What's ur greatest fear?

A big female black widow crawling in bed with me and biting me in the ...ck
I've been seeing a LOT of these bastards outside my condo, and they're all female with red hourglass markings on their abdomen. The male's are not as poisonous and are usually the one's that travel while females usually hide in wood chips and in dry places like stone, and metal objects. People tell me I'm overreacting because most people don't see them at night. But I wear a head lap for my night job and I see spiders everywhere. You wouldn't believe how many there are outside at night if you're looking for them. Most people walk into their webs and don't even realize the spider is hanging on and traveling with them. Next time you feel a web across your face, take a look around with a flashlight, and you'll find one very near you, maybe on you. What's more freaky is they'll run towards you if they're close enough to get under your shadow.

A female BW will mess you up. You never see spiders in the day as they hate the sun, but at night they try to take over the planet. I see them EVERYWHERE at night.
I have a video on my phone from one I almost walked into while going up the stairs to my place after work one evening. Had I not seen it walking across the web in the door jam I would have caught the web across my leg and probably brought the damn thing up with me to my place. I HATE SPIDERS.

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Your initial generalized statement that, "...so were the founders of America and the writers of the constitution" being christians still has not been backed up. Jefferson repeatedly throughout his life expressed a leaning toward deism. Read Randall's book: http://books.google.com/books?id=VAnGbQZr42EC
That's why Jefferson stated "Nature's God" in the very first sentence of the Declaration of Independence. "Nature's God" was a phrase typical of deism. Otherwise he would have said Yahweh or "God", yet, he did not. Nor does he mention this god character in the Constitution or in the Declaration of Independence. Enlightenment philosophy (which itself was heavily inspired by deist ideals) was highly influential upon Jefferson. These are inescapable facts that you cannot surmount.
Again, Jefferson rejected the concepts of miracles and the divinity of Jesus, as well as the trinity. That hardly makes him a christian by denying the divinity of Christ. He saw this mythological Jesus character as more of a moral guide, and not as any sort of deity. (Jefferson's Literary Commonplace Book, Wilson [1989]) Yes, he went to church. If just going to church makes someone a christian that's a fairly low bar to set as far as the requirements for the label. Jefferson also denied the trinity and miracles, which is contrary to much of both the Old Testament and New Testament. Jefferson not only appears to have been a deist, but generally confused about religion. Also, being brought up (indoctrinated) into a religious sect as a child does not necessarily mean the adult is still theistic. That's just a logical fallacy. That's not a valid point to attempt to backup your claim because we're not talking about the thoughts and beliefs of a child. We're talking about the thoughts and beliefs of the adult. As far as the religion having an impact on their lives, that's irrelevant. We're talking about whether someone like Jefferson actually was a christian, not whether the religion had vaguely generalized asserted impacts upon his life. The Jefferson Bible shows how heavily leaning toward deism Jefferson was, as it got rid of all the supernatural and dogmatic references from the fable of christ. Deism never "died", either. It went on a decline. You know why? Because atheism started growing! People started to become more educated and realize that none of the theistic arguments held water. None, whatsoever, including the first cause argument which is just a giant case of special pleading. One by one, as humans began to learn how we came about, how the planet came about, and how the cosmos came about, did the old tired theistic argument come crashing down into oblivion.

"...the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution itself was greatly influenced by the Christian values and beliefs of the everyday men and women" Your statement is still false. Women weren't even allowed to vote, nor were blacks, and only land-owning persons could vote. I'm still waiting for you to counter that argument. The "everyday" man and woman had no place in government, choosing the laws, constructing the society, determining where the money went, and had no role in most all of the important decision making aspects. It was the rich, the white, the males that did all that controlling and manipulating of society, at least during the period about which I'm educating you.

Christianity had a lot to do with the acceptance of slavery in the US. Europeans were almost entirely christians, you do realize? I'm not sure if you think your mention of slavery being instituted by Europeans somehow is a counter-argument, but it's sadly (for you) not. Almost all the legislators in the early US were christians, as well. Christianity was constantly used to justify the human enslavement system throughout the US, by Christians, consistently and unanimously by the US government, made up almost entirely of christians. Educate yourself about the lawmakers of the time, particularly James Henry Hammond, one of the biggest christian supporters of human bondage:
"I firmly believe that American slavery is not only not a sin, but especially commanded by God through Moses, and approved by Christ through his apostles." It's not tough to justify slavery using the Bible. The bible explicitly condones it, and mentions how severely you can beat your slaves. Have you even read your bible?

It's outlined in the Bible and I have provided those quotes to you. If you opt to bury your head in the sand and ignore direct quotes from your own "holy" book, I'm afraid there's just no reasoning with you. You blindly choose to believe what you what, and ignore all evidence to the contrary. Which fits well with your worldviews as a theist and republican. Evidence, bad. Blind belief, good.

You telling me to pick up a book is amusing, considering I'm the only one in this conversation that has provided source information, direct quotes, quotes from books, links to reading material, and to top it all off, I've schooled you on your own "holy" book and its overt obvious support of human enslavement.

Your entry into this conversation started with you acting very immature (name calling, ad hominem attacks), and ended with you not acting differently, sadly. Alas, you've countered no point I've made thus far.
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You know what I can't understand: Why is it that Americans should always feel like they have to defend themselves? It is often called a racist nation when in fact it's made up of every race under the sun. So the issue is not a problem with America itself. It's an issue with multiculturalism. (It would happen anywhere - on any another continent as large a melting pot as the US) Modern Americans feel guilt by association (reguarding slavory), but they should not. The past is the past and it is not theirs. Modern Americans have no control over what happend in the past.

Looking back I remember the US as a country that has always come to aid of other nations during tragedies. Who has ever helped America when she had disasters? America was the exception to freedom in a world of monarchs. America was never perfect, and it's getting worse in many regards as more and more people (who don't assimilate) migrate there only to exploit its economic system and institutions …the system that those same people try criticize and try to change.
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You know what I can't understand: Why is it that Americans should always feel like they have to defend themselves? It is often called a racist nation when in fact it's made up of every race under the sun. So the issue is not a problem with America itself. It's an issue with multiculturalism. (It would happen anywhere - on any another continent as large a melting pot as the US) Modern Americans feel guilt by association (reguarding slavory), but they should not. The past is the past and it is not theirs. Modern Americans have no control over what happend in the past.

Looking back I remember the US as a country that has always come to aid of other nations during tragedies. Who has ever helped America when she had disasters? America was the exception to freedom in a world of monarchs. America was never perfect, and it's getting worse in many regards as more and more people (who don't assimilate) migrate there only to exploit its economic system and institutions …the system that those same people try criticize and try to change.
Well said . . . . and thank you.
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Well said . . . . and thank you.

Couldn't have said it better. People are always looking for reasons to hate others or make themselves feel superior by inventing imaginary inequalities and lies to satisfy their whims. It is annoying to be made a target for that kind of crapola though. Fuck 'em, they will get over themselves eventually.
Yeah, nobody likes the eight-legged creepsters. But aside from specific fear scenarios, as with Summer-Time-Fun's from seven posts up (black widow at night targeting a man's trophy), if it were not for spiders, we humans could well buy the farm. (Otherwise, our crops and we could be overrun by insects. Response from Skeptics.) So we may hate them, but we owe them a lot. When I find a spider in the household, I always try and trap and release them.

Fun Facts. Among the interesting:
1) The Brazilian Wandering spider's bite causes erections. (Albeit painful ones. And, oh, the bite can kill you, too.)
2) The Goliath spider is almost a foot long. (Yikes.)
3) Wolf spiders can run at speeds of up to 2 feet per second. (Sca-aa-ary.)
4) Spiders on LSD spin beautiful webs, while spiders on caffeine spin terrible webs.
5) A black widow's venom is 15 times more powerful than the poison of a rattlesnake.
6) Spiders do not typically bite sleeping humans, usually needing a surprise or fear incentive.


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