Good news! Senduran has graciously offered to purchase Tsubasa's elusive Kirameki Teen's Girl DVD for us!
If all goes as planned, both KTG-024 and the just-released JMRD-0045 will be uploaded here within the week. ^_^
I found a rapidgator file that could be JMRD-0045. I have my doubts but I need a rapidgator premium account to check. Perhaps someone else already has a rapidgator premium acct and can check? I found the page just by googling 'JMRD-0045 torrent' and going to the 4th result which is in Japanese. That page was created on Dec 22 before the release date of JMRD-0045 hence my doubts plus I've never used that site before.
No need, Master Cheef. I haven't heard back from Senduran yet, but JMRD-0045 has been ripped and uploaded here:
Good news! Senduran has graciously offered to purchase Tsubasa's elusive Kirameki Teen's Girl DVD for us!