is porn star really enjoy ?

i think that they didn't enjoy it.

the av is only a job to earn money.

and there r so many people in live,she had to consider the good place for the cameraman

perhaps ,some professional of them would enjoy it .
I don't think anyone would enjoy being shown naked on the screen.
AV is just a job for them which brings in good money.
Enjoying or feeling humiliated in the films are just requests made by their directors that they have to fulfill for the audiences.
Some JAV girls are scouted; that is, they're recruited and choose to do JAV even though they don't really need the money (only to buy luxury items). They mainly enjoy sex, which is why they consider it in the first place, and don't really care that it's filmed.

But most girls treat it like a job and probably aren't terribly proud of it, as said above.
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smtimes they look as if they're in pain when having to force multiple orgasm...i kind of pity them..
Some JAV girls are scouted; that is, they're recruited and choose to do JAV even though they don't really need the money (only to buy luxury items). They mainly enjoy sex, which is why they consider it in the first place, and don't really care that it's filmed.

But most girls treat it like a job and probably aren't terribly proud of it, as said above.

Its mostly for the money, its a bonus if they get sexual arousal that may or may not lead to orgasm. If this happen we can say porn star really enjoy!

Signs to look for:
a) vagina becomes lubricated
b) nipples becomes hard (erect)
c) sex flush (skin become red from chest to face area) or sexual afterglow (face is glowing)
d) muscle tense in pelvic area (area around stomach and the legs)
e) hip thrusting /back arching (chest lifting up)
f) leg toes curl
g) body tremors/ body contraction
h) moan/scream really hard then calm and relax after that
i) eye pupils dilate/ eye rolling over
j) breathe more deeply and quickly and breathless right after
k) crying and emotional after sex (feel overwhelmed by body's response to multiple/powerful orgasm)
l) legs become weak
m) salivating/drooling

Example below. She shows a lot of the signs above. These signs are difficult to fake!

Some hours ago I was cleaning one of my HDDs and I found some hundreds of GB of western porn. And I already knew that, but watching it after months of only jav made more obvious some of the differences between them.
And one of the big differences is how the scenes are thought. In western porn the "protagonist" is the spectator. The performers will fuck in a way the spectator (supposedly) enjoys the most. Probably the most obvious example of this is how the scenes end. In american and european porn they usually end with a faceshoot while in jav you find a lot of creampies.
One of the most used postures in jav is the cowgirl where the girl ends up bending her body and kissing the actor while her tits rest in the male body. This is a scene you can find in a lot of films, sometimes with variations. Well, try to find it in a american film.
And you can find a lot of things like this. JAV tries to resemble (ideal) real sex, while western porn just want to show the spectator a nice body getting fucked, and if it's possible with no screen time for the actor.

So what I want to say with this... I think that in jav is fairly common to see the woman enjoying. Even if it's "fiction" at the end they are fucking with a good-looking guy who cares about their enjoyment.

A good example of this. BIJN-207. Watch the last scene. There are 2 actors. A young "bull" and a normal (but not bad) one. She doesn't have the same face with the 2 actors...
omg. are you ever seen maria , mizuzo behind the camera
I totally agree that the vast majority of enjoyment in JAV is faked (and often badly).

The list of tell-tale signs is also a good, accurate one.

The other thing to think about are the "living doll" vids, where the character has to play the part of a mannequin for the sake of her husband's career (usually). She usually has to undergo increasing amounts of abuse and penetrative sex without so much as blinking. Given the number of actresses who can do this (they are well-known faces, not specially selected for this amazing ability) I would say that enjoyment levels are at best minimal.

Having said that, most of these videos include an out-take feature at the end where the actress blinks, laughs, coughs or otherwise breaks the mannequin character. In some (all or nearly all?) of these out-takes the actress betrays some excitement. Would they go to the trouble of faking enjoyment for an out-take? I somehow don't think so, and in these cases (and by extension many others) the actresses do respond physically to the right kind of stimulation, just not to the extent that they display.
I totally agree that the vast majority of enjoyment in JAV is faked (and often badly).

The list of tell-tale signs is also a good, accurate one.

The other thing to think about are the "living doll" vids, where the character has to play the part of a mannequin for the sake of her husband's career (usually). She usually has to undergo increasing amounts of abuse and penetrative sex without so much as blinking. Given the number of actresses who can do this (they are well-known faces, not specially selected for this amazing ability) I would say that enjoyment levels are at best minimal.

Having said that, most of these videos include an out-take feature at the end where the actress blinks, laughs, coughs or otherwise breaks the mannequin character. In some (all or nearly all?) of these out-takes the actress betrays some excitement. Would they go to the trouble of faking enjoyment for an out-take? I somehow don't think so, and in these cases (and by extension many others) the actresses do respond physically to the right kind of stimulation, just not to the extent that they display.
About this I say pretty much what I said before. Sex is much more than penetration. Kisses, the heavy breathing of the other person, feeling desired... If you take out all these things you're "only" left dick in, dick out, dick in... It's normal that they can show indifference.

I don't know how much western porn have you (all) watched, but I'd say Manuel Ferrara is the most "japanese" actor. He loves hugging the actresses, the first thing he does when the actress has sucked him is kissing her... Well, you know what I mean if you have watched his videos. He's a Rocco but respecting the women...
And it seems the actresses love working with him.

Of course they're actresses and have to perform, but if an attractive guy fucks the girl the way he'd do it irl... of course is gonna enjoy it.
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Some hours ago I was cleaning one of my HDDs and I found some hundreds of GB of western porn. And I already knew that, but watching it after months of only jav made more obvious some of the differences between them.
And one of the big differences is how the scenes are thought. In western porn the "protagonist" is the spectator. The performers will fuck in a way the spectator (supposedly) enjoys the most. Probably the most obvious example of this is how the scenes end. In american and european porn they usually end with a faceshoot while in jav you find a lot of creampies.
One of the most used postures in jav is the cowgirl where the girl ends up bending her body and kissing the actor while her tits rest in the male body. This is a scene you can find in a lot of films, sometimes with variations. Well, try to find it in a american film.
And you can find a lot of things like this. JAV tries to resemble (ideal) real sex, while western porn just want to show the spectator a nice body getting fucked, and if it's possible with no screen time for the actor.

So what I want to say with this... I think that in jav is fairly common to see the woman enjoying. Even if it's "fiction" at the end they are fucking with a good-looking guy who cares about their enjoyment.

A good example of this. BIJN-207. Watch the last scene. There are 2 actors. A young "bull" and a normal (but not bad) one. She doesn't have the same face with the 2 actors...
BIJN-207 - she enjoyed intense orgasm in the last scene that she cried tears at the end.

On the topic itself. I think absolute majority of performer don't enjoy the production (filming) process. One starts way way early in the morning, and she mostly (except for top idols) have to get her own transportation to the filming location. For top idols and/or big budget production, a car will come pick her up from home. Then make-up, shoot a scene or two, a little rest and shower in between, lunch (which might be cheap fast-food), shoot some more scenes (again showers in between). For most production, the work is finished at night or even past midnight. Everyone is exhausted on the production date.

If a girl wants to enjoying sex while make money, she will better choose a career in fuzoku, she can work say 15-30 hours per week, spread out over a few days of her choice. And if she is attractive enough to be at least mid-rank JAV performer she can find pretty good working conditions (including the right to reject some customers). The point is she is much much more likely to have a pleasurable intercourse experience, instead of long work hours, intense lights, camera in her face (and crotch), contorted positions, and perhaps most importantly, she is not pressured to have cum on her face, chest, in her mouth and vagina.

Not to say every single idol is just grinding cocks for money. Many of my fav idols are in my list precisely because they make me believe she's receiving pleasure from the fucking. And to conclude: adding a flipflop to my final flipflop: I don't believe one single time the female performer have an orgasm on camera.
I totally agree that the vast majority of enjoyment in JAV is faked (and often badly).

The list of tell-tale signs is also a good, accurate one.

The other thing to think about are the "living doll" vids, where the character has to play the part of a mannequin for the sake of her husband's career (usually). She usually has to undergo increasing amounts of abuse and penetrative sex without so much as blinking. Given the number of actresses who can do this (they are well-known faces, not specially selected for this amazing ability) I would say that enjoyment levels are at best minimal.

Having said that, most of these videos include an out-take feature at the end where the actress blinks, laughs, coughs or otherwise breaks the mannequin character. In some (all or nearly all?) of these out-takes the actress betrays some excitement. Would they go to the trouble of faking enjoyment for an out-take? I somehow don't think so, and in these cases (and by extension many others) the actresses do respond physically to the right kind of stimulation, just not to the extent that they display.

I'm not quite so sure there, bubba. I watched an interview with Emiri Okazaki and I swear I remember her saying that this particular sex mannequin series that you mentioned is one series that she wanted to do but didn't get to during her AV career. :p

What I wonder is how these young JAV pornstars, who get totally mowed down by a few of these father figure actors, that lick and kiss them in the most perverted way like you would only dream to do, if they really enjoy that? Like these gramps are kissing eye lids and licking cheeks foreheads, I mean how could they like that? Could you imagine a western star being violently tongue kissed and having her face licked all over like a windshield wiper by some old dude's tongue? LOL.

And it seems like every JAV girl, old or young, is a pro from day one or at least the production is so high quality it evens out a girl who is a bit shy. It's like they all are put through a JAV training session a few times with old pros who wear them out a little before they ever get put on camera to see if they are worth putting on camera or what level star they think her capacity is (how far is she willing to go). I was searching some JAV pornstar one time on social media and under schooling she put University of JAV. LOL.

Also, how many girls sign up for JAV just to get their grill fixed or some other PS? I feel like a lot of these women do a few videos just for that. The JAV studio system is something like the old Hollywood star system from the golden age of cinema. The popular actors I see so often have to be some really happy guys doing that line of work. :)

About this I say pretty much what I said before. Sex is much more than penetration. Kisses, the heavy breathing of the other person, feeling desired... If you take out all these things you're "only" left dick in, dick out, dick in... It's normal that they can show indifference.

I don't know how much western porn have you (all) watched, but I'd say Manuel Ferrara is the most "japanese" actor. He loves hugging the actresses, the first thing he does when the actress has sucked him is kissing her... Well, you know what I mean if you have watched his videos. He's a Rocco but respecting the women...
And it seems the actresses love working with him.

Of course they're actresses and have to perform, but if an attractive guy fucks the girl the way he'd do it irl... of course is gonna enjoy it.

I couldn't agree more. I stopped watching western porn for JAV a long time ago because of the lack of passionate kissing and because the girls in JAV are specifically told to act like the boyfriend of their sex partner in the film. This is why there is so much kissing because that is what real couples do and that is why the NTR/Incest films in JAV are so hot from my perspective. In western porn the NTR/Incest role is usually played tongue in cheek and is more of a comedy scene then a steamy romantic one. Also, Japanese girls just have that girl next door quality and their culture instills in them their place in the world as women and because they don't have a bunch of tattoos or are plagued by years of drug abuse which are both a major turn off for me.

I agree Manuel is one of the few western actors who gives a good show. I feel like in western porn some of the girls have a guy who they live off of so his way of dealing with the pornstar girlfriend is telling her not to kiss in the scenes she makes? I don't know.

I used to look up a pornstar that I liked to see if they had been married or not and then to look for a scene that was made during her marriage. Western porn forced me to this extremity for not making more realistic cuckold/ntr themes for me to watch. :rolleyes: LOL.

For instance, one of my favorite western pornstars, Rikki Six, got married while she was still making porn and then I saw a few scenes after the fact and she's wearing this big wedding ring. I watch those scenes of hers for instant porn fuel. Something very hot to know for a fact the slut you are watching has a hubby at home being a simp.
It's funny bc some years ago I used to think that western porn was "normal" and that japanese porn was really fucked up. Now I realize that what is really fucked up is how millions of male teenagers grow up thinking real sex is like porn, when it's obvious that the only "solution" the industry has found about how boring is western porn is making it more brutal and violent (sometimes in a literal way). 20 years ago something like Max Hardcore was so brutal that he even went to prison. Now MH seems like softporn compared to Facial Abuse or Legal Porno.
And I'm the first who thinks it's alarming the amount of r***/abuse videos in JAV, but the quality of "normal" sex videos is miles ahead.

Sometimes I think about the reasons of this, but I don't have an answer yet...
Now MH seems like softporn compared to Facial Abuse or Legal Porno.

I don't know man, some of those MH titles probably still hold up as being pretty intense.

[EDIT: Thinking about this further, a lot of that might just be down to his proclivity for dressing his poor unfortunates up in something a six-year beauty pageant contestant might have grown out of and having them coo like a shy infant being potty trained... except while getting ass pounded... while he whispered nasty shit in their ear like a demented mouth breather...

Maybe the sex itself was lot tamer than the psychological underpinnings. It would have to be at least 15 years since I've seen any of it... and I'm pretty okay with keeping it that way to be honest.]

And on the general topic I just don't really see the point in worrying too much about the motivations of the participants. Bottom line is some adults got paid to put some sex on camera. If you worry about whether the girls are having a good time you then have to consider how consensual the sex always is in titles with a non-consenual theme. That could be a slippery slope.

For me it's best to enjoy the end product for what it is - like analyzing art for arts sake and not being fixated on the author's intent.

For sure, I like seeing girls who look like they're fucking and having the time of their life. Watching something where it looks like they're hating every moment, crying and screaming their way through it might be at the other end of the spectrum but might have a completely different appeal. Both valid, different strokes. Usually it's something in the middle and whether that's good or boring as hell might be down to the individual.
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I read an interview once with American pornstar of the 90's, Asia Carrera. She said she cums 90% of the time on screen. But she also says, based on her conversations with other women in the industry, the rest cum 0-10% of the time. I don't really think it's going to be any different based on the nationality or culture of the performer, so that should be a pretty fair guide.
I'm watching a video that has reminded me of this thread.


The actors are playing and exciting her for almost an hour... First with toys, then with a double massage and finally with a cunnilingus. Maybe is that the actresses are super good (I don't thint that's the reason since a lot in those series are amateurs) but I find that in BLOR the girls are super horny.
I'm watching a video that has reminded me of this thread.


The actors are playing and exciting her for almost an hour... First with toys, then with a double massage and finally with a cunnilingus. Maybe is that the actresses are super good (I don't thint that's the reason since a lot in those series are amateurs) but I find that in BLOR the girls are super horny.
Anything you see in a video is "made for the video". So the girl is acting, even in those amateur looking movies. They think about what their audience want to see. If the girl doesn't say anything during 60min, nobody would buy it.