Banning LinkBucks/URLCash redirects.

Should Urlcash/Linkbucks redirects be banned?

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If do so, I thing many members in this forum will never post anything like me, ntt, khikhicuoi, etc...
Because we have to renew my RS, Megaupload account, my domain, hosting (for our blog, site), and we have to waste our time to upload all thing. YOU DON'T pay for us to do that, huh?

You're pretty audacious to speak on behalf of other members and not only yourself...not only predicting the future. Plenty of people posted torrents and files BEFORE linkbucks and they will once it is banned (hopefully). There are thriving forums across the Internet that don't have linkbucks in any way, shape or form.

If you want to use linkbucks on your blog and moan and complain about how much money it is costing you then do that. If it costs too much, STOP DOING IT! Not a difficult decision here. Of course, if you are too lazy to actually go find a job and instead spend your time "earning" 0.002 cents at a time, be my guest! Incidentally, the huge quantity of downloads downloads should more than account for "renewing" your MU/RS accounts...which is what, less than $7 a month?

Next thing you know you'll be complaining how you don't have enough disk space, your internet costs you money, your computer is too slow and how these things, too, should be considered as "costs" for running your operation.

Edit: It occurs to me - by your logic, shouldn't you be PAYING akiba a share of your measly "gains" for driving traffic to you links?
OK ok, my english too bad, so I cant type so much here.
If you don't link URLcash link, you can NEVER click it.
Many people use URLcash link to earn money, did you mean ALL of them are too lazy to find a job? It's just a way to earn litle money. As you know, In VietNam, people do not richer than US or JP people, so URLcash or Linkbuck are the way to have RS/MU premuim account ==> link movies UPLOAD for you can download may NEVER die.
a litle money from URLcash can't help us live, but it help us can give u NEVER DIE RS/MU link.
P/S: I can't use torrnet because i use a slowly Internet connection, I can' seed.
And you? You dont lazy, why don't you find and upload more movies to us?
OK ok, my english too bad, so I cant type so much here.
If you don't link URLcash link, you can NEVER click it.
Many people use URLcash link to earn money, did you mean ALL of them are too lazy to find a job? It's just a way to earn litle money. As you know, In VietNam, people do not richer than US or JP people, so URLcash or Linkbuck are the way to have RS/MU premuim account ==> link movies UPLOAD for you can download may NEVER die.
a litle money from URLcash can't help us live, but it help us can give u NEVER DIE RS/MU link.
P/S: I can't use torrnet because i use a slowly Internet connection, I can' seed.
And you? You dont lazy, why don't you find and upload more movies to us?

Don't give me that "oh, I'm so poor, help me!" nonsense. You obviously have enough money to afford a PC, internet access, AND you know some English.

P.S. I would upload but when your upload throughput is 20k/sec it's kinda hard. I do what I can. And I sure don't use other peoples' sites as a way of making money for myself that I don't share.
my domain, hosting (for our blog, site), and we have to waste our time to upload all thing. YOU DON'T pay for us to do that, huh?

Ahem... I dont want to say to much but you dont need that soon.
As I have made blatantly clear in other areas but I will update a service this week so that argument wont hold anymore.

Speak about wasting time uploading, I am updating my website now and so far its taken 4 days to upload 20% of it.
If you're not dedicated to sharing,...

Dont get me wrong, we appreciate all the work, but most of us in here spend a lot of time doing the same.
We've clearly established that the majority of members are against this whole linkbucks and urlcash thing. And I am inclined to agree with them.

I am going to be making some changes to the rules soon, and one will be no urlcash/linkbucks links (sorry for everyone that uses it, but it IS annoying and it DOES detract from the value of even being here) as well as tighter control of people just blatantly linking to their own sites. (though possible allowances may be made for people who attach a torrent and relevant images to their post)

I also hope to figure out a way to make it so that nobody can post a torrent thread without attaching a torrent file to the post.

We could also do with a new moderator or two.
as i see it a lot of the posters here uses link bucks and url cash.. i think there will be a major decrease in posting if linkbucks and usercash are banned... i can bet on it...
i think those who have the privilege to talk in this thread are those people who shares a lot of videos or images.. Not those people who just download and sit around doing nothing..

you know who you are... share first before you post anything in this thread...
There may be a major decrease on sharing, maybe not.
People were sharing long before urlcash/linkbucks existed.
Obviously that because they came to exist the minds of those who share may have been affected but hopefully not.
For me, an urlcash user, am fine with the decision taken as long as there's an announce somewhere visible to everyone and a period of time for us, who have created threads with urlcash/linkbucks links to revert all links to "normal" links.
Banning those won't make me stop sharing, even though one of my main aims IS, surely, some profit (whose aim isn't, in this capitalism world, right?)

I admit I am guilty of using linkbucks for a few of my posts recently.

I will now edit all of my posts, deleting all the linkbucks links and replacing them with the raw links.

If you agree chompy, I would like to set a deadline for all members to do the same. Edit all posts and/or signatures etc with urlcash, linkbucks or any other alternative site by Saturday 20th (just because it's a Saturday and it's 1 weeks time, enough time to edit posts).

If on the 21st a search finds any posts with those links still active they get deleted, and the member get's a temporary ban. Further posting of such links after that result in permanent ban.

I'm hoping a PM can be sent to ALL members, since I don't think everyone reads the Announcments. It's only fair to give decent warning.

as i see it a lot of the posters here uses link bucks and url cash.. i think there will be a major decrease in posting if linkbucks and usercash are banned... i can bet on it...

There are a ton of thriving forums around the web where people post things without linkbucks or garbage like that.

Add to that a ton of these "I'm so poor!" trolls don't even upload, they just leech off of others' links.

If on the 21st a search finds any posts with those links still active they get deleted, and the member get's a temporary ban. Further posting of such links after that result in permanent ban.

I think getting a ban for not editing their past links is a bit too much as AO didn't have such a rule in the past.
Some of them posted tons of links. It would take a great amount of time to just edit their links.

If chompy decided to take up the suggestion of banning people. It would be more reasonable to leave the past links alone and start banning people who post future linkbuck/urlcash links starting from a date set by the new rule.
I agree with the poster above (ssb82). Just set up a start date after which urlcash/linkbucks are not permitted anymore, and that's it: fair enough.

Even laws don't apply retroactively.
i think those who have the privilege to talk in this thread are those people who shares a lot of videos or images.. Not those people who just download and sit around doing nothing..

you know who you are... share first before you post anything in this thread...

First, I don't see why I should take it as a privilege to post in this thread. So I'm not an RS/MU user (at least not yet, specifically because of the problem stated in the thread title); does this invalidate any opinion I could have on the matter?

Second, I'd probably go along with the practice if it resulted in some more consistent reward to the uploader but, as it is, the nuisance on my side is far greater than any fuzzy, warm feeling that I might get in thinking that I helped some "poor" uploader make some cash.
I don't feel, for the moment, the need to poor money into some "smart" online ad comapny.

Third and last, just for your info: since the pollution of the Uncensored JAV torrents area and the overall presence of urlcash schemas on the Uncensored JAV Direct Downloads section, I fully stopped visiting those threads, let alone downloading any release. If you think that brings you more money in your pockets...
as i see it a lot of the posters here uses link bucks and url cash.. i think there will be a major decrease in posting if linkbucks and usercash are banned... i can bet on it...
The desperate self-defense is painfully obvious, further aggravated by the simple ability of anybody browsing this site to check through the threads and compare the ratios of torrents to DDLs and of non-$$$ DDLs to $$$-DDLs.
Just set a date to people edit the links, if by the deadline there're still some links around delete the thread. Isn't that possible?
By doing so there won't be more threads with urlc/lb and nobody will be banned.

Anyway, I'm just waiting for the rules update.
non-profit redirection referrers

I voted "yes".
I hope this does not lead to the banning of all redirection links.
I occasionally use "", which is a non-profit anonymizing interstitial webpage, when I do not want the receiving website to know from where the traffic came. I know of forums which automatically send all their outgoing traffic through
I do not understand why anybody even bothers to host content for Akiba-Online, or any adult-oriented forum, on RapidShare or MegaUpload. They take down everything which anybody, including an anti-erotica zealot, 'reports'. :damnit:
I will not pay for a so-called "premium" membership to any uploader / downloader website. There are now credible reports that organizations are posting “sting” links on them, and collating the names of the paid members who clicked on them for future litigation or arrest.
I use an old computer. It is secure. That is one reason why I have not gone to a newer OS. But it won't do well on a broadband connection. I have content. I like to share it as much as possible. It just isn't easy to do so when your upload speeds are limited to that of a v.90 modem.
Repeating, I do not want to have all redirection links banned.
Nobody talked about anonymizer links, but it's a good point that you have brought it up. Personally, on a adult profile site like this, I would have a service like implemented by default. Think of the XVN admins checking the traffic logs and seeing a huge amount of requests coming from akiba... :)