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  1. D

    What`s your downloding speed and how much do you pay for it ?

    It does if people upload it. Ask and ye shall recieve! ..maybe.
  2. D

    Achmed The Dead Terroist

    Walter is my favourite.
  3. D

    What sex do you wanna be?

    Refer to
  4. D

    Faster, new look, new features

    Everyone loves azumanga. Especially chompy. So I doubt it.
  5. D

    What sex do you wanna be?

    As much as I like tits, I don't wanna lose fireball and larry. They are precious to me.
  6. D

    Faster, new look, new features

    WYSIWYG tests: Test Test Test Test showthread.php works fine. Test Test Test Test newreply.php works fine. Non WYSIWYG in quick reply: Test Test Test Test Seems to work fine. Non WYSIWYG in advanced mode: Test Test Test Test Flawless. :XD: I think it's a local...
  7. D

    Faster, new look, new features

    This theme doesn't make my eyes bleed. Also, I love Osaka.
  8. D


    Ooh, I'm mentioned! I'm not mean just to be mean. I'm mean because it's more fun!
  9. D

    the button "new thread" is missing an "R"

    Something that's less of an agony on the eyes, I hope.
  10. D

    Downtime [Averted]

    Chompy -:hero: handyman -:goodmood: ryuuga -:relief: desioner -:perfectplan: CL™©®-:bow-pray: BB.(definitively a hippy) :relief::goodmood::bow-pray: Denamic -:crash: Fission mailed!
  11. D

    Hi, is offline..

    This isn't a junior idol board, though.. We have a junior idol board, but that's just a part of the site.
  12. D

    Ever got a nosebleed cause you were aroused?

    It's possible, but very rare. Mostly only happens to people who has nose bleed often. Never happened to me.
  13. D

    Picking up girls ;)

    Initiating conversation = chance.
  14. D

    Thanks button doesn't work in Opera

    It sounds like connection problems, which might not even be on your side. Our server provider sucks and throttles our connection, which causes server requests to build up faster than they can be sent. Which in turn causes stalling and even database errors temporarily. Also.. (big picture) <3
  15. D

    Thanks button doesn't work in Opera

    I don't need more browsers, since firefox does everything. With a dual core and 4 gigs of ram, everything starts up fast for me, even firefox with 500 billion tabs.
  16. D

    Picking up girls ;)

    Don't be fooled; japanese girls love foreign guys. Especially tall european ones.
  17. D

    ah, 4chan?

    You get banned for posting there. I rarely ever post anything on there, but I got banned once anyway. And I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what I got banned for.
  18. D


    What, I don't get a greeting? Why only good people? I'm not sure I should allow this discrimination.
  19. D

    What's your MMO addiction?

    I've played pretty much every single major and not so major MMO out there, not counting the 2 million korean ones. EVE, anarchy online, evercrack, evercrack 2, guild wars, lotro, daoc, city of heroes, tabula rasa, D&D, SWG, etc.. I see you point about social influence.. but just because your...
  20. D


    Hello. I am your God. Obey and enjoy.
  21. D

    Looking for something to watch...

    There aren't many good series that long that I know of.. How about Monster? That's all I can come up with.
  22. D

    What Car Do You Drive?

    Citroën BX15. I love it. It's like an old friend.
  23. D

    Akiba keeps diverting....

    Perhaps it's localized. Maybe it only triggers for people of a specific IP range. Since none of those programs detect anything, it's most likely just annoying ads. Probably not malicious. I don't know; I use adblock.
  24. D

    What's your MMO addiction?

    Well.. WoW? It has already been mentioned several times. I don't know why some people says it sucks, since the massive amount of people playing it proves otherwise. I suspect it's the same reason so many people hate Vista; Social influence. Really, WoW (and vista) is great.
  25. D

    Hi, is offline..

    That would be a bad sign. One thing leads to another.
  26. D

    Akiba keeps diverting....

    Probably some automated ad crap again. I'll check with chompy. In the meantime, I recommend using adblock with the adblock filterset.g updater.
  27. D

    Japanese Poll: 87% Accept Manga Child Porn Regulation

    Once you do that, you have trespassed irreversible upon the freedom of speech and expression.
  28. D

    ah, 4chan?

    chompy personally stand for 12% of /b/'s idiocy.
  29. D


    Don't really need one. Just get a transcript from somewhere. Knowledge of the language isn't required to play the game. And there isn't much in the lines of dialogue anyways.
  30. D

    I love this site

    For the first question, you can find a guide here. As for making an image (copy the CD/DVD to the HDD), you need to use a burning software which can do that. I recommend Alcohol 120% for this. For the second point, I'm not sure what you mean. If you just want people to post screenshots of...
  31. D

    Hey everybody!

    Your signature.. it speaks to me..
  32. D

    What games are you playing?

    Dreamfall is a great game. Second only to Beyond good and Evil in the genre, not counting the monkey island games, as they are in a class of their own.
  33. D

    Hi to All from chrystELLE

    Damn.. I tried to make my welcoming you sound dry and cold. I apparently failed.
  34. D

    Hi to All from chrystELLE

    Make yourself at home.
  35. D

    Am I just dumb?

    If it's XP, you can. As long as you don't install the genuine advantage thing from the auto updater.
  36. D

    Time Spent on Akiba Online.

    I come in several times a day to look over the new posts. All in all, probably more than an hour.
  37. D

    Tell a story with the smilies

    :crazed: :dizzy: :chinesenewyearf: :inlove: :bingo2: :beautiful: :shake: :bow-pray: :angrygirl: :notforgiven: :silence:
  38. D

    What games are you playing?

    WoW NFS: Carbon NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer Portal That's it for now.
  39. D

    Post count

    I didn't even notice till I read this.
  40. D

    Recycle Threads

    It's just a 4 byte variable that somehow got into negative and reset at the highest possible number.. Well, not exactly the highest, but since 4294967278 is FFFFFFEE in hex, it's very likely something like that happened.
  41. D

    Photos from Japan

    You're a pretty good photographer. Nice sense.
  42. D


    I don't believe we've had any encounters. There not being any evidence that they exist also is equally true in reverse. Saying they absolutely do not exist is about as stupid as prancing around in tinfoil hats saying they're invading, as in both cases, you're talking out of your ass. Possibly...
  43. D

    doom 3

    FEAR was a scary game? It wasn't scary at all. It was pure action with a weird plot.
  44. D


    Yes. In a sense, we are extraterrestrial life, if seen from an extraterrestrial microorganism's point of view.
  45. D

    similar forums

    The best way to stop racism isn't to fight it, it's to stop caring.
  46. D

    similar forums

    That makes NO SENSE!
  47. D

    similar forums

    I suggest you stay here and repent by catching the yellow fever. Yes, I know. Offensive. It's humour!
  48. D

    true or false? WHY?

    Fair enough. Let's say it's a general duscussion thread or something.
  49. D

    true or false? WHY?

    That must suck. Growing up fat is the worst part of being fat, because your growth will be affected. I can't really give any advice about that other than tough it out. You're still young, so it's way too early to give up yet. Well, anyway, let's try to stay less off topic now.