I thought i was going to see Cyndi Wang here, what happend?

I remember well that video because of the model, she brings back some memories

and its a catchy tune.
You like "hair metal" or "glam metal"? (Ratt, Tesla, Firehouse, Poison, Cinderella, etc)
Glad at least you liked the music of Megadeth, Amon Amarth, thats cool
Yeah, it would be so easy to just flood this topic with Cyndi Wang songs and MVs, but I think I talk about her a little bit too much on this forum as it is.

Also, I wanted to show what else I usually listen to, because yeah, for me it's either Cyndi or rock/glam metal. So yeah, I like glam metal, although not really the bands that you mentioned, partly because I've never even heard of some of those bands, like Tesla and Cinderella. And honestly, I don't even know the difference between just plain good old (70s/80s) rock and glam metal, to me both sound the same. Maybe it's a difference in how they dress and stuff?
Anyway, here's another song, this time rock, that I have already linked in a topic on here before. It's from Shadow King, an incredibly short-lived band featuring Lou Gramm as the singer, who is definitely my favourite male voice. He was the singer in Foreigner when Foreigner rocked, so most folks probably know him from there. On lead guitar it's Vivian Campbell, who left Shadow King to join Def Leppard and that's what killed Shadow King... such a shame, considering that Shadow King is the best thing ever, musically speaking, and the vast majority of Def Leppard's awesome songs came before Vivian Campbell, so I can't help but think about what could have been had he stayed...
Uh, I think I have ranted enough, here's the song:
Also, that Edguy song was pretty good too, musically speaking!

But I'm not a fan of anything that Javvee has been posting... we have such different tastes!