deleted scenes / missing licensed episodes

what about the Trimax version I´ve got?

It´s mentioned copyright TDK Core 1998 / Central Park media 1999.

The video however is starting with Story 1. "Hurin", which matches the original release instead of "The Affair" known from the Anime18 release Twisted Tales of Tokyo.

Indeed there are at least 3 U.S. releases, by Anime18 / CPM as Twisted Tales of Tokyo, by NuTech Digital as CHU 2 and by ASM / AnimEroticA [Hot Storm] (in diffferent languages) as CHU 2 as well.

edit: Communication is everything - the Trimax version is uncut and I have a Spurs engine mp4 file even in 960 x 720 uncut as well.

We truly could have got this very very easy...

edit: Communication is everything - the Trimax version is uncut and I have a Spurs engine mp4 file even in 960 x 720 uncut as well.

We truly could have got this very very easy...


The mp4 file is the raw I used for the release ... :tea:
The mp4 file is the raw I used for the release ... :tea:

I´ve got my brain on a long wire tonight. Sorry.

I already had caught the torrent without starting it it but just was busy writing and editing my post. So I noticed the AR of the new subbed version later when I started it, reviewing it there was no other chance than the SpursEngine file being the source file for that version.
btw.: did anyone take a closer look at the AnimEroticA / Hot Storm cover. Why the hell the Milky logo is to be seen on cover back. This title never had anything in common with Milky / MS Pictures at all, I guess...
After some discussion in IRC with ics-, we found out that the "official" release from [HL] of Chu2/Twisted Tales of Tokyo is edited. The third story has suffered from "shota" censorship. Fortunately the re-releases (by Nutech and ASM) seem to be uncut. Missing scenes are mainly when you would see the face of a pretty young boy... and this includes several lines of dialogue.

I'm not sure if redrooster already explained all details about the "Secret Anima" releases and re-releases in USA, only found this:

Anyway I found an uncut video, muxed subs (complete thanks to another version), and posted the result on nyaatorrents. It cannot be posted here too, you know the name and number...

How many other releases have been butchered by Anime18 ? :notagain:

can you plz link us the nyatorrent [the un cut shota part?] thx ! :please:
I can't link directly to material that is forbidden here (licensed in USA, the latest releases must be uncut indeed). It's still on the first page of the anime category:
Not sure if this post is ok. But i forgot how many pages ago this was. But i remember the post about countdown continue and how everyone knows there is no ep 3-4 or something like that but i ran into this post elsewhere that claims that it is uncensored and EP 03 and EP 04 which i believe is crimson and cherry lips. Probably got the order wrong but i remember the names.
The situation with Countdown is the following:

The first US release from Softcel omitted one episode, made of two stories (Crimson and Cherry Lips). Though it can be found uncensored in german/japanese (the version you were pointing to), spanish or italian dubbed versions, none of them having subs.

Recenty it was re-released by Kitty Media, and this time the DVD should include all episodes uncensored with subs, but nobody has ripped them yet...
Returning to discussion of la blue girl.
Maybe anybody know about vhs version of la blue girl 1-6 from anidb (from WST or other 320x240 versions). Is vhs version with jap dub cut or not?
And I checked LBG ep.3 from clubbox (raw unc 608x448, there is no in anidb) and .asf with korean sofsub - it's cut
But I accidentally found one shop where they sell uncut? version LBG, but I don't know this information is reliable or not.
As far I as I can remember, I picked up many version of episode 3, including the WST version, and in all cases the werewolf scene is cut. I have to check my spare HD later to verify what I got.

In general I don't really know which VHS version was originally uncut, the dubbed version or the subbed version (or both) ? Remember in the old times you couldn't have both together. :joker:

I know the werewolf exists uncut in dubbed version, because this is how it is in the shitty 20s videoclips that I got years ago.
one spanish team started to make BDrip la blue girl return with spanish hardsub, it's uncensored and maybe BD will be uncut

I have not checked it, but if you interested this is the link
and torrent

"La Blue Girl Returns" has always been uncut AND uncensored, like the R1 Anime18 DVDs. Don't mix it with the original La Blue Girl series. :study:

I still wonder where the Bluray comes from.
did Ladioss drop off the face of the earth or ever follow through with the japanese uncut LBG? i honestly can't believe something so well known, is so impossible to find... it's baffling
I did not, I'm still looking for a good solution to rip and upload the content of the japanese DVD.

Upstream is of great concern for me, so i'm looking for a good trade-off between quality and size. Ideally, I was thinking along the lines of an mkv container + whetever codec I could use as long as i could do a 2-pass compression to optimize (but I didn't encore any DVD since around 2002/2003 and I'm no expert about video compression, so maybe it makes no sense)

So far I tried MeGui, which is way too complex for me, Koyote soft utilities (work good for my iphone, but too big filesizes to upload on the internet) and Handbrake, which looked like what I was looking for, but tends to overheat my laptop and make it reboot in the middle of a video compression everytime... ^^;

If anybody here has a solution (and accessible for a noob), I'd be greatly interested !
If you have the R2 DVDs, I am very much willing to help you. :nosebleed:

I have some experience in editing and encoding, and I know the issues with the La Blue Girl series.

We should really discuss it (here, in PM, or in the IRC channel).
I have got R2 DVD´s of all 6 eps by Silver Star...