桜井彩 Aya Sakurai @sakurai_aya_ expressed suicidal thoughts on IG
The whole story is long and complicated and ongoing, so instead of giving you the latest news, I give a very brief timeline:
2018-03-15 Aya said last year (2017?) she was r***ing by a person self-identified as a fan, at night after an AV shooting session. The suspect was arrested last month (2018-02?). But she is still suffering from panic attacks due to the r***, and would suffer asthma-like symptoms and so have reduced her filming schedule.
2019-12-8 Aya declare she is retiring, due to previous mentioned situations. She suffer some kind of post-traumatic syndromes when she’s at AV filming session. During this period, she had been working fan-interaction events and as hostess at the Red Dragon Hotel. It seems fans were not a net-positive effect on her mental states.
2020-5-18 Aya post a photo of many packs of pills and wrote she would commit suicide before (rather than) being killed and dumped into Tokyo Bay (like in every country, there’s a fate worse than dead is being dead and missing). Her IG is a bit incoherent and cryptic. Seems she has offended some person or persons (she is not sure herself) and feel that her own life is threatened and very terrified.
2020-5-20 Aya posted a photo taken from apartment window downward, hinting that she might jump. That post was very quickly deleted. Further details collected by playno1 and summarized/speculated is roughly: her agent/manager was made to go to apologize (in formal Japanese traditional way) to someone or some party, this much seems to be a fact. Was there really threat of violence (even death) on her person? This is less sure. She had been seeing a psychiatrist (this is pretty serious since Asians are very reluctant to admit to need psychiatric help) Playno1 was unable to find any posts on her IG that might be offending to anyone (esp. some kind of important/powerful person). It seems she had accidentally taken a few more pills or the wrong pills and fainted on the balcony. Also offhandedly Playno1 mention the person arrested for her r*** might have been given a suspended sentence and currently working in Shinjuku (like saying he’s working in Beverly Hills), which isn’t helping her to recover. Generally speaking, in Japan, a r*** (non-consensual sex) often doesn't result in prison time. Factors that would count against a victim would be she's not rich/connected, she's working in adult industry, the accused has money and means. Not saying that's her case, but any particular case might involve many not-publicly-known factors and those are common ones.
For now her mood seems to have calmed down and hopefully things won’t get worse from here.