Ok, General question for Tmpguy but if anyone knows the answer please let me know. I tried the new iteration of Javluv on a folder with about 2K files in it. At some point it failed/crashed. When I restarted there were several Hundred titles itemized but no Actress image data. So I carried on with the cataloging of that same file and it continued itimizing where it left off assuming that when it was complete it would dl all of the actress images including what was already cataloged pre-crash. When it was complete it , as it is supposed to , downloaded the Actress images. However it did not download any actress data for the files that were cataloged pre-crash. So, is this the normal response, IE I start cataloging, close the program, re-open and continue but only the actress data from the 2nd round will be catalogged? The catalogging process is incredibly slow, it took me about 2 days to dl the data for 2k files and that is very likely because of my brutally slow internet (8mbit/sec so about 1Meg/Sec). Now, the reason that I'm asking this is I am now in the process of catalogging about 17K files. I'm figuring that this is going to take at least 2 Weeks going steadily based on the speeds I saw with my previous scan. Ok, the question. If I break off a scan mid-way, am I going to miss out on all of the actress images for anything that was pre reboot? Thanks for the help.. and of course, Thank you so much Tmpguy for your hard work..