Here I leave the subtitle obtained with Whisper+VAD, I hope you enjoy it, it's not my type of film, but since it was a test, I leave it here, later I'll upload the others that I have already subtitled with whisper, but for now I'm enjoying them for me.
This will be interesting.
I will compare it to the one I subbed months ago and let you know how it compare
Thank you very much
Update #1: I took a quick look at the file without adding the movie.
And first, let me say thanks again for giving us a new software to help aid us in subtitling movies.
The good news, by using Whisper it seems to give you time codes/stamps and subs to your movies if you decide to use. That helps makes subbing one step closer to being somewhat bearable and for those wanting to understand a movie.
I did finds some accuracy in certain scenes, I remember from my sub.
Bad news. As I starting reading the sub for this movie, I was hit with a mistake the first line. I wasn't expecting that so soon. But I kept reading.
I then starting reading more of the subs and notice numerous mistakes like repeated lines and lines differently from my sub. Could it be my sub is wrong and whisper is right? Possible but I trust my sub almost 80-90%.
Not only were these lines different/wrong from my sub, but they showed up in the wrong places...many times.....
"Is that so", "you were doing it"... "I didn't know how to do"... "You don't know how to do"... "I'm doing it"... "I have to do it"... "I do it sometimes"...."You can't eat rice with a cake"..."What should I do with rice"... "I don't like it because it's red"... "I'll eat your breasts"(4X in a row)... "I'm wearing a mini tomatoes"...
"You're wearing a different uniform"..."It's called a modern uniform"... "You woke up early"
"Will you come to my class" "You said you wouldn't come"(This, um... okay at this point I have no idea)
"He's standing on his own".. "Don't wet the cake" "I don't wet it"
"Umbrellas aren't cheap(The mom, if I remember my sub, is telling daughter, cakes aren't cheap/cakes are expensive)
"Can I buy you a drink" (What??? Is this even the right movie?)
Ok, those "mistakes" came with the first 26 minutes. And there's LOTS of mistakes that would take too long for me write. Lots and lots....
I'm trying to get to the part that I hope Whisper can faithfully blow my mind lol, but it's doing just the opposite.
Let me skip to the scene, I know where the sisters are talking in the background and see if Whisper capture some of it....
And it missed it.
In fact, it recycle the lines "Did you prepare breakfast?", "I haven't prepare breakfast", I'm going to eat breakfast"
Another line, "I'll go if I have a pencil"...I don't even know what Whisper talking about at this point lol
I'm gonna stop and watch the rest of the movie with the sub from Whisper to see how it plays.
I have to say I saw small instances where Whisper caught some lines but those weren't even close to what I seen other software do. Could this movie be more difficult, possibly.
But the subbing mistake at the very beginning usually doesn't happen so quickly in my experience with the others.
So far from the sub alone, you will not get an accurate description to what's going on in the least in the first 26 minutes.
I've seen the movie...I know you will be reading the sub and looking at the movie and wonder did you get the wrong sub lol
If I hadn't subbed this movie, I might think this sub was accurate.
But since it's a jumble mess of words that doesn't make sense overall,
I would shut off the sub and fap to the movie with no sub.
Btw, once Whisper hear a line, it software repeats that line a lot. That's where you need to clean it up yourself. Like most software. So not a big deal.
But it repeats it a lot. So maybe a big deal???
Right now, Whisper is showing itself to be nothing more than a software with bad Machine Translation...
But maybe the rest of the sub will redeem it. I hope.
I will update later. And forget about capcut that's terrible too.
I think these software are useful in aiding you to make subs.
But the old saying, "Something is better than nothing" seems outdated. Why accept something that is nothing and not accurate?
Anyways, finger cross for rest of the movie