(Saori Hara Alliance)
Where do I start!..so many great comments.:goodmood:
@uk21 dude!! plz plz stop calling me sir :scared:. if anything it should be other way around.
Calm down
channel2556..It's ok if you don't want to be called sir.
It's just a little thing we got going on the thread..I was just joking around saying as I am from the UK, I give my friends honorary knighthoods.
You know like
knights of the round table.....we are the knights of the
Saori Hara Alliance, protectors of
miss Saori .:hero:
I know you think I am crazy:lols: so if anybody else hates me calling them Sir..just say and I will take that knighthood away.:casual:
uk, please get all the iso you have of saori, and make a thread, its good for collections..
Hi Sir jetx66...sorry I called you Sir.
This is something I love to do in the future, I have posted some ISOs of
miss Saori before on
akiba,but they were compressd DVDISO's.
My plan is to post the DVD9 (uncompressed) versions of all of
miss Saori videos sometime,But thats going to take a long time to do and bandwidth.:exhausted: but for now I just have not got the time..
.my friend:casual:
If you want the links to the ones I have posted..just ask.
Dude! i think "this" thread is best of Soari Hara on Akiba, possibly best on the internet. What you get here is not only her complete collection of Adult movies collection but also her Gravure details and gossip and news about her life, her future works, her awards ceremonies.
uk21 is doing all this out of any greed or hunger for money. That why you dont see trend changing in this thread as compare to other thread like some time to filesonic and oron and currently ongoing wupload and uploadstation.
Thank you
channel2556 for your kind words, I'm humbled.:bow-pray:
I am really glad you like this thread and saying it's the best on
Akiba or even the internet, makes me really happy.( even got a tear in my eye).:cry:
But I just got to say this, when I first joined akiba, I always wanted to do my own little thread on
miss Saori.
I know it sounds crazy..I just did not have the confidence at the time:scared:, I really thought I would make a mess of it and I knew there was already a picture thread dedicated to
miss Saori on akiba.
So I put it off for awhile..then I became friends with
alternity or
Sir alternity as I like to called him.
I found out he really liked
miss Saori too:cheer: and I told him I was thinking about doing a picture thread on her.
He really thought it was a great idea and he said just go for it ..in so many words.plus he offered to help..which in turn gave me confidence.
I thought I change it from being just a picture thread to what you see today.
Sir alternity came up with his beautiful artwork :beautiful: and I worked on the words the best I could, I wanted the first page to be like a little story of
miss Saori.
I just hope I have done
miss Saori justice with that first page and the thread..because I thought she be around for a long time...But now it's like a thread of her memories in a way, makes me really sad to think this way..but I know it's true.:sigh:
So you can thank
Sir alternity for this thread without him, this would never have happend...plus thanks to
Sir icsaigon,Sir lowleg,Sir boyen for helping me though some hard times:bow-pray:
Well thanks to you all really, you make this thread..what it is

I just hope furture fans and admirers come on this thread
( as long as akiba is live) and enjoy the pics and the videos as much as me the first time I seen them
(I may be long gone by then), but this will make me really happy:grassdance: and I know this is going to sound corny..this is all the payment I need .:happy:
Before this thread gets OUT OF CONTROL!!! :scared: Please stay on the topic of Saori Hara!
Sorry about that asnfile..we will stay topic.:relief:
Hello uk21...
thanks for sharing about saori hara... keep posting about her :cheer: .... she is one of my fav JAV star.... i allways wait for your new post

bakachan23..its ok if I call you
Sir bakachan23:joker:
Its no problem my friend..I glad you enjoying the thread and I will keep posting a long as I can, you can be sure of that.
Thanks for your words..always appreciated.

who would have thought we made it these far..... at first is just sir uk21, icsaigon, lowleg and me... then boyen came along.... then the rest of you guys... you're the coolest!!!!
though its been over for saori hara's as jav idol.... we will continue to provide the altest info, video and the coolest wallpaper

its only a beginning guys so expect nothing less..... :bow-pray:
Who are you..you must be new here.:joker:
Its always a pleasure
Sir alternity to hear from you.:bow-pray:
you right it only the beginning...:cheer:
can't wait to see saori dvd box but i hope it have blu ray ver as well :joker:
Sir nepos
Something I did not mention before ..this boxset has 130 minutes of brand new video, but its probably bits they left out of
miss Saori previous movies...:dunno:
I was hoping for some sort of interview..we have not seen before.:sigh:
Plus their should be a blu ray version out really.

I'm the one should be thankin you guys
this is the most dedicated thread ever for one artist!
Sir tankbustaz I hope its ok if I call you sir.:joker:
No thank you for your comments and just coming on the thread.
and this thread is made by die-hard true fan of miss Saori, for non profit use
Thanks again for your comment.. I just want to say I would never post anything for profit..its just not my style:nooo:
And as for being a die-hard true fan of
miss Saori..there are probably more die-hard fans
out there then me.:joker:
Right I think I have answered all your comments:exhausted:..sorry for going on.
Now a bit of news....thanks to
dumasp for the heads up on this.:bow-pray:
I just found out that
miss Saori made a film with a company in my country:surprised: RME FILMS base in Middlesex in the UK.
Its called
miss Saori plays the lead venus a Roman goddess principally associated with love, beauty and fertility....see somebody thinks the same as me.:joker:
Saori Hara Venus
Alex Kovas Venus Maniac Alex
Freddie Ingles Angel Michael
Sonoya Mizuno Forest Guard
James Mordaunt Angel Jophiel
Ralph Skan Angel Raphael
Barney Lindsell Angel
Darren Ellis Sculptor
Kavana Crossley Angel Kakabel
Martin Collins Eros
Cassius O'Connell-White Angel Cassiel
Alan Vincent David
Daniel Fontannaz Angel Gabriel
Stefan Leadbeater Angel Sariel
Megan Saunders Forest Mother Megan
Carl Harrison Forest Lover Carl
Its a Japan/UK co-produced film and it was shown at Cannes this year and is shot in english...so we may hear
miss Saori speak english for the first time.

I know she was leaning english..I tell you more about that some other time.
Here are a few wepage links for you..
official webpage..its got pics, but they are so small!:dunno:
A review of the film..it says it not very good...but I don't care, I just have to get this film when it comes out.
Cannes webpage
BTW the name
(Saori Hara Alliance) was down to
Sir alternity..I just thought I let you know.
well thanks for coming on the thread and all your great comments.:bow-pray:
I see you soon.......