What games are you playing?

Blazblue, MW2 and been playing forza 3 like crazy. Itasha rides and drifting FTW!
I am gonna try out Mass Effect 2 pretty soon =D

looking forward to White Knight Chronicles && Final Fantasy XIII coming out for PS3 =D

FFXIII (stuck on a boss), Demon's Souls, and Mass Effect 2 (second playthrough) with some Katamari Forever here and there.
Mass Effect 2 (second playthrough)
Stalker : Call Of Pripyat
Sacred 2 : Fallen Angel + addon Ice&Blood
Dragon Age : Origins (second playtrough > trying a different class)
Left 4 Dead 2

Phantasy Star Portable 1
Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce
Shin Megami Tensei Persona
DA: Origins (umpteenth playthrough on nightmare). Waiting for the expansion now...
20 hours and 1 minute saved on my USA retail cart of Pokémon Heart Gold. (This marks my third playthrough of HGSS, with 150+ hours logged on the JPNS rom of Heart Gold and 50- hours logged on the JPNS rom of Soul Silver.)

In case anyone is wondering, yes, they did change some of the dialogue:
  • For example, your self-appointed coach inside of every gym is too busy to watch your match against Akane/Whitney in the Japanese version because he's ogling the girls vs. in the American version because he was too busy watching the other trainers.
  • Mikan/Jasmine's dialogue was literally translated from English to Japanese, the result of which is that the undertones are completely lost. They omitted her cute shy/nervous stammering, and in so doing they somehow lost out on her cute effort to sell the protagonist on the virtues of the steel-type. Gone are the ambiguous lines upon which so much fanart depicting Mikan having a shy girl crush on the protagonist are based, and in their place is some pretty blunt English. It's accurate for word choice, but ... it loses the unspoken words you can find only in reading between the lines.
  • Otherwise, the dialogue is pretty accurate overall. 92%, maybe even a 95% for the final grade. A few errors here or there but overall you couldn't possibly accuse the translator of not knowing Japanese or English well enough to do his/her job.
  • The Team Rocket names were changed. Fans already anticipated that Lance's name would need to be changed since the English version of the games already has utilized the name "Lance" in describing the legendary dragon trainer originally known as Wataru. Well, Team Rocket Lance is known as Proton in the English version. Don't ask me. But he wasn't the only one to get a name change! Lambda is now called Petrel; Athena is now called Ariana; and Apollo is now called Archer. So if you wanted Nintendo to hold onto the whole "hey, I get it, their names are American space programs and their group is called Team Rocket, har har har" gag, you're going to be disappointed. ;p

    Seriously, though ... Petrel!?
Second time through Mass Effect, still holding judgment on FF13... waiting for more time cuz i heard it takes a good amount of hours before it even gets good.
I have an old computer so I can't play a lot of these cool games. That is one of the reason I like hentai games, the low system requirements.

Right now I am playing Soldiers of Fortune 2, where all my opponents seem to throw grenades at me and I die all the time. It is fun as hell so I have no complaints. I just need a break from dying on occasion so I am visiting here. Thank the kind souls on the internet for walkthroughs or I would never finish some of these old games I play, lol.
Almost 4/5 through the storyline on FF13 (that's about 52 hours of gameplay for me). You really can't complete all of the sidequests until you're through with the storyline, the strongest baddies are just way too tough until you are at that level.

I haven't played the other recent FF games so the closest comparison I can think of is FF Tactics a la the Deep Dungeon. Though you can't really power lvl too much because of the way the leveling system is set up. Need to get my hands on the Dragon Age expansion now and add that to my queue.
At the first playthrough i enjoyed Dragon Age quite a bit and found Mass Effect disappointing. Now i'm groing through Dragon Age again and this time the negative aspects are really concerning me, right now i like DA:O even less than ME2.
I played Metro 2033 last. I liked it because the atmosphere was good and since i still can read russian. But the game was too short and I didnt like the endings, that and a prostitute stole all my money and I couldnt get it back :(

I thought the game was too short too, beat it in 3 days =/ total about 10 hours in-game time.


the game kept me enticed the whole way though, well scripted encounters.



now I am playing Just Cause 2, alongside, FF13 and Dragon Age Origins : Awakening
I was playing Bad Company 2 and loving the online til the laser unit went on my console and it's gonna take 10 days to get it repaired. I also played the demo of Just Cause 2 and loved it so I bought it the day my console died. I can't play them for the next 10 days until it's fixed and back. Plus i'm on a bloody holiday this week.

I'm gonna be bored!!
I was playing Bad Company 2 and loving the online til the laser unit went on my console and it's gonna take 10 days to get it repaired. I also played the demo of Just Cause 2 and loved it so I bought it the day my console died. I can't play them for the next 10 days until it's fixed and back. Plus i'm on a bloody holiday this week.

I'm gonna be bored!!

Maybe you can rent a console for a week? It is not unusual for furniture rental places and such to also have TVs' and other electronics for rental.
Maybe you can rent a console for a week? It is not unusual for furniture rental places and such to also have TVs' and other electronics for rental.

I thought about it but at the end of the day it's only a week and I have some stuff to do around the house and I have a car to build so might do some of that. I wish my wife was off as well!!
just finished unlocking everything in Mario Kart Wii and I realized I need anger management because that game is fucking cheap as all hell (almost broke my classic controller I'm sure and I've never swore that much and that loud in my life)