Those shirts must be the tackiest thing ever..
Seriously though, if you just want to pick up a Japanese girl, go to a gaijin bar - since Japanese girls go there to pick up western men.
Oh, and guys who do nothing but pick up girls get looked at as sleazy sluts there as here.
Yepper. The guys who are here ONLY to get laid are considered equal to those fat faggot businessmen from England and the USA who fly to Thailand to have their cocks sucked by underage little boys.
I had the 'pleasure' (sigh) of living with one of the man-sluts out here. I'm pretty sure he's the entire reason why so many more Japanese women are getting chlamydia these days. He's complained about catching it a total of SEVENTEEN FUCKING TIMES when we lived together throughout two years.
I didn't even catch a cold that many times. Hell, I've thrown up less in my entire lifetime than that...
You want to come to Japan to get laid? How about you stay home and rent yourself a hooker, for fucks sake. Last time I ever punched anyone was a faggoty redneck boasting about his sexual prowess at MY home club Xanadu. I'm pretty sure he got roughed up by the six Nigerian gents who are the bouncers as I've never seen him in there again.
Fuck, and people wonder why I hate whites in Japan.
From my experience, 15 years of living and working in Japan or traveling there on a regular basis, very few Japanese beyond junior high students can hold a discussion in English of any substance! I find it quite enjoyable being approached regularly by precocious (and presumptuous) schoolgirls wishing to practice today's lessons!!
Several of my Japanese colleagues were reasonably proficient but funnily enough the only western guy I ever worked with couldn't speak English (he was French)! When we rode the train together it really spun the Japanese out seeing two "whities" talking to each other in 日本語!!
tbh I think its gonna be hard.
the average Japanese thinks of philipinos as either whores, dealers, child trafficking or ugly bald japanese farmes "buying" some philipino wife.
its the same here in Europe. you always see young filipino girls with 50yo guys who pay for them.
well, its my friend not me who's askin for the tip,
he's a filipino, speaks some jap, allot of filipino and just as much english as mine ^_^... not a bad lokin guy though... (P.S. im not gay...) i think he'll do fine but id like to give my friend some tips otherwirs... thats what friends are for right... (well, we are really i to anime that why...)
BTW: did you know that filipinos have a different language in every island cause theyr at, the country is of island groupings you see.....
I think he's gay JUST because he had to point out that he isn't. Sort of like saying "well at least I'm richer than these people!" while walking through a shanty town of Peurto Rico.
Hmm... No that just didn't make any sense. Anyway, I'm pretty sure he's gay.