What games are you playing?

Since I finished Bioshock I have played FEAR and now am playing Left4Dead which is a disappointing game - in single player mode your teammates seem to do all of the work
After getting Loco Roco 2 last month I haven't been able to do much else with my wife around. She's more addicted than I am!
My computer (Pentium 3) is not enough powerful to be able to play plays.
When my finances allowed me, I played World off Warcraft, Lineage II and Perfect World. I like roleplay game.
Disgaea 2 while I wait for my copy of Disgaea 3 to arrive.
I pre-ordered it in April '08, before there was a set release date on it, and before I had a PS3.
I thought I'd get the game ASAP, as I was planning on getting a PS3 soonish.
Well, first, I didn't expect the game to be released a whole damn YEAR later in Europe.
Second, when it's actually released, the site I pre-ordered it from is out of stock!
On top of it all, it's now weekend, which means the shitty Swedish postal system stops working.
Jesus Fucking Christ on a pogo stick.

I really should have ordered an American copy.
Then I wouldn't have to deal with this crap.
Europe sucks, and European publishers sucks harder.
Dead space (Finish) Crysis (Finish)
Half life 2 (Not finish) Crysis warhead (Finish)
GTA4 (Finish) BF 2
Burnout Paradise BF 2142
Resistance Fall of man (Not finish)
BF:BC (Finish)
I really should have ordered an American copy.
Then I wouldn't have to deal with this crap.
Europe sucks, and European publishers sucks harder.

First off, you should be thankful you're in Europe. In Egypt where I live, there are no such thing as game publishers in the first place! All games are imported by default.

Secondly, also American publishers suck. Japanese publishers own all. :)
I'm the kind of person who complains when things are shittier than what they should be, regardless of how shitty it is in other countries.
I really like Warcraft III and KOF (all) ...
More to my great passion is the game of the old nes 8-bit ...
Until today I have here at home as the classic Mario 3, Ninja gaiden, Metroid and Zelda ...

Thanks to all ...
Im playing Crysis, Call of Duty 4 and Doom 3 lol
Dynasty Warriors 6 for the PS2.

Contrary to popular belief, I think it's great fun and I'm also of the opinion that the accidental lag that happens when there are too many men on screen at once is a good thing, because it usually happens when you're running towards the boss (and quits happening once you've reached him), and so it makes it feel really cinematic and epic. :)

Then again, I've only ever played DW5 on the Xbox and DW6 on the PS2, so maybe I'd have a different opinion I owned a next-gen console besides the Wii. *shrug*