A big female black widow crawling in bed with me and biting me in the ...ck
I've been seeing a LOT of these bastards outside my condo, and they're all female with red hourglass markings on their abdomen. The male's are not as poisonous and are usually the one's that travel while females usually hide in wood chips and in dry places like stone, and metal objects. People tell me I'm overreacting because most people don't see them at night. But I wear a head lap for my night job and I see spiders everywhere. You wouldn't believe how many there are outside at night if you're looking for them. Most people walk into their webs and don't even realize the spider is hanging on and traveling with them. Next time you feel a web across your face, take a look around with a flashlight, and you'll find one very near you, maybe on you. What's more freaky is they'll run towards you if they're close enough to get under your shadow.
A female BW will mess you up. You never see spiders in the day as they hate the sun, but at night they try to take over the planet. I see them EVERYWHERE at night.
I have a video on my phone from one I almost walked into while going up the stairs to my place after work one evening. Had I not seen it walking across the web in the door jam I would have caught the web across my leg and probably brought the damn thing up with me to my place. I HATE SPIDERS.

I've been seeing a LOT of these bastards outside my condo, and they're all female with red hourglass markings on their abdomen. The male's are not as poisonous and are usually the one's that travel while females usually hide in wood chips and in dry places like stone, and metal objects. People tell me I'm overreacting because most people don't see them at night. But I wear a head lap for my night job and I see spiders everywhere. You wouldn't believe how many there are outside at night if you're looking for them. Most people walk into their webs and don't even realize the spider is hanging on and traveling with them. Next time you feel a web across your face, take a look around with a flashlight, and you'll find one very near you, maybe on you. What's more freaky is they'll run towards you if they're close enough to get under your shadow.
A female BW will mess you up. You never see spiders in the day as they hate the sun, but at night they try to take over the planet. I see them EVERYWHERE at night.
I have a video on my phone from one I almost walked into while going up the stairs to my place after work one evening. Had I not seen it walking across the web in the door jam I would have caught the web across my leg and probably brought the damn thing up with me to my place. I HATE SPIDERS.

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