people will believe it. AFAIK reliable national stats are only available for some European countries.


Jul 23, 2008
All "stats" on global porn are bullshit. Heck, even the US stats turn out to be grade A manure when you start looking at how they compile the numbers (lots and lots of assumptions, few hard facts). I truly doubt China stands for 28% of world consumption when even downloading porn was illegal over there until something like last week. They simply don't know, nobody is tracking stats in China. You can come up with whatever official sounding bullshit number you like and most people will believe it. AFAIK reliable national stats are only available for some European countries.

True, stats are often based on incomplete, prejudicial, and often irrelevant data but they are meant as an indicator in trends often and are a much sought after tool for companies that seek such data.

As far as nobody is tracking stats in China? I really think you should take a closer look into how the Chinese internet is being run. China probably has more control and knowledge of the internet in its' home country than any other country in the world. Whether you can rely on any statics that are shared to other countries from China is another matter entirely.

To be fair China is not the only country to misrepresent their national statistics. In all countries, national statistics often have a public relation flavor to them. Statistics are a political tool as well as a corporate tool.


New Member
Dec 3, 2008
As far as nobody is tracking stats in China? I really think you should take a closer look into how the Chinese internet is being run. China probably has more control and knowledge of the internet in its' home country than any other country in the world.
Should be obvious I'm not talking about the authorities since they stamp a big red "Classified" on almost all the data they collect. Maybe those numbers will be compiled and released in the future but until then it's guesswork alone for everybody else. These statistics do have a public relations flavor to them. When stats like these were first released a journalist actually decided to verify the source. Turned out to be a front organization for American porn studios, in which a handful of people were making up plausible sounding statistics. The whole thing was an exercise in inflating the size of the American porn industry to make it look more economically important and influential than it was.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2008
All "stats" on global porn are bullshit. Heck, even the US stats turn out to be grade A manure when you start looking at how they compile the numbers (lots and lots of assumptions, few hard facts). I truly doubt China stands for 28% of world consumption when even downloading porn was illegal over there until something like last week. They simply don't know, nobody is tracking stats in China. You can come up with whatever official sounding bullshit number you like and most people will believe it. AFAIK reliable national stats are only available for some European countries.

Well China stats aren't the only source actually , for any statistical purpose you can very easily ask to some ISP the national IP of those downloading from any given site or server to their account , if pornsites have an average of 28% of downloaders from China you have your numbers.

Senior Idol

Active Member
May 29, 2008
CEEWAN, an articulate and well-reasoned post

True, stats are often based on incomplete, prejudicial, and often irrelevant data but they are meant as an indicator in trends often and are a much sought after tool for companies that seek such data.

As far as nobody is tracking stats in China? I really think you should take a closer look into how the Chinese internet is being run. China probably has more control and knowledge of the internet in its' home country than any other country in the world. Whether you can rely on any statics that are shared to other countries from China is another matter entirely.

To be fair China is not the only country to misrepresent their national statistics. In all countries, national statistics often have a public relation flavor to them. Statistics are a political tool as well as a corporate tool.

A thoughtful response, Ceewan, and well written. Your last point raises a question which has troubled me for some time here in the US. On issues of graver concern than porn, it seems that even supposedly neutral and scientific polling organizations often deliver results, within narrow margins of error, which conveniently meet the needs of those who quote them, especially Republicans and right-wing Christians. Yet almost everyone I know, including many conservatives, do not share the views which the polls insist represent the majority.

BTW, is it true that 30% of adult Japanese males buy Junior Idol videos or photo books? I saw that stat somewhere, and I would have ignored it if I did not trust the source. I hope that Japan does not follow the lead of America and Western Europe and declare swimsuits and sundresses obscene.

A VERY Senior Idol:puzzled:


Feb 11, 2007
which conveniently meet the needs of those who quote them, especially Republicans and right-wing Christians
This is part of the "radio/TV talk show" phenomenon. The idea is that a talk show host already has some sort of predetermined judgment in mind. But to keep his or her show popular, he needs to continuously inject new information (news, polls, twitter, etc). Obviously some of that new information will conflict with their predetermined judgments, so they will distort it to suit their needs.

The rationale isn't merely because the host is ignorant; rather, the success of the show depends on its listeners/viewers. And if the audience doesn't like what they hear, they'll just change the channel until they find something else that tells them what they want to hear. So the hosts continually dig themselves deeper and deeper lest they risk their show getting cancelled.

Also, this problem is not unique to conservatives, Republicans, right-wing, or Christians. Liberal groups do this too, most problematically in academic institutions (including top level universities) where the minority conservative thought is often demonized and even censored.

Smart people ignore these types of shows and think for themselves.

is it true that 30% of adult Japanese males buy Junior Idol videos or photo books?
Regarding JI videos, that is blatantly incorrect. If "photobooks" includes regular gravure (and not just JI material), and maybe also magazine stand gravure, it might be more believeable.

More likely the statistic was meant to indicate a certain demographic of Japanese men (for example, men who consider themselves otaku, or perhaps single men between the age of 18 and 30, and so on), but not all Japanese men.


New Member
Jun 25, 2010
China has the most population. Korea has 99.9% accessibility to computers and the Internet. Japan makes them.. In U.S, I guess they get laid rather than watching.. this is my guess.