What Car Do You Drive?


Nissan Quashqai Tekna
it's auto
why would i drive a manual car!!!!

Are you telling us a question?

Anyhow, if you were asking us 'Why would I drive a manual car????' then I would have to reply with "because it's a lot of fun, and can save you a few yen at the petrol station."

My ONLY qualm about driving is when driving in winter back in Saskatoon. Manual sucked then, but those days are over and done with.
Honda S2000
Nissan 350Z
Lotus Elise
Scion TC
Nissan Altima 3.5 SE

No, this is what DO you drive, not "what I beat off to"

If you are claiming to own those, then please, prove me wrong with photos.
Haha, you never know. Oh well, time to add my baby in here. Let's hope the Flickr coding works on this forum.


My baby, the Toyota Voltz (2005)
i can drive more cars but not mine they are for my brothers
onw have Audi Q7 and the other have mercedes benz c200 coupe
No, this is what DO you drive, not "what I beat off to"

If you are claiming to own those, then please, prove me wrong with photos.
I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I will show 3 of my cars only.


I also have a honda logo and a nissan silva.

Just one car at the moment, Nissan Cube, Autech Rider Edition. Great versatility, seats fold in every which way and very easy to drive! Of course car navi is a must in Japan...

dude.....thats a nice clean ass car plz tell let it be a manual and not some pussy auto....rich bastard*cough*

i have ordered a Ferrari F430 red it will arrive after 2 weeks so wait for the pictures and i kept the Audi for the college and other places i want to go to and dont want to use my Ferrari:happy:
i have ordered a Ferrari F430 red it will arrive after 2 weeks so wait for the pictures and i kept the Audi for the college and other places i want to go to and dont want to use my Ferrari:happy:

wow!!!!!!! The Ferrari arrived yesterday :cool:
i took some photos
enjoy :grassdance:
I'm not doing much with vehicles right now (must be getting too old).
I've had pickups for quite a few years, and tricked out a few of them, but I just traded off my last one recently (a F-150 4X4) and went with just a plain old Ford Escape. With 4 wheel drive, so it's been doing nicely in all this snow we've been having lately.
1980 holden torana UC. still has lots of works need to be done on it. only if i had more time and money. still, love it to death. mini muscle!! what i really want is a ford falcon or a holden monaro.
I own a 2008 Subaru Legacy 2.5i Limited. I got really lucky.

Yes, I did name it. So what? A girl can name her car if she wants to. :P