Hi (Saori Hara Alliance)
I hope everybody is well...
Thank you loveshuffle, welcome to the SHA and I hope you come back again.cool thread
thx for the vids
It's no problem, I hope you enjoy.:tea:
right my friend.... if i recall shes holding a katana on that cover instead of a flower......
ofcourse i will give justice to that cover pic..... i really like to use that pic.... if only i have a better resolution......
Hi Sir alternity, yes your right about miss Saori holding in a katana in that picture.
I wish I could get you a hi res version of that picture, But I might have one somewhere in my massive picture archive of miss Saori:joker:
Plus like I said before that picture is from STAR197..one of your favorites, if I recall Sir alternity
If you look on the left side of the dvd cover, you see miss Saori holding the katana in a similar pose as the picture on the Graduation video.
Talking of the Graduation video, in my last post I may have given you the impression, that I did not care for the Graduation box set.
I am just mainly disappointed with the DVD cover as SOD have always done beautiful DVD covers, I love every picture of miss Saori,But I wish they did some kind of picture montage for the cover.:dunno: and I wish there was a nice new interview with miss Saori, but I knew that was not going to happen.:sigh:
But one thing I do like about the boxset is Disc 1 Video montage ,it's at the start and it's about 2 minutes long, when I first watched that it just brought a tear to my eye:runintears: (yes I know you think I am sad)
The music and the video clip choice was just right, it got a dream like quality to it, ...I just love that Video montage
The person at SOD who put that together, has my whole hearted thanks.:bow-pray:
Heres a few little screenshots....
Anyway I just added Disc1,2 and 3 of the Graduation video to the MKV section.... all are 510MB:tea:
Go here...
Here are the videos on Disc 1,2 and 3
I will post Disc4 soon, in the meantime here is the torrent for the AVI version...
Size= 5.05GB (Disc1=1.01GB AVI Disc2=1.00GB AVI Disc3=972MB AVI Disc4=1.03GB AVI Disc5=1.07GB AVI)
I put the torrent and the screenshots in a zip file......
Miss Saori~SDDS020 T.zip
(1.9 MB)
Well I leave you with this funny pic of miss Saori,..
It looks like Miro is not too impressed with miss Saori:surprised:
I hope you enjoy..:tea:
Thanks for all your comments, Plus I love to know what you think of the Graduation video.:bow-pray: