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  1. D

    hello.. i'm new here :)

    Da rules. Enjoy your stay.
  2. D

    what do girls think of hairy legs

    Man-fur shouldn't be a problem. Even if a girl doesn't really like it, they'll get over it. Many men are hairy and there's no helping that. If a girl is so shallow that she can't be with hairy man.. Well, go figure.
  3. D

    do you vote in polls?

    This seems meaningless for some reason. If you feel like discussing why people doesn't vote, feel free to make a proper thread about it. I'll close this one.
  4. D

    Noob Question

    Winrar aren't configured to open .001 files by default, so you need to set that up manually. Just rightclick and 'Open with..', and figure out the rest yourself. Then just extract them.
  5. D

    teach me pls!!!

    I disagree. Do what suits you best. Ask for opinions if you have to. I, for one, look good in the stubs and/or a short beard.
  6. D

    What's your MMO addiction?

    I heard about that monster play in lotro. Is it any good? And enemy players in raids and such sounds fun.
  7. D


    Well, it's not me, but I giggled.
  8. D

    teach me pls!!!

    Can't really help you with any tactics, since I don't have any. I seem to draw girls to me anyway. Anyways, I have are two guidelines to follow to successfully score. Hygiene. Nothing says 'I'm not filthy' like not smelling or not having white goo in your teeth. Confidence. Not...
  9. D

    READ THIS! Akiba-Online returns again: ALL ATTACHMENTS LOST, starting again

    It does, huh? I think it's just a tad misleading though.
  10. D

    So AO is back!

    Yep, one and the same. Don't ask me. Also, it's spelled shi-bu-ya-ba-shi. Easier to remember if you take it apart like that.
  11. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Why thank you! < Your ..dessie is no match for my glorious presence, obviously. v Do you play old/older games?
  12. D

    For the first time...

    Depends entirely on your point of view..
  13. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Once, but I was in puberty back then. < Dessie isn't here, I'm sure. Aren't you bored of him yet? v I'm obviously the sexiest one here. It's so obvious that I may as well just state the answer and skip the question altogether.
  14. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Nope. I only spread joy. < Make my tree look even mightier? No thanks; I want my girls to stay conscious until after we're done. v Have you ever 'loved' anyone. As in romantic love, not family love.
  15. D

    Viewing DVDs from .iso files without burning them

    I would recommend Daemon Tools much more than anything else for mounting CD and DVD images to a virtual drive. That way, you can use the .iso, or whatever the format is, without altering anything. Been using it for years, and it has never failed me. Plus, it's free and very reliable.
  16. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ The peninator lives in a forest. < Tried shaving once way back, cut myself and never did it again. v What's the thing you've done that you regret the most?
  17. D

    Forum's gonna be down while we merge

    An independant forum would use up additional processing power on the server, or an entirely new server. The server is currently underpowered to even run this forum with its increasing activity. So, as we currently don't have the money to upgrade it, let alone buy another one, it's going to...
  18. D

    Net Neutrality

    Network neutrality. Since it's all in the wiki link, I'm gonna keep it short. Net neutrality; are you for it or against it? State your reasoning for the sake of discussion.
  19. D

    Hello everyone, I am new here.

    Greetings, fresh meat. Enjoy your time in la-la land.
  20. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Sometimes. < All titanium and manly. Self winding too. v Do you enjoy violence? Anything other than 'yes' as an answer is a lie.
  21. D

    Good Couple Hentai?

    Seen Little Monica? I liked that one. I usually don't watch hentai anime. I stick to mangas.
  22. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Killed him to save my mother's life. < She was hungry. v Are you content with your current life?
  23. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Blood, guts, gore and violence in general thank you. < o_o v Are you tainted?
  24. D

    For porn

    Yea, nothing beats real incest.
  25. D

    Watching porno

    Wank on. If you chose to beat off to porn, girlfriend or no, just go ahead. Nothing abnormal about either.
  26. D

    learning Japanese?

    Analogy of the week. ... *license Couldn't help myself.
  27. D

    Can't see any pics.

    Oh? Then it's not the forum, I think. Try clearing your cache.
  28. D

    Trouble downloading a paticular torrent seems to be down temporarily and seems to have rejected the torrent, but prq still works fine, as does dht. All you need to do is get a torrent client that supports multiple trackers and dht, such as uTorrent, BitComet or Azureus. Since you're on a...
  29. D

    Can't see any pics.

    chompy has been experimenting with ways to lighten the load on the server on peak hours. That might be why you couldn't see the pictures. It should just be temporary.
  30. D

    hello To All

    I don't doubt that, but I do doubt you'd reach 3.5gb/s and much less 10gb/s. Do you realize that 10Gbit/s (10 gigabit per second) is 1310720 Kb/s? Or that 10Gb/s (10 gigabyte per second) is 10485760 Kb/s? Both of those are more than google has, or at least uses. That's way more than any HDD can...
  31. D

    (UK) Loli to be made illegal

    By then the server will most likely be moved somewhere else. Most likely to here and hosted by me, if I still live here. But that's an if scenario and far off in the future in any case.
  32. D

    hello To All

    I single HDD have a read speed of ~7.5MB/s. That means you couldn't possibly upload stuff faster than ~7.5MB/s from your fileserver. That's barely enough for max 15 simultaneous connections, and that would not justify your connection. You'll need at least a RAID 1 for a fileserver. I think...
  33. D

    hello To All

    You sort of have to. Your HDDs would never be able to keep up otherwise. Also, T3 is a very vague term. I usually speak in Mbit. T3 is 40 to 50-ish, right? I'd think that's the bare minimum.
  34. D

    hello To All

    If you want to host files, you'll want to set up a RAID array if you've got a 50Mbit pipe or more. If you've got any less than 50Mbit, forget about hosting a fileserver. Bottom line is that you'll want high speed HDDs and a high speed connection, preferrably 100Mbit or more if you want to...
  35. D

    Sure Akiba-Online is great and all...

    I use Folder Sizes to see what's taking up space and mass delete stuff I don't need or want anymore. Seems to work just fine, especially if you've got everything organized. Also, be very careful with what you wish for..
  36. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Human flesh. < Just to spite the world. v Do you know any programming language? If not, which would you like to learn the most?
  37. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Swedish? I don't speak them, but I understand finnish, norweigan, danish, icelandic and japanese to some extent. < I'm bored. v What's your prime interest, outside the world of anime, manga and such?
  38. D

    need help installing japanese game cant find problem

    Could you provide us a screenshot of this rar thing with wordpad in it? Take a screecap of every step and we'll spot anything you did wrong, or if the image in question is bad.
  39. D

    Max avatar size setting

    I like large avatars, but I do have a pretty high screen resolution. I can see how it would be a bit bothersome for those with lower screen resolution. If you're on 1024x768 or less, I suggest you buy a bigger screen and up your screen res.
  40. D

    ScanLover hacked?

    chompy's an admin there.
  41. D

    Help with torrents that just send you to original web site to purchase

    Yes, please. I'll delete any of those right away.
  42. D


    Basilisk. It's great.
  43. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Caffeine. I'm horribly addicted to it. < Sure, chemicals are what makes you addicted to something, but becoming addicted is asinine and breaking the addiction is about will. v Do you sleep accoring to a schedual?
  44. D

    What is the best torrent program to download?

    Bitlord is full of adware and that alone is enough for me to mistrust it. If you ask me, Azureus and BitComet are the top choices. uTorrent is also great, but the whole sellout and closed source thing makes me trust it less..
  45. D

    Imagining the Tenth Dimension

    The hell you do. You're just running away. Separate infinities within infinity as in a timeline branched in two is separate, but still the same timeline. Okay, I have to stop thinking about this now. My head is overloading.
  46. D

    Imagining the Tenth Dimension

    Think of each infinity to be unending and, ans its name suggests, infinite. So even if they are separate, they are all infinity within infinity, though separate. Think of them like parallel universes (infinities) within the same dimension. I guess you could say that all those separate...
  47. D

    Imagining the Tenth Dimension

    Simply put, I think it's infinity + infinity = multiple infinities I don't think they meant finite infinity, just separate. If you think about it in simple terms, like just dots, multiple infinities isn't an impossible concept. Kind of how linear time branches off into infinite different...
  48. D

    Imagining the Tenth Dimension

    Part 1 JkxieS-6WuA Part 2 ySBaYMESb8o This is interesting stuff.
  49. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Neither. I hate the taste of alcohol. < I don't mind drugs much, but I do look down upon and ridicule drug users. Yes, alcohol and cigarette addicts too, to some extent. v Isn't it obvious that drug addiction is asinine and a clear sign of weak-mindedness? (note that I speak of addiction...
  50. D

    Forum's gonna be down while we merge

    You're welcome. That was too easy to be funny..