What games are you playing?

currently i am playing on pc icewind dale,dragon age origins,divinity 2 ego draconis,dirt 2,fallout tactics,xenogears(emulator)

on ps3 suikoden,legend of dragoon,jade cocoon,resident evil 5....
Assassin's Creed 2, Persona 4, Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble, and Blazblue. Yeah that's the good stuff.:tea:
I finally beat Portal (after getting stuck [no clue why @_@] at the part after you beat all of those bots in the super-large chamber with the sewage), and then played it all the way through again once or twice.

Around the same time, I was already playing Mojipittan DS, and I've been playing that exclusively for the last week or so. I mean, I don't play it all the time, but I probably do play it for at least 30 minutes a day every day so far. (lol) Fun game, fun game.

To give you an idea for how hardcore the gameplay can get -- depending on how smart you are, how much Japanese you know, and how much time you've got to kill -- check out this amazing video. The task on this level is to place a tile such that you instantaneously complete 25 different words. (The words can, and do, overlap, e.g. し よ う き よ う will produce numerous words.) But this guy takes it to a whole other level. What's even more impressive is that he managed to set the stage without another character setting off the chain reaction for 25+.
right now morrowind on the pc just to kill time really
Currently replaying Painkiller + Painkiller: Battle Out Of Hell.

Nothing quite cheers me up like firing a massive wooden stake into unsuspecting hellspawn. :grassdance:
Shonen Jump Ultimate Stars (DS) whenever my cat lays on my lap and blocks access to the keyboard. Otherwise, nothing much. My sister and I occasionally start up the Wii to go hunting for star coins in New Super Mario Bros. Wii on our 2P file, but that's about it.
24 hours of playing disciples III renaissance more than a halfway trough the game

viva la subtitles
just picked up diablo/doablo 2 lod again to kill time till diablo 3:beautiful:
it's retrogame time for me: wizardry 8, fallout 2 and x-com apocalypse (it's tough to get it working!)