deleted scenes / missing licensed episodes

Ouch, if I didn't know already about the japanese releases, I would be much confused...

Let's start from the beginning, the titles list and the japanese-american equivalence. Two "episodes" form one story arc.

淫獣学園 La☆Blue Girl = La Blue Girl 1
淫獣学園2 La☆Blue Girl = La Blue Girl 2
淫獣学園3 La☆Blue Girl 色魔殺界の章 = La Blue Girl 3
淫獣学園4 La☆Blue Girl 妖刀淫界の章 = La Blue Girl 4
真・淫獣学園1 La☆Blue Girl = La Blue Girl 5
真・淫獣学園2 La☆Blue Girl 前編 = La Blue Girl 6 (first half or 6a)
真・淫獣学園2 La☆Blue Girl 後編 = La Blue Girl 6 (second half or 6b)

All japanese episodes are 45 mn long, except the last two that are about 30 mn, and have been joined as a single episode for the american release. This is the one dealing with evil robots & cybersex and is not that good.

Now the original VHS/LD run :

Episode 1: SIH-1015 (26.02.1992) / SWLD-3007 (21.01.1993)
Episode 2: SIH-1016 (11.12.1992) / SWLD-3009 (21.03.1993)
Episode 3: SIH-1031 (05.06.1993) / SWLD-4001 (21.11.1993)
Episode 4: SIH-1032 (09.07.1993) / SWLD-4002 (16.12.1993)
Episode 5 ("Shin" episode 1): SIH-1036 (28.01.1994) / SWLD-4003 (21.06.1994)
Episode 6a ("Shin" episode 2a): SIH-1037 (25.02.1994) / SWLD-4004 (21.07.1994)
Episode 6b ("Shin" episode 2b): SIH-1038 (25.03.1994) / SWLD-4004 (21.07.1994)

The last LD contains both "parts" of episode 6. I have complete VHS covers for all episodes, except the first that is only front and back separated. All of this should be properly uploaded in our video club on due time. :tea:

The DVD releases now:

DVD 1: episodes 1 & 2 (TKBA-5008)
DVD 2: episodes 3 & 4 (TKBA-5009)
DVD 3: episodes 5 & 6(a+b) (TKBA-5010)

There are also compilations:

淫獣学園 La☆Blue Girl:クライマックス大全 (compilation of episodes 1-4)
真・淫獣学園 La☆Blue Girl エクスタシー大全 (compilation of the "shin" episodes 5-6)

"EX" is for the second series also by dez/Daiei, 復活篇 (Fukkatsu hen) is for the "Returns" series that came from Green Bunny. One could consider the 真・淫獣学園 as a separate sub-series, but since western imports didn't bother, it's just included in the main series.
to be honest, I neither was into La Blue Girl series for a long time nor did I watch it for a very long time...

what primary caused my confusion was the mess I had (as happens sometimes with older directories) with my covers and the missing information about eps. 5+6 as 真・淫獣学園 in AniDB, I thought they would know and list that...

Their information about Twin Angels is correct though, but why did noone ever correct the title information at Inyu gakuen? Only because of the Anime18 release?

although there was a mess with my covers at least they were named correctly, so I found it out myself (nothing to be proud of though...)...
Ow ow, do we have a La Blue Girl expert right here ?

Welcome into the inferno of hentai editing! I'm sure you will enjoy your stay

Not an expert, more like... a vocation :hero: :evillaugh:

I don't know too much about what you call "episode 6", but keep in mind that in Japan this is made two episodes (see cover pictures attached).

Of course (even if I strongly suspect shin ep.2 was divised because of production difficulties... damn I must translate the interviews from the different art-books, one of these days).
Anyway, 'episode 6' is a lazy way for me to refer to Shin Injuu Gakuen 2 part 1&2, as most people in the west discovered the series with the US edition and its simpler naming scheme. And I tend to consider 'shin' to be part of the first series, as the staff was more or less the same, with only a lag of some month between releases, and the story was a follow-up of the adaptation from the manga in the previous OAV.

I believe that the case of "La Blue Girl" is not as critical as, say "Twin Angels". In principle only a handful of scenes were removed by the american editing, for instance the werewolf sex scene in episode 3 removed after the first VHS print, but one has to verify this by eye.

I was really surprised by the amount of content they cutted off from Twin Angel when I finally discovered the original japanese versions (a proof of the importance of following the cel auctions on YAJ : when you discover a cel of a scene you have never seen before, you start to ask yourself some questions)... yes, I agree that the series was more badly treated than LBG, but still, there are some important segments that were left off, like the ending of episodes 3 & 6.

I can do rips of the japanese DVDs, if you want ?
(I already did rips of the missing scenes some years ago, but whole episodes would probably be a 'cleaner' way to do it)

"Lady Blue" was butchered by Anime 18, with many Nin-Nin sequences being dropped of dissimulated.

This time, the 'climax' DVD of Injuu Gakuen Ex was a good compromise to watch most of these scenes (as far as I can tell, the only missing one is Nin² pissing in Ex episode 1).
More economic than the regular DVD for Ex.

There are two different DVD-versions though, one with inju gakuen la blue girl 1-4 + shin inju gakuen la blue girl 1-2 (2 DVD´s) and...

3 DVD´s with two episodes each all as inju gakuen 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 (the trap with 3rd DVD is that 真・淫獣学園 eps. 1+2 is mentioned in very small letters below in the middle)... the same company? But why did they create these 2 different versions?

Not sure if I understand your question ?

Japanese DVD for the first two series are divided as follow :
vol. 1 - injuu gakuen 1&2 - TKBA5008
vol. 2 - injuu gakuen 3&4 - TKBA5009
first 'climax' DVD - TKBU5129
vol. 3 - shin injuu gakuen 1&2(part 1&2) - TKBA50010
second 'climax' DVD - TKBU5130
Ex vol. 1 - Ex 1&2 - don't own, not sure about the serial
Ex vol. 2 - Ex 3&4 - id.
Ex 'climax' - TKBU5131

All DVD were edited by 'Tokuma Japan Communication' (transfer of rights from Daiei to Tokuma after the break up I guess).
If I am missing something, I'm really, really sorry.


Here is an upload of the classroom scene from shin 2.2. Source is the Dez multimedia cdrom I discuted earlier, sorry if the quality isn't satisfying at all (worse than what we had on VCD, maybe even worse than the LBG Ex windows video game), but may be of interest from a completist viewpoint, I hope.
write la blue on title and u will see all about uncut n cut. on this link.

you can search all hentai about uncut or other here.

The ones cut by the BBFC, which concerns only the anime released in UK.
Thanks God, only in rare case it can apply to USA (Manga Video releases: Violence Jack, Urotsukidoji ?). And for the case of "La Blue Girl", it was even rejected, so there is no such release in that country.

Ladioss, in order to make the best uncensored/unedited mix for such series, you need to have the japanese video encode matched to a rip of the R1 DVD (e.g. same frame-rate, same codec used, same resolution). That would ease a lot the video editing. Replacing the censored scenes from the R2 rip would be more efficient than doing the same with the cut scenes from the R1 rip, but it's a matter of taste and video quality.

Only the audio from the R2 rip is needed as it is complete. For the subtitles, as the R1 release is cut, several sentences would be missing, but it's better than nothing. I remember when I retimed the Twin Angels R1 script, I had to put a lot of "missing dialogue" lines. :notagain:
Here is an upload of the classroom scene from shin 2.2. Source is the Dez multimedia cdrom I discuted earlier, sorry if the quality isn't satisfying at all (worse than what we had on VCD, maybe even worse than the LBG Ex windows video game), but may be of interest from a completist viewpoint, I hope.

Thank you for the upload, any chance you got the end of the episode 3 when yaku rewards nin-nin or the end of the episode 6 when miko rewards nin-nin ? I'm really curious to see those scenes.

You seem to have a lot of knowledge about the subject, thanks you for your advices !

You have done an editing of Twin Angels ? With all the deleted scenes ? Congrat ! Can we find it over the internet ? :please:


Yep, I have it - I already ripped it, this scene and most of the others 'missing' scenes from the japanese DVD (and the two redrawn scenes I came upon in the first taizen dvd). Not being very proud of the quality of the end result, I will probably do a regular straight DVDrip instead one day, but in the meantime I can send you these missing scenes if you wish so ?
I will upload them during the week and post the links here.
Yep, I have it - I already ripped it, this scene and most of the others 'missing' scenes from the japanese DVD (and the two redrawn scenes I came upon in the first taizen dvd). Not being very proud of the quality of the end result, I will probably do a regular straight DVDrip instead one day, but in the meantime I can send you these missing scenes if you wish so ?
I will upload them during the week and post the links here.

No, you won´t, as Twin Angels are licensed by Anime18 -> DO NOT UPLOAD: LIST = banned material here!

You seem to have a lot of knowledge about the subject, thanks you for your advices !

You have done an editing of Twin Angels ? With all the deleted scenes ? Congrat ! Can we find it over the internet ? :please:

First I posted it on this forum back in November 2008, but few weeks after we had to remove all american licensed material (and the edited version of Twin Angels is such), so I put it on datorrents. But now this place is more or less zombified.

I plan to put all my releases to nyaatorrents very soon. Actually when you will read this mail, the Twin Angels torrent should be already there, just search for the right stuff. :tea:
Found. I will dl it and then help seed it for the remainder of the week. Thanks !

No, you won´t, as Twin Angels are licensed by Anime18 -> DO NOT UPLOAD: LIST = banned material here!

Thanks you for your warning and sorry to have missed this piece of the rules.
Does anyone know where did Ladioss disappear? He said that he can upload all missing scenes of La Blue Girl. He could give us a great chance to watch a brilliant moments of this anime, which weren't available before, but his last activity was about a month ago. :cry:
As redrooster said, the show being licenced, it's forbidden to post a link to these video on the forum.

Now, I can do as I did for other people here, and send you a link by pm ;)
I don't think that uploading short scenes of licensed episodes would hurt our forum. This is not at all competing with commercial releases (especially if the scenes are not even in the DVDs). :tea:
Thank you very much for the link, Ladioss. I plan to upload this scenes to some trackers in a few days, if you don't mind. For example, to nyaatorrents and Pornolab.Net (Russian adult tracker). Can you tell the timecode of the scenes: when every scene is started. It may be usefull for somebody who would like to create a whole uncut episodes from the US release and these scenes. By the way, have you got deleted scenes from Injuu Gakuen EX (Lady Blue)? If you have it, could you upload them too?
My pleasure :)

I can give you the time codes when I will have some times, next week. And a better quality rip may interest you, I believe ?
About Ex, as I only have the taizen/summary DVD, I have access to some of the missing scenes from the US version but not all. If it doesn't bother you, I can propose you some of those missing scenes, yes.

elgringo14> Can I take it as a yes from the moderation team ?
If so :
And a better quality rip may interest you, I believe ?
Yes, of course.

About Ex, as I only have the taizen/summary DVD, I have access to some of the missing scenes from the US version but not all. If it doesn't bother you, I can propose you some of those missing scenes, yes.

It's a pity, that you haven't all of them, but I'll be glad to get all available missing scenes (and I think, other people too). :grassdance:
Thank you very much for the link, Ladioss. I plan to upload this scenes to some trackers in a few days, if you don't mind. For example, to nyaatorrents and Pornolab.Net (Russian adult tracker). Can you tell the timecode of the scenes: when every scene is started. It may be usefull for somebody who would like to create a whole uncut episodes from the US release and these scenes. By the way, have you got deleted scenes from Injuu Gakuen EX (Lady Blue)? If you have it, could you upload them too?

If I would try to make a real uncut version, I would start from a clean source (the R2 DVDrip) and replace the mosaiced scenes by their R1 uncensored equivalent. This way you also have the title screen, opening and ending in their original form.

To find a R2 DVDISO source is nearly impossible, as the japanese themselves are satisfied with the R1 equivalent. And I don't know many countries that could have made it uncut (Italy had VHS from Yamato Video, France got a semi-bootleg DVD release from Banzai, I have to check that again to be sure).
could this be helpful? I have got all 3 dvd´s including Lady Blue as the 4th one. Seem to be Anime18 clones...

(Italy had VHS from Yamato Video, France got a semi-bootleg DVD release from Banzai, I have to check that again to be sure).

Italian VHS release from Yamato's Doki Doki erotic label was uncut (compared with the japanese VHS standard release, not the LD one), they even left unchanged the age of the heroine on the backcover.

French release was hacked off from the edited US version. On the good side, it features one of the most amusing dub I ever heard in this language for an ero-anime title ("pas question de prendre mon pied avec un gros têtard palmé !", so dumb it's great).
After some discussion in IRC with ics-, we found out that the "official" release from [HL] of Chu2/Twisted Tales of Tokyo is edited. The third story has suffered from "shota" censorship. Fortunately the re-releases (by Nutech and ASM) seem to be uncut. Missing scenes are mainly when you would see the face of a pretty young boy... and this includes several lines of dialogue.

I'm not sure if redrooster already explained all details about the "Secret Anima" releases and re-releases in USA, only found this:

Anyway I found an uncut video, muxed subs (complete thanks to another version), and posted the result on nyaatorrents. It cannot be posted here too, you know the name and number...

How many other releases have been butchered by Anime18 ? :notagain: