Picking up girls ;)


New Member
Nov 27, 2007
Im thinking to go travel in Japan next summer. So i was wondering. Do japanise girls like "western" guys? :D
Im from north europe so i have blue eyes and almost blond hair. So im really opposite what japanise guys are.

Do i have a shot? :please2:

Do you speak any Japanese? If not, set your expectations low and head for Roppongi. Look for a place called Gaspanic (if you're old enough to get in). You may get lucky, you may not. At these kinds of places you're going to see a lot of western men with the same ideas you have in mind, but as the saying goes, there is someone for everyone.
No i dont speak any Japanese. Damn.
So the language is big problem... Hmm if i speak english to 10 differend girls. How many of them can actually speak with me? I know people dont speak english so well there(me either). But is it like 1 in 10 can speak english small talk or 1 in 50?
Don't be fooled; japanese girls love foreign guys.
Especially tall european ones.
In Tokyo people are a bit more accustomed to foreigners, so you wouldn't be as much of a novelty as in other places but you'd still be a lot more popular than you are in your own country. Getting laid in Japan, as a foreigner, isn't that hard... as long as you don't look fucking hideous.
No, do be fooled. There are a lot of legends on the web about Japanese girls and foreign men, mostly untrue. Guys will have you believe that as soon as you get off the plane you will be up to your neck in women trying to get with you. The reality is the number of women you will be able to select from, considering you speak no Japanese, is relatively small. Consider that you are competing with a bunch of other men for that same small group.

That's why you see some busu women with a foreign guy. The women can be selective because they are in demand. Guys with language skills can be more selective than guys without.

Here's a trick (although in your case it may not end up being one! lol) When you go to the train station, pretend to have trouble buying a ticket or finding your stop. Surely someone with English skills wanting to practice will try to help you (or maybe they will just be a nice person). You will have to keep up the conversation though if you get an opportunity.

You may have to try it a few times because the numbers are definitely more like 1 in 50, not 1 in 10.
ahh the 'asking for direction' trick.... I've seen a foreigner doing it in my country... when I offer to help, he ignores me and went for a girl nearby... kinda felt silly at that moment haha... but does it really work?
I just left Japan and Gaijin are not welcome at the time being. Some U.S. Marines r***ing and Killed a 13 year old girl and now most foreigners are being treated like terrorists (especially those with white skin). Just be on gaurd because a lot of Japanese girls aren't as stupid as you most think. Yeah, there all cute and cuddly, but not stupid. Once you've lived in Tokyo for about 3 years you'll pick up the language and have dated about 20 girls (my experience at least). Have a fun time in Tokyo. SHINJUKU FOREVER!!!
Thanks for the info guys. I'm Asian but not Japanese. I'll prolly still have a hard time picking up Jap girls. I know for a fact that almost everyone there speaks only Japanese and very little English. Oh well, GOodluck! I love jap gals. So cute and sexy!
There's a reasonable chance that you can find a girl who speaks broken english (ie: the remnants of what they learned in grade school). But you're better off trying to learn a bit of Japanese, at least some common or some witty phrases. At least then you might have a chance of being "the cute foreigner who's butchering our language".

As for being asian, it's a two-way street. On the one hand you might blend in enough to seem like a normal guy (if you speak the part). But on the other hand, you can forget about having any unique qualities (good luck trying to get attention).
I'm a tall non-Asian gaijin who doesn't speak Japanese. The only women who have ever spoken to me during all my visits were old grannies who had lived abroad. Otherwise no women dared to approach me or act particularly approachable. I've been told that I tend to look like I don't want to be bothered so maybe that's why. I guess I might have looked like a decent catch to those old world weary widows anyway. LOL. But I didn't really care about any of that as I generally keep to myself regardless of what country I'm in. I show up. I buy some stuff and look around a bit. And then I'm gone. There's not much point in trying to hook up when you're only going to be around for a couple days at a time.
I'm fluent in Japanese and have been in relationships with about ten Japanese women (and had close calls with as many more), but I've never "picked up" a strange woman and had a one-night stand. I've been tempted when I've been lonely (say, on a business trip), and come pretty close at least twice, but my heart wasn't in it, and I didn't make the extra effort that would have been necessary. (Probably the closest I ever came was when I was thirty-something and met a twenty-something hairdresser at a bar in Tokyo. We talked for hours, and she was extremely attractive, but although she seemed open to something more, I finally said good night and went back to my hotel room, alone. Sad thing is, I can't even remember what she looked like.)

I suppose I can understand wanting to just have the experience of sleeping with a Japanese woman. And if the feeling is mutual, hell, why not? I guess I'm just not a one-night-stand kind of guy. :dunno:

But I once knew a guy (he was probably about 21 at the time) who was a fairly decent looking Caucasian American, and he had more one-night stands in his one year as an exchange student in Japan than...well, than I'll ever have (or would want to have) in a lifetime.

He would openly stare at an attractive woman on the train, and then as he got up to get off the train, he would hand her a card with his name and phone number on it without saying anything...and a lot of these women would actually call him! He said it had become an addiction with him, and that he probably did it because he could never have been able to do it back home. I never talked with him after he left Japan (and frankly, I never liked the guy), but it must have been hard for him to adjust to being just another guy who couldn't expect strange women to call him and sleep with him just because he gave them his calling card. (Hell, doing something like that in the U.S. would probably get him laughed at, or maybe even kicked in the nuts. :evillaugh:)

But, it worked for him, so if you really want to get laid while you're in Japan, and have the guts, why not give it a try? :goodboy: (Keep in mind, though, that the guy I'm talking about was fairly fluent in Japanese.)
Any advice for a 6'4'', 25-year old guy from California? Especially for one with a heart condition, ADD, OCD and diabetes? Or will all those things turn women off?
Any advice for a 6'4'', 25-year old guy from California? Especially for one with a heart condition, ADD, OCD and diabetes? Or will all those things turn women off?

Haha. I suppose it depends on the woman, the situation, and how those facets manifest themselves. :evillaugh:
Maybe they'll feel sorry for me? Who knows. I am thinking about buying a copy of Rosetta Stone. Plus, Shoko Nakagawa is coming to an anime con in Los Angeles. Maybe if I bring her flowers when I ask for an autograph. She's an otaku. I'm White and Nerdy. We may be compatible?
Maybe they'll feel sorry for me? Who knows. I am thinking about buying a copy of Rosetta Stone. Plus, Shoko Nakagawa is coming to an anime con in Los Angeles. Maybe if I bring her flowers when I ask for an autograph. She's an otaku. I'm White and Nerdy. We may be compatible?

I'm assuming you're joking, but if you really do think you have a chance of picking up Shoko Nakagawa by giving her flowers at an anime con, you may need to add another illness to your list. :evillaugh:
I've been delusional for years, so it comes naturally. Then again, if anime has taught me anything, Japanese women only marry Japanese men. They've been doing that for 2,000 years, so why would they give it up now?
Then again, if anime has taught me anything, Japanese women only marry Japanese men. They've been doing that for 2,000 years, so why would they give it up now?

Well, one married me, and another says she's ready to (and before her there was another who was willing and eager, until I discovered she was a raving lunatic and fled for my life :sigh:). I personally have known more international (Japanese woman/non-Japanese man) couples than I can recall. :dunno: Japan has been undergoing a steady female brain drain for decades, because talented women know they'll face less discrimination in many other countries, and most of those women end up with non-Japanese men who won't press them to give up their careers after childbirth.

Sorry: I've moved the topic from one-night stands to long-term commitments complete with offspring. :evillaugh: