zool is looking for shibari / kinbaku tutorials . . . .
someone recently wrote me asking for shibari tutorials, especially the ones by akechi denki [明智伝鬼] or chimou nureki [濡木痴夢男] and i realized i am woefully deficient in such tutorials. while i have a few tutorials but only the great snarling dog

knows where i have them.
but here is some of the materials - most of which i don't have . . .
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chimou nureki [濡木痴夢男] (1930-2013) - one of my personal favorites . . .

~ with glasses on is how you more often see him:
this is the guy who did the
"how-to-kinbaku" video series:
『豊幹一郎のSMドキュメント Part 2 How to Bondage(Toyo Kan-ichiro's SM document)』(VAN video, 1982)
『濡木痴夢男の縛り方入門1 ("Nureki Chimuo's introductory guide for Shibari No.1")』(Art Video, 1983)

『濡木痴夢男の縛り方入門2 ("Nureki Chimuo's introductory guide for Shibari No.2")』(Art Video, 1983)

『濡木痴夢男の縛り方入門3 ("Nureki Chimuo's introductory guide for Shibari No.3")』(Art Video, 1983)

『濡木痴夢男の縛り方入門4 ("Nureki Chimuo's introductory guide for Shibari No.4")』(Art Video, 1983)

『濡木痴夢男の縛り方入門5 ("Nureki Chimuo's introductory guide for Shibari No.5")』(Art Video, 1983)

『濡木塾 I :濡木痴夢男新縛り方教室("Nureki School: Nureki Chimuo's new introductory guide for Shibari")』(Art Video, 1988)
this is not a very good copy of the cover
XXXXart-sm.com/detail.php?titleid=10144 & XXXXwww.arzon.jp/item_412545.html
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N00 「麻縄を柔らかくする方法・最も基本的な後ろ手縛り」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:藤さとみ)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N01 「胸縄Ⅹ字縛り/亀甲菱縄・股間掛け」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:早乙女宏美)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N02 「後ろ手直伸・つり上げ縛り/乳房盛り上げ縄から股裂き両足吊りまで」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:桂木綾乃)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N03 「柱を利用した四ツ菱股縄」「超巨乳・乳房タテ割り縛り」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:藤さとみ、近江亜紀)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N04「やさしく美しい浴衣後ろ手」「長襦袢・菱縄高手小手縛り」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:山口香子、春原悠理)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N05「一本縄による海老縛り」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:西尾ゆきほ)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N06「首縄直結・股縄掛け」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:寿きたの)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N07「鉄砲縛りと棕櫚縄高手小手」「股縄から後ろ手縛りへ」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:神田つばき、山下由美)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N08 「柱を利用した片脚吊り/椅子上開脚縛りと柱後ろ抱き股縄掛け」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:佐藤まゆみ)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N09 「「両腕直伸縛りから海老責めへ」「高手小手・乳房絞り縄」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:佐藤由女、藤さとみ)
『緊美研ビデオ 濡木流縛り方講座 N10 「「本格後ろ手合掌・強烈鉄砲縛り」「足首膝下縄・全身屈曲縛り」』(不二企画, 199x)(モデル:高見ゆめか、小室芹奈)
zool has obtained 57 videos from duga_jp that are chimuo nereki's how-to-kinbaki videos above
ROD-003 『秘技伝授 緊縛入門 (”Initiation of secret technique, introductory class for Shibari")』(SOD Create, 2001)
zool has copy of this video
he has credits on numerous videos, including Art Video and Cinemagic, as well as on numerous other dvd and vhs. check out the wiki: XXXXnawapedia.com/index.php?title=Chimuo_Nureki ~ the nawapedia link shows some of his video and print items. see also: XXXXwww.jahsonic.com/ChimouNureki.html
if i am lucky i have one or two of the above.
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akechi denki [明智伝鬼] (Sep 11 1940 - Jul 17 2005) - sensai akechi denki is someone equally important to post-WWII japanese shibari . . . .
although not listed in nawapedia some of the how-to videos that included akechi denki i am aware of are the following:
BSA-001 by tenzin ~ Miura Takumi/Akechi Denki: Bakuyukai Tutorial Vol 1 Instructional / 緊縛技形宝典 第壱章 / Kinbaku Gikei Hōten Daiisshō (#1)
BSA-002 by tenzin ~ Miura Takumi/Akechi Denki: Bakuyukai Tutorial Vol 2 Instructional / 緊縛技形宝典 第弐章 / Kinbaku Gikei Hōten Daiisshō (#2)
BSA-003 by tenzin ~ Miura Takumi/Akechi Denki: Bakuyukai Tutorial Vol 3 Instructional / 緊縛技形宝典 第弐章/ Kinbaku Gikei Hōten Daiisshō (#3)
BSA-004 by tenzin ~ Miura Takumi/Akechi Denki: Bakuyukai Tutorial Vol 4 Instructional / 緊縛技形宝典 第弐章/ Kinbaku Gikei Hōten Daiisshō (#4)
90 minute .mp4 of the above are available @ XXXXwww.japanesebound.com/ for $35 USD:
check out akechi denki's nawapedia article: XXXXnawapedia.com/index.php?title=Denki_Akechi
i was looking at arzon.jp and there are about 70 akechi denki [明智伝鬼] videos. i expect his filmography is several hundred VHS and dvd. here are just a few representative samples:
folks wanting tutorials should know that is a collecting endeavor all by itself. check out
How-to-Kinbaku @ XXXXnawapedia.com/index.php?title=How-to-Kinbaku ~ 28 japanese kinbakushi are listed there, many of whom have multiple tutorials. now that is a group of tutorials to strive for.
take a look see at the following blog: XXXXjbdsm.ratedxblogs.com/ ~ the blogger also seeks the tutorials created by akechi denki [明智伝鬼] and chimou nureki [濡木痴夢男]. there are 6 tutorials posted on that blog. and i have all those videos.
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here is a 7 part tutorial by randa mai [乱田舞] i am also looking for . . . .
DBKI-001 乱田舞の緊縛マニュアル 初級1
DBKI-002 乱田舞の緊縛マニュアル 初級2
DBKI-003 乱田舞の緊縛マニュアル 中級編 1
DBKI-004 乱田舞の緊縛マニュアル 中級編 2
DBKI-005 乱田舞の緊縛マニュアル 中級編 3
DBKI-006 乱田舞の緊縛マニュアル 上級編 1
DBKI-007 乱田舞の緊縛マニュアル 上級編 2
if anyone has any of the tutorials listed above let me know by email @ zoolanimal@gmail.com or by private message here
zool intends to obtain many of these instructional materials as are available to post at varying times but to distribute to riggers everywhere