What are you listening to right now?

I didnt know that song was from Foreigner :pits a good one, thanks for share!
You dont need to give like if you dont feel to, you are being too kind to me, to be honest:maaf:
Maybe instrumental songs are your thing? View attachment 747694

Well, when it comes to metal, I can listen to the music but the singers usually don't sound good to me, so maybe, but that song isn't my cup of tea.

Here's a live version of Pour Some Sugar On Me.

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Now thats a nice song!View attachment 748409 Thanks for share:)

I found one of their recent songs and it sounds pretty good, what do you think?
It seems they are still capable to create good songs but they are just too lazy:p

That song was awesome! Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with their more recent stuff, not yet anyway, but I know this one song from 2011 which is amazing!

(I didn't like the Placebo song. I think there's that one famous song of theirs that I like, but I don't even know which one that is off the top of my head.)
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So....early this year i played a RPG game called Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES and there is some extremely cute music, especially this one i cant take it out of my head:
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So....early this year i played a RPG game called Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES and there is some extremely cute music, especially this one i cant take it out of my head:

That song was not at all like what I was expecting it to be like. It was quite pleasant! Reminded me of a song that I used to listen to, so I listened to it again. I still like it very much!


Not a fan of those two songs, although the latter one is kind of okay, but a bit too fast for my taste. The outro was pretty nice, though!

Nowadays, I've been listening to Real World from Foreigner:

That song's from the Mr. Moonlight album, and let me tell you: that album is criminally underrated. I don't think that it's popular even amongst fans of Foreigner, but I love it! It's great that they could do music about more than just "let's have sex" and do it well. The musical style is a bit weird, certainly unusual for Foreigner, so it might take a little getting-used-to, but the songs do sound good. I especially love this song that I just linked - definitely my favourite off the album!
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Oh, there is a new Placebo song! i dont care about the video but the song is good :malu2:

I'm kind of the other way around! I don't like the song, but the MV is pretty good. I don't get what's going on in it, but there's some nice imagery/scenery in there.
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I had the feeling you were not going to like the song:p

My favorite Placebo song is "Special Needs", super cute song and the female model in the video looks so europeanView attachment 762063

I don't like that song either. I guess I'm just not a fan of Placebo, although that one famous song of theirs is pretty good (See You At The Bitter End?). Also, what do you mean by saying that she looks European? I mean, she's certainly white, but apart from that?

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I apologize if my ignorance upset you:maaf:

No, no, I was just curious. Some people say stuff like that but I can't imagine how you could tell where someone's from just by looking at them. It makes no sense in my mind.
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