r*** in JAV

I'd say it's not as common as you think, especially these days. There are companies that produce JAV with no simulated r*** (E-Body and so).
Why is it so common? It has to do with the Japanese male's personality and upbringing. While having sex with darn near any Japanese women IN Japan, she will make sounds that are equivalent to ripping her soul out of her body and then kicking her puppy after running it over. My first time with a Japanese girl was unnerving and I ended up stopping mid-way through 3 or 4 times to check "daijobu??!!??"

I'd get into why this is a complex in Japan but I'm on a train, surrounded by men with breath worse than mine and women with breath worse than the men, plus I'm tired as its 7:35am.

Oh hey, there's the sky tree.
Well man, have you watched the film Irreversible (2002)?

You may know what actual r*** really is, after watching it.
Most JAV are simply far from it, "simulation" explained.

Perhaps, 働くオンナ狩り is the only series of JAV that would makes you feel that those actresses are being r***ing.

I know its not real!!!
....let me put it in another word, "looks like".

Compare to it, most of the JAVs are doodle :joker:

Maybe I'm just shocked by it because I'm not that desencitised.
Let me suggest this, 'simulated r***' is similar to pro-wrestling, in that they are both fake. Also, if they were real, they would be immoral/illegal/disturbing and I would not pay to watch either, (not that it wouldn't be possible to do so, but I digress)
Also, when you watch pro-wrestling enough, you begin to notice certain things that indicate that it is fake, also the 'aura of fakeness' for lack of a better word, will shine through to you and your suspension of disbelief has to work harder. Question - is it the same with 'simulated r***'? Can anyone answer this one?
Thought this old thread was worthy of a revival. Too many of the posts above got a little defensive and off-topic (it's not real r***, it's simulated, yeah, yeah, we all know it's simulated), but the underlying question is a very interesting one. No one can argue that non-consensual sex is prevalent in Japanese porn, and the reasons must have something to do with the culture ("I Know Better Than You" was the only respondent who took a stab at the question, yet aside from wailing sounds from Japanese ladies and bad breath, I didn't comprehend what he was getting at)... but are the reasons only cultural? (And what is it about the culture that makes the theme so popular?)

I despise corrupt Wikipedia and frown whenever people unthinkingly refer to it as a valid source, but I did open up the link presented in the first post; the Wikipedia page instead concentrated on how r*** porn is treated in a few other nations. Illegal in the U.K. and in... Germany, even? Germany (assuming the claim is true; don't forget, it's Wikipedia, where anyone can write anything), the country that produces incredibly perverted porn? Fascinating.

Meanwhile, "Freedom of Speech" applies in the USA, but I believe there are unwritten laws in the U.S. that makes porn-makers shun the depiction of non-consensual sex. (One reason why women are unrealistically aggressive in stupid American porn.) Since the 1970s, it has been very rare to see women get taken advantage of in a non-consensual manner in U.S. porn (although there is no end to women getting abused in non-storied, gonzo porn; Max Hardcore even did jail time for pushing the boundaries in the latter regard).

So what's your take on why the "women getting sexually taken advantage of"/r*** element is so popular in Japan, and so rare in, particularly, the USA?

I have no clue... but I love it. Especially loli gang-r*** like in MUM-155 :fufufu:

I personally don't really see it as r***. To me it's more like really really really rough consensual sex. I mean the girl is cumming and squiring like crazy so she's obviously enjoying it. Surely that cant be considered r*** lol. Wow I sound like a true r**ist here. :eek: I'm not... honestly

Edit: If you see JAV "r***" the same way as I do, I think most people would see why its so popular. Its pretty much every man's fantasy to "fuck a girls brains out" or to "tear up the pussy". Bringing a girl to ecstasy and leaver her gasping for air. It just makes you feel like a absolute champion. A champion of pussy if you will haha.
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So what's your take on why the "women getting sexually taken advantage of"/r*** element is so popular in Japan, and so rare in, particularly, the USA?

Hmm, reviving a four year old thread, eh? I don't really want to talk much about the r*** niche in JAV, and I truly don't know why its so popular. I'll take a little crack on it and say its because of theme of helplessness. It sounds really bad, but you know how r*** itself is about power rather than the sexual? Well, r*** in JAV basically brings out, once again, the theme of helplessness (part of the theme in r***, God forbid they get the rest of it in) and then of course they focus (and combine) on the sexual part. Of course for me personally, not my cup of tea.

I will say that to say that the "Sexually taken advantage of" elements as unpopular in the U.S. is a little tricky. Its more like they masked it so well that its not overt. At times where its actually present (though many viewers don't see it as such), they sweep it under the tug and water it down (tone wise especially). You have a situation where a robber/creeper/whatever instigates sexual activity, but the girl quickly "submits" to it in a very concise and insatiable manner. For example, there is a scene where a "gang" sneaks into a girl's house, put their stuff in her mouth while she is sleeping, she wakes up and basically says "Oh my, let's have sex." Oh and let us not forget some sites like HazeHer and others.

So its not that the elements are not there, rather they changed the tone and graphic of it.
Forgive me for going a little off topic, but where can I find JAV that consists of passionate love making, without her wailing and making pained expressions? I mean I love that and everything but when you watch stuff like nubilefilms it's a wholly different type of appeal.
JAV 'r***' is a popular power fantasy women and men hold. Most of it is women being engulfed in a fury of lust. Look how much oral is given, its all about the girl most isn't a r*** power fantasy (tho much is and that's great too :D)
Forgive me for going a little off topic, but where can I find JAV that consists of passionate love making, without her wailing and making pained expressions?

There are two layers to it: (1) is sex scene that doesn't look and sound like she's being savagely abused (2) sex scene that involve some romantic emotions.

On (1), it's already much better than 4 years ago. Now if you randomly sample a JAV, chances are, no matter how the woman got into the situation involving penetration (i.e. when what may qualities as r*** in some jurisdictions) after a few stroke she's no longer "wailing and making pained expressions". No to mention it's quite common to see the female outright being the proactive member of the sex act, "reverse nanpa" sometimes it's called.

On (2), as mentioned, there's the SILK label. Personally if I want to see romance, I'd go for a mainstream movie, which I can watch with a female acquaintance and there's a chance we will end up doing real sex after the movie. When I watch JAV/porn it's an exercise for the groin, not the heart. No emotional strings, preferred.
I did some research on this and I don't think it's as sinister as some people imagine. For myself and I imagine others, when engaging in a sex fantasy my curious mind wants to know how I managed to get in bed with a woman out of my league. We need a plausible explanation to give the situation some credibility. I have no reason to believe I am attractive to smoking hot JAV stars so, r*** works as a motivation.

Someone said once, sorry I don't have a source, that Japanese depict a lot of sex as r*** because they want to think of their women as virtuous who won't just give it up like that or act sexually aggressive like men do. To many of them, portraying women as r*** victims is less offensive than portraying them as sluts. It gives them more dignity in a way. It makes sense to me, it would never work in the US, but I kind of get it. Plus it's fucking hot.
I'm not into r***, but I like it when a woman is seduced. And you can tell the difference, because the woman is horny, but for one reason or another, she doesn't want to have sex at that time. It could be because she's already in a relationship, she's in a public place (bus, train etc...) or it's her son, brother, nephew etc...

I've seen r*** scenes in JAV movies and it wasn't pleasant at all. Especially when it's 5 or 6 guys and one woman and they slap, hit and choke her.

Full disclosure... I know actual r*** victims, so it wouldn't be surprising if that has influenced my thinking, but I wasn't into r*** scenes before I met any.

Someone mentioned the scene in "Irreversible." That didn't faze me at all, but the r*** scene in the English version of "Girl With The Dragon Tattoo", that actually turned my stomach.
And the r*** scene in "The Accused" starring Jodie Foster, makes me cringe because it's based on a true story.

But to each their own.
I did some research on this and I don't think it's as sinister as some people imagine. For myself and I imagine others, when engaging in a sex fantasy my curious mind wants to know how I managed to get in bed with a woman out of my league. We need a plausible explanation to give the situation some credibility. I have no reason to believe I am attractive to smoking hot JAV stars so, r*** works as a motivation.

Someone said once, sorry I don't have a source, that Japanese depict a lot of sex as r*** because they want to think of their women as virtuous who won't just give it up like that or act sexually aggressive like men do. To many of them, portraying women as r*** victims is less offensive than portraying them as sluts. It gives them more dignity in a way. It makes sense to me, it would never work in the US, but I kind of get it. Plus it's fucking hot.
That second paragraph is interesting and I think it explains a lot.

I personally find the it way sexier when a Japanese girl is "resisting" sex saying by "yada, yada. yamete" versus a Western pornstar aggressively screaming "Oh yeah baby! Fuck that pussy!". Matter of fact I find it to be a huge turn off when that happens in Western porn.
This is a good discussion, so i will add my two cents. a few guys here in this thread bring up the "r*** is power not sex" line of thinking and i don't think that's the case in full. it's all about sex and the need to be loved. not many ugly 70 year old women get r***ing in real life, sure that does happen from time to time but it's few and far between. most female r*** victims ( there are female on male r*** victims but that's a topic for another thread) are young, between 11 to 25 when women are at the peak of they're beauty. i think the drive to see f***rced sex by men and women comes from different places for each sex.

for men, i think it is about having sex with a woman you feel you could not otherwise talk to, let alone fuck. women control all aspects of sex in the real world (no matter how much they say otherwise) and all men know this. how else can a guy with no money that feels that he is a loser with no hope or life think that he can fuck a girl that's a 9, 10 or a 11? he overpowers her. because women are the true gatekeepers of sex and the limiting factor for they have the power to choose. they have the power to say yes or no. when is the last time you or a male friend you know said no to a woman regarding sex? have you ever? how many times have your female friends said no to men offering sex in the last 24 hours? 3 times? 4? 10? the power to decide and command are the only true ways to have power and that's the power that women wield in the sexual arena. i think most men hate that the weaker sex gets to have so much power, so they turn to the only way they think that they can fulfill there needs, and that's thru force. this is so deep, that men feel that they have no worth to women so deeply that they can't even see themselves being chosen by these high value women in there minds eye. they can only see themselves doing it thru r***. even in they're dreams. it's sad really. they see themselves as having no chance. the male need to r***, i think, comes from a hatred of the self not of women. these folks want women to love them but don't think they can find love, warmth or sex with out the use of force. i also think that's why it's a big theme in japan. i have the feeling that men there feel hopeless, worthless and unlovable. I've never been to japan but from my study's of they're culture, it seems self hate is a big theme in japan all thru they're history. from the samurai's code of self harming to manga and anime to the NEET and otaku culture of male self hate and shame, this idea of self hate looms large over every aspect of Japanese life.

i have a my ideas on why women seek out r*** imagery and how it comes from a different place but this post is too long as it is. i'll post it later. so what do you guys think of my little theory? i know some of you guys live in japan or have done so for many years. any truth to my thoughts?

P.S this is why the gokkun genre is so big in japan as well. it's a woman choosing to take your seed into her body, all while staring you in the face. making deep eye contact. i have heard from people that have been to japan and from Japanese people themselves that they don't really make eye contact in day to day life. i find that there is something to the fact that one of the types of porn that japan is well known for and at the top of is a genre that has as one of it's core acts long, unbroken deep eye contect. i love gokkun and i want to look these women in the eyes and more importantly i think is that i want them to look me in the eyes back. just look at my avatar pic.

[DJE-043] - Ashida Tomoko[20-11-10].JPG
I personally find the it way sexier when a Japanese girl is "resisting" sex saying by "yada, yada. yamete" versus a Western pornstar aggressively screaming "Oh yeah baby! Fuck that pussy!". Matter of fact I find it to be a huge turn off when that happens in Western porn.

For me I love the aggression of white girls as well. Sometimes the dirty talk can get creative or even funny, one of the most memorable quotes I can think of is Sasha Grey in the middle of a gangbang, and after slipping away from a cock was accused by one douche of "running away". Visibly pissed, her response was one for the ages: "I'm not trying to run away, motherfucker. I'm trying to get more cock.":D The no holds barred and straightforward vernacular they adopt, making it known in no uncertain terms that they want to be fucked as hard as possible, makes it almost like a battle between the porn actors, which makes the performance energetic and intense. It's thrilling to watch the girl not be submissive. I wanna see her respond to either wanting it more, or not wanting it at all, which explains my activeness in the "woman trying to look tough while being r***ing" thread:p
This is a good discussion, so i will add my two cents. a few guys here in this thread bring up the "r*** is power not sex" line of thinking and i don't think that's the case in full. it's all about sex and the need to be loved. not many ugly 70 year old women get r***ing in real life, sure that does happen from time to time but it's few and far between. most female r*** victims ( there are female on male r*** victims but that's a topic for another thread) are young, between 11 to 25 when women are at the peak of they're beauty. i think the drive to see f***rced sex by men and women comes from different places for each sex.

for men, i think it is about having sex with a woman you feel you could not otherwise talk to, let alone fuck. women control all aspects of sex in the real world (no matter how much they say otherwise) and all men know this. how else can a guy with no money that feels that he is a loser with no hope or life think that he can fuck a girl that's a 9, 10 or a 11? he overpowers her. because women are the true gatekeepers of sex and the limiting factor for they have the power to choose. they have the power to say yes or no. when is the last time you or a male friend you know said no to a woman regarding sex? have you ever? how many times have your female friends said no to men offering sex in the last 24 hours? 3 times? 4? 10? the power to decide and command are the only true ways to have power and that's the power that women wield in the sexual arena. i think most men hate that the weaker sex gets to have so much power, so they turn to the only way they think that they can fulfill there needs, and that's thru force. this is so deep, that men feel that they have no worth to women so deeply that they can't even see themselves being chosen by these high value women in there minds eye. they can only see themselves doing it thru r***. even in they're dreams. it's sad really. they see themselves as having no chance. the male need to r***, i think, comes from a hatred of the self not of women. these folks want women to love them but don't think they can find love, warmth or sex with out the use of force. i also think that's why it's a big theme in japan. i have the feeling that men there feel hopeless, worthless and unlovable. I've never been to japan but from my study's of they're culture, it seems self hate is a big theme in japan all thru they're history. from the samurai's code of self harming to manga and anime to the NEET and otaku culture of male self hate and shame, this idea of self hate looms large over every aspect of Japanese life.

i have a my ideas on why women seek out r*** imagery and how it comes from a different place but this post is too long as it is. i'll post it later. so what do you guys think of my little theory? i know some of you guys live in japan or have done so for many years. any truth to my thoughts?

P.S this is why the gokkun genre is so big in japan as well. it's a woman choosing to take your seed into her body, all while staring you in the face. making deep eye contact. i have heard from people that have been to japan and from Japanese people themselves that they don't really make eye contact in day to day life. i find that there is something to the fact that one of the types of porn that japan is well known for and at the top of is a genre that has as one of it's core acts long, unbroken deep eye contect. i love gokkun and i want to look these women in the eyes and more importantly i think is that i want them to look me in the eyes back. just look at my avatar pic.

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When I meet a woman, I take sex out of the "equation." And then what do you have? Because if sex is all she has to offer, then you'll see how shallow she is. And if you fall for someone who's shallow, what does that say about you?

It doesn't matter what she's wearing, if she's flirting or whatever. I don't see her as attractive. Sex is a woman's ultimate weapon and guys will do just about anything (legal and illegal) to get it.

But I take a different approach. I stay ahead of the game. To me, sex is mental, first and foremost. And then the body follows. A woman can wear a provocative outfit and it could be to entice men and actually be a fashion statement at the same time. And guys know this, but they STILL want to play that game. They let themselves get turned on. I don't let that happen if I don't want to.

I see a lot of sexual attitudes based on ego. On both sides. A woman can tease a man, drive him crazy and never ever planned on having sex, but wanted to see if she still had "it." A man might want to have sex with a particular woman because she holds some sort of status. (celebrity, most attractive etc...) Or he wants to "teach her a lesson" for turning him on and show who's in control.

Like most guys, I've had bad experiences with women, but I never thought of r*** or anything. And to your point, I agree, some of it is men having self hatred. But I also think, sometimes, a woman messes with the wrong guy.

She plays one game too many and he decides to put a stop to it. Because women can be bullies. Not necessarily in the physical sense, but they verbally and emotionally beat down someone until that person has had enough. When that person has had enough, I'm not saying it manifests itself in r***. But that has happened.

When women talk shit to me, in the short run, it might piss me off, but in the long run, I know they'll pay for it. Not by me, but they'll run into someone or something they never saw coming and then they're humbled.

We ALL pay a price for who we are. Nice guys like me, pay a price early on. But in the end, who do women run to when they want stability and someone they can count on? A nice guy.

But there are women who have played so many games for so long, they can't get out of it to appreciate a nice guy and they go back to a familiar pattern. And another thing is this, women biggest competition is younger women. I've been saying for years that each succeeding generation of women are more sexual aggressive than their foremothers.

Did I say women?

I mean females! Because you have underage females who know about sex at their age, much more than their mothers ever did! And for some of them it's not quality, it's quantity!

Women have taken a page out of the men's playbook and they see guys as just another notch on their vibrator. Because they see fucking as a way to feed their ego, not teasing. What good is that going to do them? They want a hard dick inside them. Teasing a guy until he gets an erection doesn't do them any good if they are aware that there's another girl out there who will take advantage of the situation they've created.

Because as they say, it's a "small world." They were times if you fucked someone outside your race, that was taboo, but now...

Since people can connect on a global level, they're intrigued and the race is a turn on, not a deterrent.

But back to the subject of r***. I don't think there's just one reason for why someone does it.
When I meet a woman, I take sex out of the "equation." And then what do you have? Because if sex is all she has to offer, then you'll see how shallow she is. And if you fall for someone who's shallow, what does that say about you?

It doesn't matter what she's wearing, if she's flirting or whatever. I don't see her as attractive. Sex is a woman's ultimate weapon and guys will do just about anything (legal and illegal) to get it.

But I take a different approach. I stay ahead of the game. To me, sex is mental, first and foremost. And then the body follows. A woman can wear a provocative outfit and it could be to entice men and actually be a fashion statement at the same time. And guys know this, but they STILL want to play that game. They let themselves get turned on. I don't let that happen if I don't want to.

I see a lot of sexual attitudes based on ego. On both sides. A woman can tease a man, drive him crazy and never ever planned on having sex, but wanted to see if she still had "it." A man might want to have sex with a particular woman because she holds some sort of status. (celebrity, most attractive etc...) Or he wants to "teach her a lesson" for turning him on and show who's in control.

Like most guys, I've had bad experiences with women, but I never thought of r*** or anything. And to your point, I agree, some of it is men having self hatred. But I also think, sometimes, a woman messes with the wrong guy.

She plays one game too many and he decides to put a stop to it. Because women can be bullies. Not necessarily in the physical sense, but they verbally and emotionally beat down someone until that person has had enough. When that person has had enough, I'm not saying it manifests itself in r***. But that has happened.

When women talk shit to me, in the short run, it might piss me off, but in the long run, I know they'll pay for it. Not by me, but they'll run into someone or something they never saw coming and then they're humbled.

We ALL pay a price for who we are. Nice guys like me, pay a price early on. But in the end, who do women run to when they want stability and someone they can count on? A nice guy.

But there are women who have played so many games for so long, they can't get out of it to appreciate a nice guy and they go back to a familiar pattern. And another thing is this, women biggest competition is younger women. I've been saying for years that each succeeding generation of women are more sexual aggressive than their foremothers.

Did I say women?

I mean females! Because you have underage females who know about sex at their age, much more than their mothers ever did! And for some of them it's not quality, it's quantity!

Women have taken a page out of the men's playbook and they see guys as just another notch on their vibrator. Because they see fucking as a way to feed their ego, not teasing. What good is that going to do them? They want a hard dick inside them. Teasing a guy until he gets an erection doesn't do them any good if they are aware that there's another girl out there who will take advantage of the situation they've created.

Because as they say, it's a "small world." They were times if you fucked someone outside your race, that was taboo, but now...

Since people can connect on a global level, they're intrigued and the race is a turn on, not a deterrent.

But back to the subject of r***. I don't think there's just one reason for why someone does it.

yes my friend. i agree with you up to a point but it's not that "women can be bullies" as you say, it's that women are the biggest bullies and you as a man can't hit her in the face like you would a male bully. they hold all the power, the r*** idea takes that power away from them. that's why it's a "fate worse then death". she goes from all powerful to powerless in a matter of seconds and that scares the shit out of them but it also turns some of them on. i agree with like 80% of what you have said the only part a can't get with is this part here.

When women talk shit to me, in the short run, it might piss me off, but in the long run, I know they'll pay for it. Not by me, but they'll run into someone or something they never saw coming and then they're humbled.

We ALL pay a price for who we are. Nice guys like me, pay a price early on. But in the end, who do women run to when they want stability and someone they can count on? A nice guy.

sorry man, but the nice guy is the loser. he gets some pussy (which is all 95% of woman are good for anyway, most are just hunks of meat that pop out baby's with 3 holes to fuck. don't get me wrong a small few women are smart, interesting in there own right and care about more then collecting useless baubles and spending your money but not many) that's glory days are long past (i.e over 30 years old) and a woman that is willing to take whatever is as you say stable. your more then some used up hags second place prize that she can milk for money. the "bad boys" are the winners that get the pussy when it is new and clean and fresh. they do what they want to these girls and then kick them to the side. they are free my friend. they are not slaves to the pussy. the pussy is slaves to them. women cheat and act like whores because they want, they need a strong hand to tell them no. if you never say no you are a nice guy or a simp. the only real way to really win, to really have the power in a relationship is to say no. no you are not doing that and i'm not doing that. don't like it? there's the door. that's what woman do to us men all the time. they demand you to submit to they're will. all you have to do is say "no, i demand you submit to my will. don't like it? your free to leave" that's all the so called "bad boys" do. they demand respect. demand respect from a woman and she will chase you anywhere you go.

please don't take this the wrong way man. i'm not coming at you personally. i mean no disrespect and as i said i agree with most of what you have said. just don't be a "nice guy". be a man.

Edit note: edited for grammar.
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yes my friend. i agree with you up to a point but it's not that "women can be bullies" as you say, it's that women are the biggest bullies and you as a man can't hit her in the face like you would a male bully. they hold all the power, the r*** idea takes that power away from them. that's why it's a "fate worse then death". she goes from all powerful to powerless in a matter of seconds and that scares the shit out of them but it also turns some of them on. i agree with like 80% of what you have said the only part a can't get with is this part here.

sorry man, but the nice guy is the loser. he gets some pussy (which is all 95% of woman are good for anyway, most are just hunks of meat that pop out baby's with 3 holes to fuck. don't get me wrong a small few women are smart, interesting in there own right and care about more then collecting useless baubles and spending your money but not many) that's glory days are long past (i.e over 30 years old) and a woman that is willing to take whatever is as you say stable. you more then some used up hags second place prize that she can milk for money. the "bad boys" are the winners that get the pussy when it is new and clean and fresh. they do what they want to these girls and then kick them to the side. they are free my friend. they are not slaves to the pussy. the pussy is slaves to them. women cheat and act like whores because they want, they need a strong hand to tell them no. if you never say no you are a nice guy or a simp. the only real way to really win, to really have the power in a relationship is to say no. no you are not doing that and i'm not doing that. don't like it? there's the door. that's what woman do to us men all the time. they demand you to submit to they're will. all you have to do is say "no, i demand you submit to my will. don't like it? your free to leave" that's all the so called "bad boys" do. they demand respect. demand respect from a woman and she will chase you anywhere you go.

please don't take this the wrong way man. i'm not coming at you personally. i mean no disrespect and as i said i agree with most of what you have said. just don't be a "nice guy". be a man.

Nice guy for me doesn't mean loser, it means I avoid unnecessary trouble. That doesn't mean I can't take care of business when I have to. You have people who look for trouble and sooner or later they get more than they bargained for. I stated that the younger females don't have the hang ups of the older females. There's pussy to be had for sure,but it's not the biggest thing for me. Younger women want to fuck and there's usually no drama to it.

If you do things based around pussy, then how are you not a slave to it?

If you're pursuing women, how are you not a slave to them?

You really think telling a woman no is going to stop her? She could have a meaner, badder motherfucker hiding around the corner just waiting for her man to try some shit.

If you take time to deal with a woman and all her drama, how are you not a slave to that? I don't care if a guy has to put her in her place. I have better things to do.

Bad boys are bad, but they also have to sleep with one eye open because they've fucked someone over. When was the last time you saw a "bad boy" at peace? He's not free. He can fuck all the women he wants, but he's a slave to something else and maybe scared of something else. Give me an example of someone who doesn't serve a master? Everyone is running from something or to something.

It's not like fucking is something that isn't common. But no one fucks whoever they want whenever they want. Not even bad boys.

If I'm going to live for something, it's going to be something that stands the test of time. To me, a piece of ass doesn't stand the test of time. Like I said, it's about ego.

A guy can fuck 1,000 women and what does that shit mean when he's on his death bed or buried in an umarked grave because no one knows or cares who the fuck he is? As I take my last dying breath, fuck, I can say I slept with 5,000 women! Who's going to refute that? What is it going to mean? Now if I was a porn star, yeah, all the women I fuck would mean something.

If my name is passed down through history because something I've accomplished, I'll take that. The rest of the world can be nameless, faceless and fuck all they want.
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