What games are you playing?


Dec 23, 2006
I just recently finished Rune Factory(great game), Luminous Arc(an ok game), and Zelda:PH(great) on DS.
I just started Jeanne D'arc(I got this before Rune Factory and Zelda but I have been so addicted to Rune Factory that I forgot about this game. It is a great game so far though). I was also playing Brave Story and TotW on PSP but I didn't play them for a while.
I just started on Persona 3 on PS2 and downloaded Soul Nomad and World Eater.
I am planning on getting Front Mission DS, Pheonix Wright 3, FFT PSP, Disgaea PSP, and Hajime no Ippo on Wii. Not all at the same time of course.
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Peggle Extreme
Team Fortress 2 (sometimes)

- trickster online
- kinryu vs. xentex
- unreal tournament
- persona 3

might try to play TF2, havent installed that game yet
Battle Field 2142 Free Multiplayer Demo (addictive ass hell O_O)
Higurashi Daybreak (Very Good filler for SSBB super funny Multiplayer)
Marvel VS Capcom
At the moment, i'm playing :
.Hack//Gu : Redemption (PS2)
Fate Tiger Colosseum (PSP Jap)

Next : Persona 3
Finished recently : Jeanne d'Arc.
Just finished playing Persona 3 and Halo 3:full:

Currently I'm enjoying Blue Dragon(disc 3..whew), NBA 2k8 (this is way better than live08, IMO) and PGR 4
Dreamfall is a great game.
Second only to Beyond good and Evil in the genre, not counting the monkey island games, as they are in a class of their own.
Finished Recently :

Obscure II
HL 2 Ep2
Halo 2

Playing :

Princess Maker 5
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodline (replaying with the "True VTMB 504AT" patch)
Ufo Afterlight (replaying)
Two Worlds

Next: Timeshift
currently i'm playing cod4! but i hate prestige mode....:(

add me up, my psn id is marui_man.
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NWN2: OC and MoTB
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
UT 3
Final Fantasy Tactics (via Playstation emulator)
I just finished playing Final Fantasy XII.

I recently bought 5 games: Manhunt 2, Smackdown vs. Raw 2008, Medal of Honor Vanguard, The Simpson's Game, and Syphon Filter Dark Mirror.
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Replaying Suikoden 3 but couldn't bring myself to continue... It was just plain horrible to what they did with it...

(If only I had the capacity to remake it to look like its predecessor...)