Watching porno


New Member
Apr 7, 2007
I've been wondering something and I want to know if someone else is like me.
Is it normal to need to watch porno and to wank when we live with a girlfriend(a sexy japanese:inlove: )?
Wank on.
If you chose to beat off to porn, girlfriend or no, just go ahead.
Nothing abnormal about either.

I've been wondering something and I want to know if someone else is like me.
Is it normal to need to watch porno and to wank when we live with a girlfriend(a sexy japanese:inlove: )?

How about doing it *with* your girlfriend. Side by side or to each other while watching porn~ nice way to spend an evening.

that being said... My BF still looks at 4chan and does it on his own when I'm not in the mood....
Thats nice, you seem to accept to watch it with him, but the problem is, boys and girls are different, if she would watch it with me I would feel bad, because its like a private thing, she wont enjoy watching it, she will do it for me, I feel porno is boy's stuff.
About you, when you watch it with him, do you like watching a porno? You dont feel like, erm.. like jalous? because he watch porno and it makes him hard(certainly). So I feel shame about it.

Anyway It cant be!!!
As she is japanese, she watched the first porno movie of her life some month ago, it was me who show her
She hate I watch porno, pictures, or anything sexy japanese stuff, she feel like I go out with her just cose she is japanese. lol. So I hide^^ And when we hide it's a bigger pleasur :snicker2:
I had a roommate my freshman year of college that thought her boyfriend didn't masturbate. What a joke. 99%+ of guys masturbate.

If a girl is jealous of porn then she is not secure enough. Porn is a visual medium made for the purpose of sexual enjoyment. It is made to turn you on. It's not like you're saying you love the porn star instead of her.

Porn is made to be enjoyed by all people who enjoy exploring their sexuality!

If she feels you go out with her because she's Japanese, and that's not true, prove her wrong! Show her how much you care for her. Take her out for a nice evening doing something she enjoys give her a nice massage and then... (here's the catch) don't encourage her to have sex afterwards!

Ask her what actors she thinks are hot and why. Why is she allowed to lust after someone but you aren't?
I had a roommate my freshman year of college that thought her boyfriend didn't masturbate. What a joke. 99%+ of guys masturbate.

If a girl is jealous of porn then she is not secure enough. Porn is a visual medium made for the purpose of sexual enjoyment. It is made to turn you on. It's not like you're saying you love the porn star instead of her.

Porn is made to be enjoyed by all people who enjoy exploring their sexuality!

If she feels you go out with her because she's Japanese, and that's not true, prove her wrong! Show her how much you care for her. Take her out for a nice evening doing something she enjoys give her a nice massage and then... (here's the catch) don't encourage her to have sex afterwards!

Ask her what actors she thinks are hot and why. Why is she allowed to lust after someone but you aren't?

Standford University did a research and it proved that more women masturbate then men
Standford University did a research and it proved that more women masturbate then men

I wouldn't mind seeing that study... I can't even imagine their methods..

Even if that were the case, I bet more men masturbate to orgasm. Which doesn't really have any bearing to this conversation... but oh well...
It's normal dude, you don't have to stop.
How about doing it *with* your girlfriend. Side by side or to each other while watching porn~ nice way to spend an evening.
Problem is, a girlfriend/partner can't always be ready. Sometimes she's not in the mood or it's the day of her month or blablabla. But porn is always there for you 24/7.
If a girl is jealous of porn then she is not secure enough. Porn is a visual medium made for the purpose of sexual enjoyment. It is made to turn you on. It's not like you're saying you love the porn star instead of her.

Porn is made to be enjoyed by all people who enjoy exploring their sexuality!
Well, this is true. But not all girls are open-minded like you. Which is sad.
Standford University did a research and it proved that more women masturbate then men

id also like to see that, cause out of the 20 or 25 girls i talk to daily im only for sure that 1 masturbates
id also like to see that, cause out of the 20 or 25 girls i talk to daily im only for sure that 1 masturbates

most of em won't fess up to it, but it's so true.:shy:
I wouldn't mind seeing that study... I can't even imagine their methods..

Even if that were the case, I bet more men masturbate to orgasm. Which doesn't really have any bearing to this conversation... but oh well...


As an healthy woman with a good relation with my sexuality, everytime I masturbate I sure love to cum. That's the reasom why I do it first place, to release some sexual tension... that's why I'm pretty sure the study is correct lol

I'm a girl and I love porn, hehe, and I sure love to ease myself when I don't have my BF around or in the mood to help.

Thats nice, you seem to accept to watch it with him, but the problem is, boys and girls are different, if she would watch it with me I would feel bad, because its like a private thing, she wont enjoy watching it, she will do it for me, I feel porno is boy's stuff.
About you, when you watch it with him, do you like watching a porno? You dont feel like, erm.. like jalous? because he watch porno and it makes him hard(certainly). So I feel shame about it.

Anyway It cant be!!!
As she is japanese, she watched the first porno movie of her life some month ago, it was me who show her
She hate I watch porno, pictures, or anything sexy japanese stuff, she feel like I go out with her just cose she is japanese. lol. So I hide^^ And when we hide it's a bigger pleasur :snicker2:

I have a simple and for sure solution for you, it's been working for me ever since my girlfriend moved in with me just watch porn behind her back lol! :perfectplan: Maybe your girlfriend is like mine, extremly jealous, against porn, ect. So it seems that this is the only option, just save yourself all the hassle of trying to get her to accept and like porn and just enjoy it on your own time or even better make some porn with her :prance:.
Not many girls do watch porn these days. But most of us men do watch together with buddies or gd friends... even to the extent of wanking together.. it is a norm. If a girl dont mind she will be shy to see our dick right?
I watch porn by myself, I would hate to watch porn with other guys, that would be freaking awkward. I wouldn't mind watching porn with a girl. The main problem is that I don't have a girlfriend, and to be honest never have had one. I'm 22 and I suck at social skills.

I'm so glad that the internet is full of free porn, I don't know how I would survive without it.
Why should porn become insignificant simply because you get a girlfriend or boyfriend? Even if you live together it isn't like they're going to be standing at attention ready to serve you 24/7. There will be times when they're not around... or simply not in the mood. Girls are out of commission for about a week every month unless they're on the pill anyways. Guys can only go two or three times in a day tops. This is when pr0n becomes your savior.

As for girls who get upset at their boyfriends for having pr0n, I've personally never understood it. I can understand if a girl doesn't like pr0n or want to watch it with her boyfriend, but insisting that he get rid of it? Personally I would rather know that if I'm gone a boyfriend has something to entertain himself with while I'm away. I would rather that be pr0n in this case than lingering eyes on other girls.

Oh and do guys really wank together like ibarrz says? Because that sounds realllly gay. I've only every watched porn with one a friend once (by accident)... but all we did was insert voiceovers before closing the site: "Stop poking me!"
I watch porn by myself, I would hate to watch porn with other guys, that would be freaking awkward. I wouldn't mind watching porn with a girl. The main problem is that I don't have a girlfriend, and to be honest never have had one. I'm 22 and I suck at social skills.

I'm so glad that the internet is full of free porn, I don't know how I would survive without it.

Mate, most people suck at social skills, even chicks. The positive thing is that there are as many women as men on the planet so the drought will end. I would suggest that you don't use "Wanna watch porn on the net with me?" as a pick up line though.