I finally beat Portal (after getting stuck [no clue why @_@] at the part after you beat all of those bots in the super-large chamber with the sewage), and then played it all the way through again once or twice.
Around the same time, I was already playing Mojipittan DS, and I've been playing that exclusively for the last week or so. I mean, I don't play it all the time, but I probably do play it for at least 30 minutes a day every day so far. (lol) Fun game, fun game.
To give you an idea for how hardcore the gameplay can get -- depending on how smart you are, how much Japanese you know, and how much time you've got to kill -- check out
this amazing video. The task on this level is to place a tile such that you instantaneously complete 25 different words. (The words can, and do, overlap, e.g. し よ う き よ う will produce numerous words.) But this guy takes it to a whole other level. What's even more impressive is that he managed to set the stage without
another character setting off the chain reaction for 25+.