What games are you playing?

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2.So far it seems like a slow paced game. If you enjoy sneaking around and stalking your enemies then you might enjoy this game. The game comes with a sniper range,which I suggest doing all three levels before playing the actual game. I found this helped with aim in the game. The bullet cam seems the same as the first game,but not as frequent. Its a shame they didn't copy Sniper Elite V2's bullet cam. The only enemy weapons you can take are other sniper rifles.So if you kill a bad guy and he drops his assault rifle you can't take it, but if you kill an enemy sniper and he drops his sniper rifle and you are able to get it then you can get to it. Which makes sense seeing how this is a sniping and stealth game.

The game seems short compared to the first sniper ghost warrior. Not as short as some of the single player versions of the Call of Duty Modern warfare series. So those of you thinking about getting it should wait until it hits the $19.99 or the $9.99 game shelf at the store or wait for a version that comes with the downloadable content, hopefully they make more than just Serbian strike. THE Serbian Strike downloadable does extend the game play some.Playing it on hard could stretch it out also.
Just beat Nier working on Star Ocean
Knife of Dunwall add on for Dishonored.Like the regular game the game changes on how violent or how quiet you are.
I've just started Mafia II and I'm liking it so far. It will be interesting to see how it progresses.
Starcraft 2, favourite RTS.
Hitman Absolution, awesome stealth action.
Crysis 3, always awesome graphic but too plain story.
another one,this time LOTRo :grassdance: dang,why didn`t I play this before? oh yes,I had really shitty laptop :pandalaugh:
all do skirs and instances waaaaah :gayprance:
Waiting for bus playing brave story [psp]
Blew the dust off of Growlanser : Wayfarer of time , forgot this thing had like 20 endings lols.
Got one of the bad endings in Growlanser : Wayfarer of time but that only means 45 different more endings to try for now >.<
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.Its a stand alone expansion pack and so far seems to play like the orginal Far Cry 3. These side missions stetch the game out and make the actual missions a little easier to deal with. The intent on the game creators was to make this game look like a futuristic science fiction from the 1980s and they accomplished that. Anyone who has watched old science fiction can tell its dated like by the big giant knobs and buttons in the orginal StarTrek or even Galaxy Express 999,The clunky metal like Robots in Star Blazers and lost in Space, the green monochrome screen in Alien, or the fact Darth Vadar in Starwars has a bulky cyborg costume instead of cloned body parts. This game has that feel, like someone went back in time and create a game in the 80s but with todays graphics.

Weapon upgrades or the privilege to pay for weapon upgrades are earned by collecting stuff and doing various side missions after capturing enemy outposts. Health and other personal upgrades are earned by increasing your level. These side missions make the actual missions a little easier. Shooting rare animals collection you can only complete after the first actual mission or two.
neverwinter *-* ^^ :gayprance::gayprance::gayprance::gayprance:
thanks to my dear brother who opened me mail that actually works for it :notagain:
I should stop playing games and go back...not :pandalaugh:
Hastune Miku Project DIVA F is digital crack, just waiting for my GF to return from Japan with my controller for it

On the side playing Persona 3 FES and Persona 4
Finally got around to the dead island games still working on the first one gonna snag riptide if i like how the first ends.