deleted scenes / missing licensed episodes

Would it be possible for someone that has the uncut Twin Angels/Dolls episodes to put together a torrent for those of us that haven't been able to find it on our own. Also, does anyone have a good location to find the "lost" third episode of Beast City?

Yes it will be done in the next days, even with subtitles (though they cover only the dialogue present in the edited US version). And for Beast City 3, there is a Share hash:


PS: I put the comment I put on the hentai anime torrent section

Since I have nothing more to add, let me say that I succeeded to adjust (painfully) the subs (ripped from [HL]) to the complete version of Twin Angels, I need only to do some polishing, so expect a release over the weekend.
I plan to give the subs as external files (.ssa) since the quality of the videos is not that good, and can get only worse if I would encode hardsubs.
ref. possibly not released uncensored episodes I atm try to look whether there is "a forbidden time" episode 7 uncensored and "Milk Junkies" episodes 1+2.

These 2 are the only ones I know which were partly released only so that there is a special chance to be successful. [always except the newer Milky ones like Insatiable or Dark Chapel - I expect these to be released anyway sometime as happened with Mistreated Bride...].

ref. Milk Junkies I did not find anything yet, ref. a forbidden time I downloaded 3 versions of ep 7 already but all still censored, the best chance for containing the unc. ep 7 may be this one:

[data from Share]: (18禁アニメ 無修正)こどもの時間 1~7話.lzh - hash: b629fd01c91a08b3a472724afd3e972dab1cf059

In case someone is interested in these ones try to help please...
Amyone Know Where I Can Find A Download Of Maiden Diaries Ep.2? I've Only Ever Found 1 Torrent That Seems Quite Dead....
this thread is great! is there more extra scenes?

i heard there is on in MaMa Vol.2 [old hentai] and [Milk money] is that True?:exhausted:
I don't know for your episodes, but I found out that Dragon Rider is edited in the american DVD release. Dunno for the VHS release. Episode 2 has one scene missing in the beginning, and involves the loli catgirl :donotwant:
Only the kissing part is left, the cut is around 1mn35 after the title screen.

A spanish VHS release has it, here comes the scene alone:

I forgot to post it because it was just during the 24h break we had recently.
It's not on the [HH] version, neither the spanish DVDrip. And most likely on all other DVDrips.

redrooster, did you investigate with the other versions, just to be sure ?
there only are the three NSN eps. 1-3 uncensored and uncut and Kukudo-Oh ep. 5 uncensored, just as already written.

I neither found ep. 7 of A forbidden time nor Milk Junkies 1+2 uncensored, although I nevver stop lokking for them from time to time. So there´s nothing new.

Hiiro no Koku eps 2+5 have been found uncut uncensored already.

Reg. the Trimax releases: if there are cut versions, Trimax made them...
When I'm talking about "other versions", I mean from Dragon Rider.
Other files that may have a cut or not.
I thought you tried to download some files from Emule.

Am I messing up with the writing of my posts ? :snooze:
Somehow I expected this. But was too lazy to ask what you meant in advance.

I only managed to dl the spanish VHS and the [HH] versions, nothing else.
This is a long shot but does anyone have a rip of the la blue girl vhs? (original series)

as its only on the vhs that a scene where miko gets transported to a classroom happens (it not even on the dvd's)

on that note does anyone have the uncut la blue girl episodes themselves? I hear like Onimaru, Nin nin got all his bits cut out? (sounds painful) >.<
does "milky money" ep1 H-anime has any extra deleted scenes? they consorted the little boy with the nanny.
actually does anyone have the dvd release of lablue girl the japanese dvd. the company that was selling the dvd died out. anyone whoe has the dvd want to upload it? :D well technically not here but someplace :D. since it would not be allowed. and the inju gakuen XX it is really a classic.
actually does anyone have the dvd release of lablue girl the japanese dvd. the company that was selling the dvd died out. anyone whoe has the dvd want to upload it? :D well technically not here but someplace :D. since it would not be allowed. and the inju gakuen XX it is really a classic.

we would be very pleased ourselves if we could get an original Japanese unedited version, even better if it would be uncensored, but that´s out of reach, I think.

If you are aiming at Green Buuny as the company which disapperead from the market: they are just re-releasing their stuff, up to now we already know about Urotsukidoji, Mezzo Forte, Inma Seiden and Words Worth, A Kite had been some time ago already, so perhaps there are very good chances that they will re-release La Blue Girl, Lady Blue and La Blue Girl Returns too. Although Green Bunny was not the original label which released La Blue Girl and EX (Lady Blue) but they at least were the correct label which released La Blue Girl Returns. The first 2 were Dreamy Express Zone releases.

So perhaps there still are good chances to get it bought...

淫獣学園 復活篇, 淫獣学園EX and 淫獣学園La☆Blue Girl are far too famous to let them die, not only in Japan but all across the world too...
About "Inju Gakuen" and "Inju Gakuen EX" on DVD:

In Japan, they have uncut but censored version.
In USA, they have uncensored but cut version.

Nobody's perfect :silence:

The japanese prefer the second version, and this is what you find on their P2P networks. Which makes the japanese DVD version very difficult to find, paradoxally.

The only japanese DVD release known to me was from Tokuma Japan (2000).
The VHS & LD were from dez (Dreamy Express Zone)/Daiei.


On the other hand, 淫獣学園 La☆Blue Girl 復活篇, or "La Blue Girl Returns", WAS released by Green Bunny.

The Green Bunny company that is re-releasing some stuff, is probably not the same company than before, but more like a porte-manteau.

In USA, Critical Mass has started re-releasing La Blue Girl (most likely the cut version), and will probably do the "EX" and "Returns" parts.
kinda weird for otakus even in japan. that they don't have the censored japanese version. ya the tokuma release was the one that i was referering to. i was studpid not to buy the the la blue version from play-asia. after i already had the money when i checked again poof i noticed that the releases are gone. ya and tokuma japan and dreamy express zone vanished.

and critical mass ya started releasing it but it would be the cut version. probability is higher since it is because of the "LAW". unless there is someone that can buy it from japan. i'll also help in the payment of it just to get it released on the net :D (donation in a sense)
This topic actually made me register here. Great work everybody ! And sorry to bring back this conversation, hope it won't be considered bad manners ^^

I consider myself a fan and a collector of LBG (and other Dez/Daei shows, but less so) stuff, with video releases among them, being somewhat in pursuit of a non-existent 'perfect' release. As far as I know, the japanese 'eien no miko mido' LD-Box is the only video release to feature the missing classroom scene in episode 6. There may be also a doubt about the very first US VHS release, but as this version still eludes me, I can't confirm it.

In fact, production of episode 6 was somewhat chaotic, with bits of the script modified at the last instant, and several scenes didn't did it to the final cut. It was restored in the collector LD-box, but the status of this bit of animation seems to remain somehow a little vague. It don't help that the rights has changed hands since then : DEZ was an adult video label created by Daei at a times when part of the capital of Daei was owned by Tokuma - which explain the japanese DVD release at the beginning of the 2000s : the company which gave birth to Ghibli seem to hold the rights for Japan, but don't seem to care about the title... so the bit of animation (which wasn't included in the japanese DVD) may still exists in Studio Kikan/Arms vault, but may be lost in japanese licensor hell.

Well, I said the scene wasn't included in any video release I know of, excepted for the LD-Box. There is another exception : japanese multimedia cdroms. You know, the kind with clips and images. You can find this scene on one of them, badly encoded indeed but it's better than nothing... does it interests someone here ? And others censored clips from the japanese DVD as well ?

And somebody (elgringo14 I believe ?) mentionned old Yamato VHS in relation with this other great classic butchered by occental editors, Twin Angels. Just to be coplete, I wanted to mention that Yamato VHS release of La Blue Girl is also unedited/uncensored (yet again, excepted for episode 6). Copies still float around on, if you are interested enough to hear the characters speak in italian.
ha. this topic never expires - we do not even want that to ever happen...

reg. the eien no miko mido LD box release it would be good to know the japanese title in kanji/hiragana/katakana to look for any possible location of any file in the known sources, perhaps something can be found somewhere in a complete episode or edition...

could be 永遠の巫女身度, at least 永遠の巫女...
『淫獣学園 メモリアルコレクション 永遠の美童巫女』, according to the former DEZ website.

(out of curiosity, what hardware do you need to do video transfer from an LD source toward digital ?)
(out of curiosity, what hardware do you need to do video transfer from an LD source toward digital ?)

no clue about the nesessary hardware, you need an LD player at least and some kind of digital equipment for the signal conversion as this should be an old analog signal.
『淫獣学園 メモリアルコレクション 永遠の美童巫女』, according to the former DEZ website.

(out of curiosity, what hardware do you need to do video transfer from an LD source toward digital ?)

Ow ow, do we have a La Blue Girl expert right here ? :cheer:

Welcome into the inferno of hentai editing! I'm sure you will enjoy your stay :pandalaugh:

So what LD boxes do we have for the Inju Gakuen franchise?

Inju Gakuen Memorial Collection Eien no Mido Miko 淫獣学園 メモリアルコレクション 永遠の美童巫女 (SWLD-4005, JAVN/Daiei, 36750 yens, 21.06.1995)
Inju Gakuen EX Collections 淫獣学園EX コレクションズ (DLZ-208, Daiei, 18900 yens, 21.05.1997)

Some pictures from my IRC friend ics-:

There is also a LD-box for the 3 live actions movies of Inju Gakuen:

Inju Gakuen Jisshaban Real Collection 淫獣学園 実写版 リアルコレクション (DLZ-207, Daiei, 17850 yens, 07.04.1997)

I don't know too much about what you call "episode 6", but keep in mind that in Japan this is made two episodes (see cover pictures attached).

I believe that the case of "La Blue Girl" is not as critical as, say "Twin Angels". In principle only a handful of scenes were removed by the american editing, for instance the werewolf sex scene in episode 3 removed after the first VHS print, but one has to verify this by eye.

"Lady Blue" was butchered by Anime 18, with many Nin-Nin sequences being dropped of dissimulated.

Inju Gakuen Fukkatsu hen (La Blue Girl Returns) was released after the LD demise, anyway it doesn't have any editing problems known to me.
question: what is my error in thinking please? Why do the higher parts have lower numbers? - edit: found it alone, just the question with the 2 different DVD versions still stands...

part 1 = ? (no cover - no no.)
part 2 = ? (no cover - no no.)
part 3 = SIH-1031
part 4 = SIH-1032
part 2-1 = SIH-1037
part 2-2 = SIH-1038

EX titles are named "EX" and "Returns"´s got an additional title part of " 復活篇" - perhaps I am blind (although I have seen that additional Kanji = shin in front of 淫獣学園 at the two parts of "2" with the higher nos.)...

And I miss the two covers with approx. SIH-1029 and SIH-1030 as nos... - I assume that the "2" releases are the Return titles on VHS with a different title to what Green Bunny later named them - and the databases do not list this "old" title?

edit: so these "2" parts are named "shin injuu gakuen", but what series is it really, I´ve only got a DVD cover...

we´ve got

La Blue Girl - Injû Gakuen 淫獣学園La☆Blue Girl
Lady Blue 淫獣学園EX
La Blue Girl Returns 淫獣学園 復活篇

so which part is Shin Injû Gakuen 真・淫獣学園 please? (damned databases...)

at least I have got a file = (18禁アニメ)真・淫獣学園2前後編(無修正).avi - 53:09 mins, VHS rip, 320 x 240, 242.925.568 Bytes - the contents is identical (at least the first minutes to La Blue Girl Episode 6)...

La Blue Girl with 6 episodes is devided in two titles originally - Episodes 1-4 are named 淫獣学園, eps 5-6 are named 真・淫獣学園 - that is all the secret?

There are two different DVD-versions though, one with inju gakuen la blue girl 1-4 + shin inju gakuen la blue girl 1-2 (2 DVD´s) and...

3 DVD´s with two episodes each all as inju gakuen 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 (the trap with 3rd DVD is that 真・淫獣学園 eps. 1+2 is mentioned in very small letters below in the middle)... the same company? But why did they create these 2 different versions?