I don't want to be mean since not everyone is good with computers, but whisper is actually very easy to install.
What's most likely happening to most people who failed is they did a small mistake somewhere because they're not familiar how command line works or they needed administrator rights or they didn't select the add python or git to the PATH environment variable during the installation or something else like that and it ends up not working.
Since nobody gave me enough information here to actually diagnose the installation problem they were having or created a thread in the tech support section of the forum, who knows where you're all failing.
Here's a quick guide with the required steps which will hopefully help some(just tested it in a fresh win11 VM to make sure it really is that simple, but I can't test the usage from that fresh install since the VM doesn't see my GPU):
1. Whisper works with python 3.7 to 3.10(not 3.11 yet which is currently the latest) so go to python.org, download python 3.10.9(or whatever 3.10 version is the current one when you read this), just scroll down a bit in the downloads page to find a download link for it. Most will want the "Windows installer (64 bit)" version.
When you install it, you can use the default everything but make sure to check "add python.exe to PATH" to launch python from any folder. Extending the character limit at the end isn't a bad thing either.
2. Install git from git-scm.com and use the default except where it ask to install it to PATH which you want.
3. Open a command line window(open start menu and type cmd) and type the following in it and press enter
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/whisper.git
Type whisper in that same command line to make sure it really worked(should type a bunch of stuff like the usage help and an error that says missing audio) and that's it, whisper is installed.
By default, it'll likely only work with your cpu so if you see it says it uses the cpu(gives an error cpu doesn't support FP16 when it starts so easy to tell) but if you have an nvidia gpu, then there's 2 extra steps(or just do the extra step 2 before step 2 and 3 from the installation instructions above, assuming you never tried to install whisper before):
1. In the command line type the following to uninstall 3 modules whisper installed(don't know why pip has a 3 here, might not be required but I'm far from a python pro so I'm following pytorch instructions and not questioning it)
pip3 uninstall torch torchvision torchaudio
2. Go to pytorch.org and on the main page, in the "INSTALL PYTORCH" section, choose stable, windows, pip, python and whichever version of cuda your gpu support, lowest one in case of doubt, copy the pip3 command it creates below and type that command in the command line.
Mine looked like this:
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116
Then whisper should use your gpu properly instead of defaulting to the cpu. Be warned that there's a 2.4GB download or so for the cuda thing.