Okie i got another gripe of the month or gripe of the century I really need to get off my chest.
Really sick of those assembly lines productions of the same genre. Just do a search of this
"大嫌(hated) 上司(superior) 相部屋 (shared room)"
in all the studios , you get many related hits from ideapocket , S1 , premium and moodyz etc
Just ideapocket alone get so many hits
While I don't mind the same genre , its the same clockwork storylines and segments that gets to me
Another assembly line production is the wife model series

Even nagae-style seem to get into the same action , with the exact same segments.
Clockwork segments
1) Husband need wife to take some racy shots because of some business or timing difficulties
2) Boss leer at wife and Loony(Fake Arty) cameraman wants boss to pose with wife , boss happily agrees and grope wife
3) Boss catch wife alone and have sex with her and now wife suddenly love it
4) Cameraman + Boss + wife Threesome
I really don't mind the same genre , I like this genre really , but come on , seriously , just do some variations , how bout angry cameraman kicking the husband off in the first segment and the lusty boss do sex with a subdued wife in the first segment. Mix it up. It don't even have to be radically different . But the same exact segments really take the winds out of everything.
And speaking of madonna-av , another genre i previously like but now nothing is more exact than the "Everyday bully cp" series
Except the first of the series I can rememeber where the son is actually involved in bullying the mom. I believe most if not all is
1) Son get bullied , mom/stepmom scold bullies
2) Bullies force in the house and gr mom
3) Bullies now regulars in house with some bathroom scenes bj scenes
4) Mom start to love it
5) End gangbang cp
6) Son come home see , mom gb and loving it
I think this sequence is more accurate and exact than an atomic clock. And most of them even wear the same clothes.
I believe there should be more assembly lines productions out there like

The ideapocket sub meat series
Which incidentally this month got 2 production. But not really into this series and frankly not impressed. With the same story line and production , they can easily make 3/month.