Ok, been a long time but great to see all the old timers are still keeping forum alive.
I would like to help all the noobs like myself use some of Ironfevers great coding so everyone can appreciate how amazing he has been for myself and most guys here.
As stated by Avatarthe many times Ironfevers wrote a python script that auto translate Chinese subs to English subs if run properly. I had heaps of trouble trying to work it out as I have no knowledge in coding but with help from Ironfevers I eventually got there, so now I’ll like to share what I learnt with you all and hope everyone else can do the same.
Step 1: Go to the following link and download the script '
https://github.com/firebfm/deepl-srt' click the green code button and click download as zip. Extract the contents to a folder of your choosing.
Step 2: Go to
https://www.python.org/downloads/ and download the python version for your operating system, install the program.
Step 3: Go to
https://chromedriver.chromium.org/home and download stable version of chromedriver for your operating system. Extract the file and copy and paste it to C:\Program Files (x86)
Once the file is there copy this line without the commas 'pip install selenium' and paste it in your address bar in file explorer window
Step 4: Open Command Prompt (type cmd in your search box by the windows logo bottom left corner). While in cmd type ‘python -m pip --version’ to check if pip is installed properly if it is installed it should look like this:

If it does’nt look like that install pip by typing ‘python get-pip.py’ or google how to.
Step 5: Install Pyperclip by typing ‘pip install pyperclip’ in the command prompt like above.
Step 6: What I do now is put Chinese subs into the same folder as where I extracted Ironfevers deepl-srt script, I then type CMD and press Enter on the file explorer address bar.

A command prompt window should open up, now copy paste this command ‘python deeplv4.py’ and press enter, it will do its thing and ask you to enter path of srt folder, just copy the path address of where your srt’s are and press enter. Watch the magic.

Not all subtitles work due to some flaws but the majority do, and also I don’t know much more then this so please work out the rest yourself or google it. Please give a big thanks to Ironfevers and all the olskool guys putting in the time and effort (you know who you guys are).
PS If anyone has a better way please don't hesitate to drop me line, Cheers