After some thinking about such a site I think the best solution would be if you would have to create an account there. After that you got the donate button (or something like that). Using that you can load money to your account. With that money you can vote for movies. If your movie is not known yet you can add by uploading the cover, entering the movie code and maybe additional resources (e.g. the DMM or studio link). This way you make sure everyone is talking about the same movie. Back to the voting: Every vote costs - let's say - at least $1. The money is marked as "spend-in-progress" or something like that. If all your money is gone (spend or "spend-in-progress") you can't vote anymore. You also can remove your vote until the subbing begins. If a movie reached some maximum of votes - or even exceeded - the subbing group is informed. It's up to them to take the challenge or not. If they're taking the challenge (or the job) the amount of money the subbing costs (let's say $40 for a certain movie) is devided between the voters (means their accounts). Let's say we have 5 people voted for that certain movie and the voted like this: A: $1, B: $5, C: $5, D: 10$, E: $30. Then we have a total of $51. $40 is the maximum. So everyone gets a little bit back to his / her account. Maybe a percentage or something like that (what they get back): A: $0.34, B: $1.72, C: $1.72, D: $3.44, E: $13.77. Or maybe is split so everyone only pays a maximum (what they get back): A: $0, B: $0, C: $0, D: $0, E: $21.
The point is that the people should pay before voting. Otherwise people vote. And if you start to translate the movie they don't pay.
Another thing: Work share by dividing the work. WhyNot? Fansubs give you a good impresson on the
recruiting page how the work can be divided and that not necessarily everyone in the team needs to understand Japanese (also it is a plus, I guess).